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Good luck on the change of program.
After my cycle, I went into a higher rep range, with periods of low rep heavy days. I think because of that, even bring off cycle for months has made it so I'm still getting stronger. It's much slower and not as much, but still. The only exercises I've lost ground on are those I haven't been constantly doing. This next cycle with be a cut, so I don't suspect I'll see much strength increases. However, I still plan on having days here I go in the 5 rep range. |
today marks 2 weeks on cycle. still nothing really noticeable. still running 50mg 6 days a week. started caber last monday at .5mg twice a week and i can tell that it legit. having sex twice a day and erections are hard as a rock.
today i felt really good. weight went up good bench- 315 3x3 then 315x6 with slingshot. I probably could of gotten 4 reps with each sets if i really grinded it. BB shrugs- 185 4x8-10 DB seated OHP- 40's 4x8-10 widegrip pulldowns- 5x8-10 calf raises- 4-8-10 decline situps- 4x8-12 tricep rope pushdowns- 4x8-12 (final set dropset) this is the first workout where i think i may have gained some strength. just on friday i benched 295 3x4. now just a few days later i did 20 pound more for 3x3 feeling like i could of gotten another rep. |
you should be noticing something, like night sweats and getting alittle hot flashes, what brand you using? personally I woulda ran it 100mgs EOD instead of 50mgs ED, most people will say its the same but IMO it makes a difference
So you have got 'noticeable' strength gains :) I've never got night sweats but I do sweat very quickly and easily as soon as I did anything remotely strenuous. No sign of trensomnia yet? |
well, just got back from the gym. Kind of disappointed by the numbers i hit today.
deadlift- 455 2x3 1x2 (couldn't get the third, so lowered it to 405) 405 2x4 315- 2x7 leg press- 8 plates 4x8 (last set did 3 sets of rest pause) seated row- 3x8-10 straight arm pulldown- 3x8-10 leg extension- 3x8-12 lateral raise- 4x8-10 seated curl machine- 5x8-10 really pissed about how low that deadlift weight it. i've deadlifted 525 just a couple weeks ago, if you put the 455x3 in a 1rm calculator it puts me at 492 pounds. (i know they arent 100% accurate, but its still disappointing) |
I found if I tried to max out deadlift week in week out I didn't increase or even couldn't lift what could before
so lowered weight and done more reps or done 5x5 traning or my fave at moment pyramid up and down eddie hall style and found an increase when finally went for the max lifts no more than once month personally hit pb with 190kg yesterday but was just the one rep and didn't look the neatest lift but got it up |
Would have to agree. l find that when going for strength gains it's the cns that needs recovery not just the muscles worked. Might help to ease up every now and then. |
im not doing anything less then a triple, and i'm controlling my volume on my real heavy sets. Only doing a few sets of 3-5 then a couple back off sets, then my accessories.
i agree the deadlift is not like the bench and squat where you need to feel that weight on your hands or on your back. Deadlift you can get away and actually make better progress doing "higher" reps and staying away from heavy singles. |
Kalpa is good gear and you obviously know what you're doing so I'm sure you'll see some good progress real soon.
l only bang on about over training and sufficient rest because as I've got older I've realised how important it is and wish I'd listened to those who kept trying to tell me. |
looks like everything is on point, keep eating lots and train your ass off, in couple more weeks if your not seeing any gains I would up the dose to 75mgs that is still a good safe dosage for a first time user of tren
I'm surprised your not seeing gains. I don't think it's the gear though. Gears only one tool. I have a friend, and he added test and thought he was gonna be a huge dude just because he added test.
I am seeing gains again off cycle. I'm eating less than on cycle too. I just think the Kalpa gear really kicked my body into accepting the fact I am making it grow. So, I'm betting you'll soon see great gains. Are you doing a base of test too? I know it's a dumb question, but I thought I'd ask. |
had a good last couple days. tuesday after my workout i went and got a tattoo ive been wanting for a couple years now. Its my fifth one, and i love it. yesterday was my off day and also had my yearly appointment with my endocrinologist (guy is a dumbass) but he gives me my prescription.
today i had upper body, and it went very well. i dont know if the tren is starting to kick in now, if its placebo, or if it was my tattoo making me look and feel badass, but i had that alpha male feeling today. I loved the way i looked in the mirror and was ready to fuck shit up the entire workout. today i was trying to get 315 for 4x4, as last time i got it 4x3. Well i hit my goal besides the last rep on the last set i had to get a little help from my spotter. I am sure if i rested another min i would of been good on the last rep. i felt like i could of gone forever today. After bench i did: seated row- 6x8-10 seated lateral raise- 4x10-12 incline bench -3x8 cable flys- 5x8-10 tricep rope pushdown- 4x8-12 decline sit ups- 4x8-12 as you can see i did a little more volume then usual, but like i said, i literally had to stop myself from pumping out more sets. *ADVICE* my "natural" weight is around 160-170 and i maintained that weight for a majority of my lifting life. But a couple years ago when i started powerlifting i was tired of being small and shredded and decided i needed to put on some serious weight. been between 210-230 for a couple years now and ever since then my blood pressure has always been in the higher range (130/80's) my blood pressure when i was 160-170 pounds was always relatively low (110's/60's) i just got it checked yesterday and it was at 140/90 now im not super concerned as its not that high, but its obviously higher then i would like. Ive been searching to see whats some of the best things to do to lower BP, but i would like to hear from you guys as to what advice you have. |
still not feeling much of anything.
I am still progressing in my lifts. got 415 4x4 on squat, but today i was still stuck on 315 4x4 on bench today. I did get 4 reps instead of 3 like i did last upper body session but, im not getting any crazy strength gains like i heat should be happening by now (3 weeks tomorrow) I did do another 50mg pin today, which makes 350mg tren a week and will continue to do this |
I'm just wonder what you expect to get on tren. Off of Kalpa test e, I got epic strength gains.
I pinned 200mg tren E a few times in the last three weeks with around the same of test E and my blood pressure has gone through the roof! Haven't pinned anything at all for a week and won't be going do until its back to haha normal. I'm giving blood in 4 days so that should lower my hemacrit/RBC levels. Apart from that I've knocked sugary carbs on the head, been eating loads of beetroot, taken fish oil, 3000mg magnesium and potassium daily and loads if vitamin C. I'll be eating 4ozs celery daily as of tomorrow. My blood pressure has reduced from an average 144/93 to around 136/90. Still not normal for me yet tho. It was averaging 132/83 a month or so ago. The problem with doing everything at once is that I don't what, if anything is lowering it or whether it's just the tren leaving my system and to he honest I can't be totally sure it's the tren that's caused it. It's just too much of a coincidence to presume it's not. I appreciate you won't want to lower carbs just now. So I'd start with 3g of potassium and magnesium daily and up your fish oil and see if that helps. It won't be an instant result though. I've also bought a load of coQ10 and will taking 100mg ED for at least 3 months. This is supposed to more or less guarantee to lower it. I'll start a proper thread on blood pressure soon and post my experience. I'm quite anal at researching and then recording what happens. Good luck and as far as I'm concerned neither of us is close to being too worried yet. My immediate concern is passing a medical for my job, so I need to get it down fairly quick. After that I can chill out and look for longer term solutions. |
also why not leave it EOD 100mg instead of Ed 50mg also for mass and strength I am fan of deca myself and found always gained most on it but could also be lot of water but it don't give you the same look as tren |
and im shooting ED to keep sides minimal and levels as even as possible and to make the dosing simpler |
hmmm how is your diet? are you eating enough?
Yea, I read Tren was way stronger than Test E, so I'd expect to get good results as long as you're eating enough and your sessions are on point.
I guess the best thing to do would be adjust food intake, and training. You certainly should see results from tren. When I did test e it was my first cycle, and I ate way more than I needed too, considering I had put plenty of body fat on and I still seen simular gains off of 300 less cals per week. I think I've found my maintance stage, because I'm not gaining or losing weight right now. I'm eating healthy. That's the only suggestion I can think of. Would blood work help you find the solution? |
I think you're heading very nicely in the right direction. If I compare photos of me running test only with tren and test I look a fair bit bigger on just test but I know that's deceptive. I was a lot stronger on the tren with much less water. It's just different. You'll be very glad you ran this cycle by the time you've finished. |
had a solid workout yesterday, today is a rest day.
I was at a new gym, so my routine was thrown off a bit but overall still went well. I decided to take a big jump in weight, just because i felt good, and wanted to show off. i jumped the weight on squat from 410 4x4 to 455 4x2 It was a struggle, but all reps went up smooth with no grinders. going for 455 4x3 on friday after that i did some more high rep accessory work including leg press, leg curl, leg extension, back extension, lateral raise, and bicep curls. |
still nothing drastic to note, but the past 4 nights in a row i have had vivid dreams, when before for months i cannot remember one dream i had.
still no night sweats, or insomnia. I do seem to be getting hot flashes. mostly just happens and work, so not sure if i just get hot from work or from the tren. today was upper body. i decided to change my rep range from 3-5 to 2-4. i just feel after 3-4th rep, especially on bench, my form breaks down, my back starts to slide on the bench and my shoulders come untucked. bench- 325 4x2 (all went up nice and easy, could've hit a solid 3 on every set, but i didnt have a spotter and didnt want to risk misgrooving and killing myself. seated row- 5x8-10 calf raise- 5x8-10 OHP- 4x8-10 cable flys- 4x8-10 BB shrugs- 225 4x6-8 dips- 2x8-10 rope pushdowns- 3x8-12 ab wheel- 4x8-10 |
also wanted to note that i have had no tren cough. even though a few times i have had blood come out when pulling out needle, so i know i hit a vein
woke up today with an extremely sore lower back from yesterdays deadlift workout.
I decided to start/keep pulling sumo and see how strong i can get that ( i have always been a conventional puller) and i pulled an all time PR of 535! pretty happy about that. 525 is the most ive pulled conventional, and i havent maxed on sumo in over half a year, but the last time i did max it was 455. body weight is right around 225 which is ten pound up and im still looking just as lean IMO |
well, squats felt super heavy today and i barely eeked out 465 3x2. did a few back off sets with 405 and i was fried. Did a lot of high rep volume work after that.
bench seems to be improving more then anything, but we will see. |
i did want to say on thursday i finally hit a PR worth mentioning. I got 425 on bench in a slingshot. To put into perspective, the last time i tried to max out with a slingshot i got 385 a couple months ago
i was super stoked about this, but then on friday i fell off my high horse when i failed a 545 deadlift. |
i can definitely feel like its kicking in now, but im still not getting the "god like gains" like i always hear about. I have gotten quite a few compliments people saying i'm looking bigger. Im still looking just as lean even 12ish pounds heavier then when i started. Weighed in a 226 this morning.
On monday i hit a 375 pound raw bench fairly smoothly. I misgrooved it, so i struggled to get it back into position, but once i did i locked it out nicely. Im hoping for a 405 bench by the time this is done. I would be very happy about that. Yesterday squats felt really good as i was warming up. 505-510 is my all time max i have ever done, but i've never hit it super consistently. I would range between 475-505. Yesterday i hot 505 super smooth. I could of easily did a double. But i had a lapse in judgment after that. Instead of just adding 10 or so pounds and taking a PR i got greedy and decided to make a huge jump to 555. I honestly thought i could do it. The tren was just whispering in my ear i guess. I unracked it and it felt good. It didn't feel like it was crushing my spine or that it was too heavy. I took my breath, and i should of reset because my inhale just didn't feel right, and i didn't feel as braced as i should be. But i went down and went too low below parallel, but i tried to shoot back up and went up slightly then let it go. I didn't want to fry my CNS from grinding out my squat. |
not too bad, 12lbs at a dose of 50mgs EOD isnt too bad bro:cool:
Reading your log, it seems to me like the tren is doing OK. 12 lbs lean muscle and a fair bit of strength gains. |
and as far as the weight gain its far from lean muscle. I would say 2-3 pounds of muscle. (you gotta remember and visualize just how much that actually is) and the rest water/glycogen. When i started this cycle i was at the end of a small cutting phase, so i was depleted of glycogen and not near as bloated. |
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