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DEE151 05-06-2011 06:34 PM

my cycle
So I got some Z euro pharm and a lil bit of deca left over that I am going to throw in. this cycle will start on this coming up Monday.

My stats.
29yr old 7th cycle

1-10 test e 750mg wk
1-8 materon 400mg wk
1-3 winny 40mg ed

clom 100/100/50/50
nolva 40/40/20/20
hcg 500iu x2 wk

will update this about once a week wen I start it.

DEE151 05-09-2011 01:45 PM

just did 1.5ml of test and 1ml masteron. went in smooth. now i got to go to work here soon, not shire if i will be able to make it to the gym today but I will try.

DEE151 05-09-2011 09:23 PM

just got back from the gym had a great work out, todays work out was bi & tri, calf and cardio.

Robbie 05-10-2011 12:39 PM

sounding good bro :)

Cornish_Celt 05-12-2011 07:39 AM

Soundibg good, can you put a copy of your workout program up

eazy 05-12-2011 09:01 AM

Nice cycle !

DEE151 05-12-2011 08:18 PM

Monday- bies and tries shoulder shrugs and abbs 30mins cardio

Tuesday- strictly shoulder only and of course rear delts, and calf raises, abbs and 30mins cardio

Wensday- strictly legs abbs and 30mins cardio

Thursday- strictly chest and shoulder shrugs abbs 30mins cardio

Friday strictly all back calf raises and abbs 30mins cardio

Sat and Sun rest and repeat. now some times i end up doing just 20mins of cardio some times it all depends i am a busiy guy between work school and being a dad to my lil guy.

DEE151 05-16-2011 01:45 PM

just did my thing this morning. i would say i can defiantly fill the strength has wen up taking the winny. every oral i have done it take about a week for it to kick in and the next thing i know i am already putting up more weight. if I can make it to the gym today, todays work out will be.

Monday- bies and tries shoulder shrugs and abbs 30mins cardio :p

DEE151 05-23-2011 09:28 PM


todays work out was great i can defiantly fill the gear kicking in and the winny is some bomb shit muscle are getting nice and hard wen i get a great pump going on. over all i am loving the cycle.

DEE151 05-31-2011 01:50 PM


cycle is going great and my strength is aw some right now every thing is going real good just one thing. i am starting to break out on my shoulder lol i hate wen this happens :mad:

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