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DEE151 06-09-2011 06:12 PM


today i hit bies & tries had a wicked arm pumps everything on me is looking thick and i am loving how this cycle is going for me. not loving the break outs on my shoulders lol.

DEE151 06-23-2011 01:56 PM


so this cycle is going very well for me so fare i have put on 12lbs still got a lil gyno going on due to the fact my letro was bunk. so i am taking 40mg of nolva till it goes down.

my strength has been very good doing heavy reps for longer period of time with out getting tired. been taking 500iu 2x of hcg but my balls still look small.

over all this cycle is bomb the gear from Z is very smooth great gear and i love it. if you have not tried Z's gear you need to place an order and give this guy a shot like every one els.

DEE151 06-27-2011 10:44 PM


well 2 more wks and my cycle is going to come to an end :(
did my shot this morning befor i had to go to work. went to the gym after work and did chest work out, my strength is up there and my shoulders and traps are pretty nice looking you can defiantly tell i put some great size on from my shoulders traps and my back has gotten way thicker again.

Robbie 06-28-2011 02:58 PM

this the stuff off uncle z?

DEE151 06-28-2011 09:30 PM


Originally Posted by Robbie (Post 13599)
this the stuff off uncle z?

yes good shit. you should give him a try

DEE151 07-04-2011 09:25 PM

well one more wk and my cycle is done :(
i have had a lil gyno threw this hole entire cycle and it wont go away. i have been taking 2.5mg of letro ed and the last 2 wks been taking 40mg of nolva ed and the lump still wont go away. other then that Z\'s oils are very smooth and good. started the cycle at 170lbs today i am at 182lbs so 12lbs for my
7th cycle i am good with that.

DEE151 07-15-2011 02:57 PM

did my last shot yesterday morning and hit bie & tries and this morning i can not go to the gym cause I have to watch my lil one. this sucks. so on a 10wk cycle I put on 12lbs...
Uncle Zzz gear is bomb stuff guys i really like it. if you have not tried it now is the time to try it cause he gots a phat sale going on....
I will start my pct in 2wks. my pct layout is going to be for 4wks it will look like this.

clom 100/100/50/50
nolva 40/40/20/20

dfwtp 10-18-2011 04:41 PM

how much of the 12 did you keep. get some more?

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