Originally Posted by tj805
I think I read something about it. It is really a matter of debate, but unless I am mistaken it has something to do with the deep sleep you go into on GHB. Your body produces natural human growth hormone while you sleep, so while on a cycle GHB is supposed to put you in such a deep sleep it helps increase this hormone production as well as assists in recovery. I could be wrong, but I think that is what I got from the article I read. If I was a gear supplier though, I don't think I would stock it either, just due to the stigma that comes with it. 
Yea, supplying that would be a reason or someone to get mad. I dont know enough about its uses, but I do know that it is used one way for sure, and I would not be surprised at all if that is the reason no one wants to supply it. No one cares what we do to ourselves, well but us, and to help each other. But that steps on some slippery slope stuff. Again, I do not know though. I am not judging anyone here.