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Oxyjen 11-30-2016 02:10 PM

So here are my before and after photos and I made a mistake. This Saturday will actually be a full 9 weeks not 10. So clearly I made some good progress in 9 weeks!

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andyebs 12-01-2016 08:46 AM

the legs and glutes really really see the difference

an back lot wider / thicker

well done whats plans for next few weeks

stillgoingstron 12-01-2016 08:50 AM

Can see why you're happy with the cycle. Good work.

Oxyjen 12-01-2016 11:32 AM


Originally Posted by andyebs (Post 48040)
the legs and glutes really really see the difference

an back lot wider / thicker

well done whats plans for next few weeks

I plan to drop my calories just a bit down to a little above maintenance and let my body adjust back to normal. Training will stay the same. In about 3 months I will run an anavar only cycle then after that I'm thinking mast.

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Oxyjen 12-01-2016 11:32 AM


Originally Posted by stillgoingstron (Post 48041)

Can see why you're happy with the cycle. Good work.


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Oxyjen 12-13-2016 12:32 AM

8 days since my last pin and I have lost 7 lbs of water. I knew that was coming and even though it was water weight I liked how it made me look thicker. Oh well. I'm still well above where i started. I really hold water in my lower back and sides and on my butt. So it's kinda nice to have my waist back some and see the new cuts in my glutes.
Otherwise I feel perfect. Strength is still the same, which is good. I'm going to have some blood work done this week.

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stillgoingstron 12-13-2016 06:31 AM

I think you'll come to appreciate the loss of water weight. Nice cycle and good log. Thanks

Oxyjen 12-21-2016 12:48 AM

Quick update...
my strength is still going up significantly. I thought I would lose it but that's not the cast. Still making solid PRs in the gym especially on squats, leg press and deads.
I decided to do a competition in March so I'm going to start prep on Monday. I've been "Bulking" for ten months now so I am ready to lean out some. Once the show is over I will go right back to growing.
I will most likely run a little anavar starting in about 3 weeks.

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andyebs 12-21-2016 08:02 AM

good luck with show what federation and class you doing

keep log be interesting

Oxyjen 12-21-2016 01:44 PM


Originally Posted by andyebs (Post 48320)
good luck with show what federation and class you doing

keep log be interesting

NPC probably bikini again but I will decide if I'm big enough for figure once I lean a little bit.

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