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new-Jedi 01-12-2016 05:33 PM


Originally Posted by Yolked (Post 44004)
If anyone in here has run tren, when did you start noticing anything? ive read anywhere from people noticing results after 4-5 days all the way to not noticing anything till the 4th week. I know everyone's body is different. I would like to hear some input.

To be honest, I've never done Tren. Just order a small amount though.

I think it depends on the Tren half life. I know CC has a well thought out section here about Tren, it's types and sides.

I know it's much stronger than test.

I think if it's Tren e, it takes longer to kick in.

Tren A is faster I believe. But others can tell you for sure.

stillgoingstron 01-12-2016 05:41 PM

Tren cough can happen first time, last time, any time in between or with luck never. Its not a build up thing.

Yolked 01-12-2016 09:37 PM


Originally Posted by stillgoingstron (Post 44007)

I can't remember exactly but I'm sure the trensomnia didn't really show for quite a while. If I'm honest, even though tren ace is supposed to be faster acting, I don't remember anything happening that quick. Maybe the strength increase, although gradual, was the first thing to happen.

As you say, we're all different, but that's my memory/experience.

i honestly feel like im sleeping better now then i did before

Yolked 01-12-2016 09:39 PM


Originally Posted by stillgoingstron (Post 44009)

Tren cough can happen first time, last time, any time in between or with luck never. Its not a build up thing.

yes, i know. thats why i think it is strange that i havent gotten a hint of at least some tren cough. But i am cautious to aspirate after i pin

stillgoingstron 01-12-2016 09:55 PM


Originally Posted by Yolked (Post 44014)
yes, i know. thats why i think it is strange that i havent gotten a hint of at least some tren cough. But i am cautious to aspirate after i pin

So am I and I've still had it a few times :)

stillgoingstron 01-12-2016 09:59 PM


Originally Posted by Yolked (Post 44013)
i honestly feel like im sleeping better now then i did before

Not everyone gets all the sides. Some don't even get any. I have a feeling you wont be saying that in a few weeks, but fingers crossed maybe you will!

Keep us all posted though. Looking forward to you writing about the strength increases and the drying out.

Yolked 01-15-2016 04:54 PM

first day back since tuesday. I Had a nice couple days off. much needed.
That time off gave me a chance to think, and i am switching up routines. I got to thinking that sheiko probably isnt the best routine to run while on a tren cycle. On sheiko you are doing a lot of submaximal weight and rarely go above 80%. You never really get to push your maxes and hit higher weight. sheiko is all about neural efficiency and frequency.
I am going back to just a simple linear program, so i can try to progress every single workout.
Im going on my routine i created years ago and the program i always give out to beginners or anyone looking for a good training program.
Obviously mine is going to be a little different, as i am going to cater it to my needs. It is an upper/lower split, which i love. My main focus is to increase my bench, deadlift, and squat with some assistance exercises to eliminate imbalances and strengthen my core lifts.

Today went as follows
bench- 295 3x4 (one more set with a slingshot and got 6 reps)
pulldown- 5x8-12
cable flys- 4x10
seated OHP- 4x10
standing calf raise- 4x8-10
shrugs- 185 3x8-10 (slow eccentric, held for a two count at top)
tricep pushdown- 4x8-10
ab wheel

stillgoingstron 01-15-2016 05:50 PM

Definitely see where you're coming from with this. While I appreciate the limitations of the 5 x 5 program I like the fact that I see increases every time I do it. I know it's a marathon not a sprint but when you've only got 12 weeks or so it's nice to see the numbers go up. You can consolidate afterwards.

Yolked 01-16-2016 04:50 AM


Originally Posted by stillgoingstron (Post 44062)

Definitely see where you're coming from with this. While I appreciate the limitations of the 5 x 5 program I like the fact that I see increases every time I do it. I know it's a marathon not a sprint but when you've only got 12 weeks or so it's nice to see the numbers go up. You can consolidate afterwards.

im gonna be running it in the 3-5 rep range. once i hit 5 reps im going to add weight

stillgoingstron 01-16-2016 05:47 AM

Watch those strength gains rocket!

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