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jordan0689 02-13-2012 05:53 PM

Cycle suitable for sports
I'm looking at doing another cycle. My previous one was 500 mg of test e for 10 weeks. I'm now playing rugby regularly but want to do another cycle to build a bit more bulk. I'm.curreny 5"11 14 st I want to reach the 16/17 Mark I know that will probably take a few cycles.
I wanted to see what you guys suggest was the best cycle to do as i train twice a week and have a,match on.a saturday plus go gym inbetween this. I could do without the shin pumps and back pumps that a test cycle and certain steroids bring.
What do you guys suggest?

jordan0689 02-13-2012 07:00 PM

Anybody help?

bailey82 02-13-2012 07:49 PM

new post
how much do you go to the GYm? and you practice 2 x a week and play on Satudays right ? so thats a lot of cardio right there

ummm eat eat eat till you can't eat any more your burning up a lot of calories with the training. Test E run 600mg a week and i say tren E 300 mg, or Deca 300mg a week a week for 12 weeks d bol 30mg a day week 1 to 4 will put on 15 to 20 lbs right there then the test kicks in and you will keep gaining and keep at least 10lbs of the d bol look to gain 30lbs i don't know stones sorry I'm american pct clomid 2 weks after your last ping for 4 weeks hcg ans arimidex on hand if you get sides like gyno i'm not prone to them but i still have them just in case arimidex that is always have pct on hand

Cornish_Celt 02-13-2012 08:29 PM

I would do Test, Deca, Dbol/Tbol or Test, Equipoise and Dbol/Tbol.
Make sure you eat well because you will be burning a shit load of calories when rugby training.Don't think about Tren yet mate, you need more experience before trying that one!
A bulking shake is also an idea

Cornish_Celt 02-13-2012 09:42 PM

If you're looking for something so you don't hold too much water you could always try Test Prop and NPP possibly add Tbol

maged 06-09-2012 05:25 PM

week 1-12
500mg test c/week
400mg equipoise/week

week 1-14
arimidex 1mg/eod

frontload the equipoise in the first week

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