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Barman 11-10-2012 12:47 PM

Oh yeh mate quads and be a hit and miss i just do glutes now and i was doing EoD injections was fine

James42 11-13-2012 02:32 PM

I pinned my other quad yesterday. I figured i should just get the muscles used to it. It feels like someone took a baseball bat to my legs. It really sucks because i work construction and its effecting my work.
Im up 7 pounds and feeling pretty bloated. I dont really feel any increase in my strength and recovery yet. Im hoping that kicks in soon

Barman 11-14-2012 11:47 AM

Dont worry it will come try and lift slightly heavy weights u might be amazed :) if quads are to much pin in glut theres tons of nerves and vains in the quads and it can hurt like hell

James42 11-14-2012 08:22 PM

Ill give the glute a try tomorrow for sure

James42 11-15-2012 06:13 PM

I pinned my glute today for the first time. It didnt go real smooth because i was moving around alot. Hopefully i even got it in the muscle.
I upped my adex to .5 mg eod for now. The bloat from the dbol is pretty extreme. Im up 11pounds so far. I keep having to remind myself that its physically impossible that its fat gain so i stay on track with my diet.
Did heavy squats and high rep deadlifts yesterday. No major improvement in strength yet but i had some crazy pumps in my back.

Barman 11-15-2012 09:37 PM

Wow!!! bro thats alot up your water intake more and cut salt down if not drop it all together and stick to complex carbs oats brown rice whole gain pastas and breads.

James42 11-17-2012 01:00 PM


Originally Posted by Barman (Post 25352)
Wow!!! bro thats alot up your water intake more and cut salt down if not drop it all together and stick to complex carbs oats brown rice whole gain pastas and breads.

My diet is good. Complex carbs, lots of water. I've read that some guys just blow up on dbol nommatter what. I'm up to 199 pounds from 184 in just over a week so I guess I'm one of those guys.
On a positive note. Yesterday I officially felt the power. Strength is up big time on all upper body lifts and I fucked the wife pre and post workout yesterday.

Barman 11-18-2012 08:39 PM

Oh dam hate that lol i get like that on deca lol see power comes with dbol lol bro are you sure you didnt take viagra pills by mistake lol :P hows training coming along for you? any goals in mind atm like doing it for a show powerlifting or just yourself?? :) good luck eitehr way mate

James42 11-18-2012 09:07 PM

Training is going real good barman. I just finished up heavy deadlifts followed by high rep squats. My goals are just for myself. I want to be bigger, faster and stronger.
I don't know if it's the test or the dbol but I feel like a kid again.

Barman 11-19-2012 06:16 PM

Oh good always need goals in mind :) mine is to some shows right now its getting bigger :) Id say its more so the test but dbol can have that affect on people ha ive being on other boards and some guy says if he feels a bit "down" lol he pops 50mgs of dbol and is sorted till his viagra lol

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