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James42 11-01-2012 10:20 PM

James's first cycle log
Im not real good at keeping a detailed log but ill update this periodically throughout my cycle.
right now im almost one week into my first clen cycle. Im going to do one more week of clen and then jump on the gear. Im really impressed with kalpas clen. Ive dropped from 12% to 11% bodyfat in the last week while on the same calories as i was cutting on before. Its usually really slow cutting for me once i get down this low but the fat is melting amazingly fast right now.
My whole cycle will be kalpa products from gbn.
Weeks 1-12 500mg test e
Weeks 1-4 40-50mg dbol per day
arimidex .5mg eod(adjust as needed)
Pct will be nolva and clomid

Barman 11-02-2012 12:43 PM

Just update as you can mate :) talk about how you feel whats going on with you and so on good fun good luck

James42 11-02-2012 04:42 PM

My routine will be jim wenders 531 three month challange. Its a very intense program that is designed to pack on as much mass as possible in three months but still makes strength a priority.
Ive been doing 531 for awhile now and i think this is the method of training i will use for the rest of my lifting career. The core of the program is always the same, focusing on gaining strength on the big compound lifts. The assistance work is taylord the your current goals.

James42 11-06-2012 10:25 AM

Im up to 160mcg a day of clen. The sides are almost non existent this week. Im thinking about bumping it up to 200 for the rest of the week.
My first pinn will be on monday, cant wait. Im so sick of cutting

mrphil 11-06-2012 12:39 PM

You nee to do cardio in order to cut.

Dbol is not for cutting definitely.


Originally Posted by James42 (Post 24923)
Im up to 160mcg a day of clen. The sides are almost non existent this week. Im thinking about bumping it up to 200 for the rest of the week.
My first pinn will be on monday, cant wait. Im so sick of cutting

James42 11-06-2012 04:48 PM


Originally Posted by mrphil (Post 24926)
You nee to do cardio in order to cut.

Dbol is not for cutting definitely.

Im not starting my cycle until my cut is over. Im at about 10-12% bodyfat right now so im going to start my bulk next monday. I want to start lean and stay lean.
Also, cardio is not necessary for cutting. A calorie deficit is all thats needed. Wether you choose to get the deficit from diet or cardio is totally optional. I usually slow bulk to around 13% bf and then cut down to around 10%. The only cardio i ever do is hill sprints every once in awhile if i feel like my body is getting sluggish

James42 11-08-2012 09:32 PM

I decided to start my cycle today. I did my first injection of test e. It went smooth as can be. A slight ache afterwards but it went away in a couple hours.
i also took 40mgs of dbol.
Im still on a calorie deficit(2100cals). Im going to slowly increase them over the next week. Il probably start out at 3500 cals and go from there.
My starting weight is about 185 pounds. My goal weight for this bulk is 210 with minimal fat gain. Is this a reasonable goal or am i dreaming?
Also starting tomorrow i will start taking .25mg of armidex every other day to keep bloat and estro down.

Barman 11-09-2012 02:49 PM

can be done yeh but rememebr some will be water and glycogen as well. keep diet perfect and train hard with lots of rest ud prob want to up the kcals pretty quick and add some more in as your weight goes up maybe? up to you at the end of the day doe

Huge Tom 11-09-2012 03:12 PM

I will keep an eye on this log bro.

James42 11-10-2012 12:17 PM

Ive got a little limp in my walk from my quad injection. Its a little swollen and pretty sore. Im assuming this is just because im hittting virgin muscle.

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