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Eurovisionas 10-21-2012 08:32 AM

Eurovisionas log!
OK so I've been away from gear for 5 months now and planning on starting my next cycle soon.
I'm 5'11'' and 200 pounds right now,23 years old and I have done 2 cycles with 500mg/week testosterone enanthate over the past 1,5 years.

I'm thinking of spicing it up a bit this time,actually a lot,here it is:

D-bol 1-4 at 50mg/day single dose 1 hour before workout
Nadrolone Deca 1-12 at 400mg/week pin Monday and Thursday
Testosterone enanthate 1-10 at 500mg/week pin Monday and Thursday
Hcg 3-10 at 500iu pin 250iu 2times a week
Aromasin 2-12 at 12,5mgs E3D (I'm gyno prone)
Nolvadex 12-16 at 40mg first week and then 20mg rest of the time
Clomid 12-16 300mg first day and taper down every day by 50mg until I reach 50mg/day
Cabergoline if needed

This is it, all I have to do now is get my gear from huge tom and start pinning!
I'll try to update this log every week after I start.

James42 10-21-2012 12:47 PM

I hope you keep this updated. Id like to see how it goes for you.
I have a order from gbn on the way now also.

dfwtp 10-22-2012 03:54 PM

good spice

Barman 10-24-2012 01:38 PM

good cycle i have to say. but would you not split the dose of dbol through out the day works fine one dose but ul get better results. i take my dbol 5taps 1/4 tap 4 times a day or even 1/4 in the morning 1/2 tab 1hour or so before work out and the last 1/4 tab before bed just a taught. nice cycle doetest deca dbol what more does anyone need :)

admin 11-06-2012 01:02 PM

split the dbol dose into a few

stop deca 2 weeks prior test

eazy 11-06-2012 02:24 PM

I would not split the dbol as dbol is the Breakfast of champions after all!!

Eurovisionas 11-06-2012 02:36 PM


Originally Posted by admin (Post 24930)
split the dbol dose into a few

stop deca 2 weeks prior test

My bad, I meant to write deca 1-10 and test 1-12.

Huge Tom 11-07-2012 10:21 AM

You will get good results from this cycle.
We will look to see pictures before and after and some stats like strength increase in basic exercises.

Good luck and keep us updated.

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