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first tren cycle
first ill start off with a little background information. I am 6ft tall weighing in this morning at 215 pounds. This is the lightest ive been in months. I am usually closer to 220-225, but i had to cut down for a powerlifting meet. I am hoping to hit 235 on this cycle.
I am on TRT, ive been training seriously for 5 years. This is going to be my third ever cycle. I previously have done 2 cycles of test/deca with great results. First cycle gained 30 pounds, and second cycle i gained about 15. Both cycles i kept almost every single pound i gained, besides losing a little bit of water weight that comes with it. for the past couple years i have trained strictly for powerlifting. I did my first competition in october and got first place in my class. My goals with this cycle and future cycles are to get as strong as possible, and keep side effects as minimal as possible. As with anything i do, i have done alot of research on tren. I got a lot of my information from a thread over on another forum (not sure if i can link, if i can let me know and i will) It has a lot of good information in it. With this cycle i am running around 150mg of test a week, just to keep normal body functions going. I am running tren at about 300mg a week and using it as the main anabolic, which it should be. I just started another round of sheiko, which is a brutal russian powerlifting program. I ran it last year around this time and got great strength gains, so hoping that paired with this cycle will do me wonders. Any other questions i would love to answer, any tips or tricks from more experienced guys are more then welcome. |
Good luck to you man. I'm also about to tren for first time. If not this cycle, then the next. At least that's my plan. I may not run as much tren as you are my first go through. I read CC's page on Tren last night, and it had a lot of good information in it.
Good luck to you, I hope you gain whatever your aiming for. |
ya i was thinking of maybe 250ish, but i think i will try 300 and see. If my sides are bad ill drop it a little
I'm not saying that your doing a lot. I hope it didn't sound like it. I'm pretty new at this.
Hey, I don't know if you've read this, but CC wrote a great post up about Tren. When he wrote it, he was doing 800mg of tren a a week. :eek: Now he also said that was way too much. That lower is better. It's a good read though, may help in your decision. https://www.hypermuscles.com/f87/tren-101-a-5800/ |
CC is the man for cycle knowledge
that seem quite I sensible dose for first use lot of people often use tren ace with first tren cycle as I did this is due to if have side effects cant deal with when you stop its out of system quicker what tren is it your using good luck I like this question from that link ive had it where feels like cant breath if him vein Q: I GOT THE TREN COUGH!!!! HELP ME! AM I GOING TO DIE!? WILL I BE OKAY!? |
Im gonna start with test e, and then I May do 100mg one week, and 200mg the next. This way I can slowly bring myself up to it. I'm gonna be cutting too, so we'll see how well I do. I will probably only do a little tren my first try. But when I bulk this summer, I'll try more. |
have you got plan for what your doing
not sure what mean by bellow weather you mean 100mg of test e or tren a so week by week plan would be better for yourself my fist tren cycle was so short it was really just a tester for myself 5 weeks tren a @100mg EOD but did it with test prop witch think done 10 weeks of that and never again will I be doing 10 weeks of prop lol also think id done fair few cycles before went onto tren so maybe jumping the gun Quote:
i have tren ace, for the same reason you mentioned. I am not about to try tren E, get bad sides, and have to deal with it for a week or 2 two or longer
seems done research good luck keep us posted on how it goes
what lab using also take it 75mg-100mg every other day jabs then |
bump, keep us posted on your gains bro:cool:, tren is a powerful compound and will give ANYONE great gains so I cant wait to hear what you think of it
bout to kill some deadlifts and bench. i forgot to put my maxes on my first post, so ill post them here. Best gym lifts are bench- 360 squat- 510 deadlift- 525 im also sitting around 13-15% BF i would say. I can still see abs when relaxed but they are blurred. throughout sheiko i always switch to sumo deadlift because of all of the volume. Pulling conventional for the whole thing will destroy your lower back. today i have deadlift- 5x3 @ 405 bench- 2x4 @ 245 / 2x3 @ 265 / 2x2@ 280 and then back down deadlift to knees- 5x4 at 350 after this i will do upper body accessory movements some back, shoulders, and various pressing movements. just depending on what i want to do |
Definitely interested to see your improvements. The only really problematic sides I get with tren are trensomnia and a raise in blood pressure which I control with cialis. I also take an AI and some caber to deal with estrogen and prolactin sides. Good luck. I know you'll be impressed. |
i was in a rush before trying to get to the gym.
i don't know if any of you guys know anything about sheiko, but it is ALOT of submaximal sets. you rarely ever go over 80% for a triple. so weight is relatively light, but volume skyrockets. So, thats why the weights might seem light for the reps im doing |
I think you'll be ok. Recognising potential sides and dealing with them is most of the battle. You obviously do that. Stand by for insane strength gains :D |
I've just spent the last year or so following 5 x 5 and progressing from there. This year I'm going for size over strength otherwise I'd consider giving it a go. Maybe next year. |
after a quick search it seems like that should be very easy to do. read a few threads where people put 50+ pounds just on bench
It's more than reasonable. I'd say it's highly likely especially if you eat enough and recover properly. In fact, thinking about it you'd be hard pushed not to. |
things still going good. dont really feel any changes so far.
gonna be a week on monday. todays workout went as follows bench- 280 5x3 squat- 400 5x3 close grip bench- 245 4x3 after that i did some pulldowns, hack squat, leg curls, leg extension, and biceps weight went up good. no grinders. have the weekend off. I have drill all weekend. I rolled my car a couple hours ago, so that was fun |
I never did that on tren! |
my head is feeling a lot better from the roll over. Cuts are healing up. still pretty sore and can move my head fast, but ill live. Might not be able to go heavy tommorow because of it.
If you rolled you car, have a chiro take look at back before you lift. I live next to a premier Chiropractor School. A friend of mine was told by another friend to not lift after he rolled his car, said he could have linger injuries that hasn't revealed themselves.
My friend did listen, and he's been out of the gym for almost a year. I guess be careful. |
actually loading up my shot as i type this. this will mark one week |
well im feeling much closer to 100% after the accident. Didnt have time to post yesterdays workout, but it went as follows
bench- 280 3x3 / 300 3x2 squat- 400 4x3 (i was suppose to do 5 sets but i started feeling it in my head and didnt feel like passing out or something worse, so i stopped there.) after that i did upper body accessories. pulldowns, cable flys, overhead press, reverse flys, and dips. I just got back from the gym now. This was one of the best workouts ive had since i started the cycle. weight felt good. joints felt good, etc. 4" deficit deadlift- 345 4x2 (this weight was real easy. I did an amrap on my last set and got a clean 5) bench- 245- 2x3 / 280 3x2 deadlift- 405 5x3 ( all reps went up nice and smooth) after that i did leg accessories. Leg press, leg curl, leg extension then lateral raises, calf raises and some DB curls. I still haven't really noticed much of anything. I haven't had ANY sides, which i'm not complaining about, but its also got me worried. No insomnia, no tren cough, no acne, no aggression, nothing. Just some sore quads from pinning everyday. If anyone in here has run tren, when did you start noticing anything? ive read anywhere from people noticing results after 4-5 days all the way to not noticing anything till the 4th week. I know everyone's body is different. I would like to hear some input. |
I can't remember exactly but I'm sure the trensomnia didn't really show for quite a while. If I'm honest, even though tren ace is supposed to be faster acting, I don't remember anything happening that quick. Maybe the strength increase, although gradual, was the first thing to happen. As you say, we're all different, but that's my memory/experience. |
I think it depends on the Tren half life. I know CC has a well thought out section here about Tren, it's types and sides. I know it's much stronger than test. I think if it's Tren e, it takes longer to kick in. Tren A is faster I believe. But others can tell you for sure. |
Tren cough can happen first time, last time, any time in between or with luck never. Its not a build up thing. |
So am I and I've still had it a few times :) |
Not everyone gets all the sides. Some don't even get any. I have a feeling you wont be saying that in a few weeks, but fingers crossed maybe you will! Keep us all posted though. Looking forward to you writing about the strength increases and the drying out. |
first day back since tuesday. I Had a nice couple days off. much needed.
That time off gave me a chance to think, and i am switching up routines. I got to thinking that sheiko probably isnt the best routine to run while on a tren cycle. On sheiko you are doing a lot of submaximal weight and rarely go above 80%. You never really get to push your maxes and hit higher weight. sheiko is all about neural efficiency and frequency. I am going back to just a simple linear program, so i can try to progress every single workout. Im going on my routine i created years ago and the program i always give out to beginners or anyone looking for a good training program. Obviously mine is going to be a little different, as i am going to cater it to my needs. It is an upper/lower split, which i love. My main focus is to increase my bench, deadlift, and squat with some assistance exercises to eliminate imbalances and strengthen my core lifts. Today went as follows bench- 295 3x4 (one more set with a slingshot and got 6 reps) pulldown- 5x8-12 cable flys- 4x10 seated OHP- 4x10 standing calf raise- 4x8-10 shrugs- 185 3x8-10 (slow eccentric, held for a two count at top) tricep pushdown- 4x8-10 ab wheel |
Definitely see where you're coming from with this. While I appreciate the limitations of the 5 x 5 program I like the fact that I see increases every time I do it. I know it's a marathon not a sprint but when you've only got 12 weeks or so it's nice to see the numbers go up. You can consolidate afterwards. |
Watch those strength gains rocket!
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