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Nilbog 03-05-2014 11:34 PM

Cutting Cycle Log Primo/TestP/Anavar/Winny
Ok boys, starting my cutting cycle next week.

1-14: Testosterone Propionate 100Mg/EOD
1-14: Methenolone Enanthate (Primobolan) 200Mg/EOD (w/test P)
9-14: Oxandrolone: 40Mg/day
9-14: Injectable Stanozolol (Winstrol) 100Mg EOD
4/8/12 HCG 250ius twice per week.
16-19 Nolvadex 20mg/day
16-19 Clomid 50mg/day
I will be cycling on and off of Clen and T3 and I will also be on liver support (liv52), milk thistle, NAC, Potassium, Taurine, fish oil and vitamins.

I am going to get anther blood test next week and a final weight and BF% before I start. Feel free to offer suggestions, I got most of this cycle from HugeTom @GBNstore. I might run the Anavar week 1-4, not sure yet.

erich1b 03-06-2014 12:08 AM


Originally Posted by Nilbog (Post 34039)
Ok boys, starting my cutting cycle next week.

1-14: Testosterone Propionate 100Mg/EOD
1-14: Methenolone Enanthate (Primobolan) 200Mg/EOD (w/test P)
9-14: Oxandrolone: 40Mg/day
9-14: Injectable Stanozolol (Winstrol) 100Mg EOD
4/8/12 HCG 250ius twice per week.
16-19 Nolvadex 20mg/day
16-19 Clomid 50mg/day
I will be cycling on and off of Clen and T3 and I will also be on liver support (liv52), milk thistle, NAC, Potassium, Taurine, fish oil and vitamins.

I am going to get anther blood test next week and a final weight and BF% before I start. Feel free to offer suggestions, I got most of this cycle from HugeTom @GBNstore. I might run the Anavar week 1-4, not sure yet.

Looks good. How much (if any?) cardio with this cycle. Do you have a target goal in mind for the end of the cycle, or whatever happens with the body weight happens?

Nilbog 03-06-2014 12:27 AM

Good question. I know I didn't talk much about macros, cardio or my program but that's because I already have those dialed in. I just want to log my results from this cycle to compare against past and future results. I am about 15%bf now and I am hopping to get down to 10% by then end of this cycle. I will be doing 40-50 min of cardio everyday split into two sessions. I will be doing the Kris Gethin 12 week trainer from, Last time I did this 12 week program I lost about 5% bf and I was only on Test P. Here is the link: - 12 Week Daily Trainer With Kris Gethin!

erich1b 03-06-2014 01:03 AM


Originally Posted by Nilbog (Post 34042)
Good question. I know I didn't talk much about macros, cardio or my program but that's because I already have those dialed in. I just want to log my results from this cycle to compare against past and future results. I am about 15%bf now and I am hopping to get down to 10% by then end of this cycle. I will be doing 40-50 min of cardio everyday split into two sessions. I will be doing the Kris Gethin 12 week trainer from, Last time I did this 12 week program I lost about 5% bf and I was only on Test P. Here is the link: - 12 Week Daily Trainer With Kris Gethin!

Good luck with everything. I looked at the diet on the link you included. Diet looks good, lean protein, complex carbs, and vegetables. Didn't see any fruits, which I include myself, but that's just a personal choice.

Nilbog 03-06-2014 06:11 PM

Anyone want to comment on if I should run Anavar at the begging or at the end of this cycle?

6150 03-06-2014 08:35 PM

The two time I've ran var were on the front end. It was a heck of a way to kick start a 500mg a week test cyp cycle. I enjoyed the pumps I got in the gym. I noticed a vascular jump in my fore arms and biceps. Someone else will post up their experience. Bump

erich1b 03-06-2014 08:36 PM


Originally Posted by Nilbog (Post 34060)
Anyone want to comment on if I should run Anavar at the begging or at the end of this cycle?

I'll just share my experience with how I used Anavar previously.

Back in the day, when I was dieting to do a show, I used Anavar towards the end of my cycle/diet. I felt the Anavar helped with my strength towards the end of my diet when I was a bit depleted/fatigued from dieting.

For me, Anavar was great for my strength. Two weeks out from my show, and down 18 lbs, I was still incline benching 315 lbs for 2 sets of 5 reps at a bodyweight of 205 lbs, which was good for me. FWIW - I've never been a big bencher.

That's just my experience.

valhallaking 03-07-2014 07:22 PM

looks good to me all except running the winny and var at the same time... ( stops and scratches his head with a blank stair lol ) now if i were you and im not i would run one or the other being that they basically kinda do somewhat of the same thing. i personally dont like winny var is just a way better compound in my opinion, its a lot less harsh. if i were you i would run the var for 8 weeks and taper up the dose from 40mg split am and pm slowly up to 80mg split am and pm. the reason i would taper is because with good var jumping on 80mg a day can effect your routine because of the pumps but everyone is different. as for the winny like i said i just dont like the stuff but to each his own, what works for one does not always work for all. even with that being said running the winny and var at the same time is a waist and overkill if you want to run both start the cycle with one and finish with the other.



Originally Posted by Nilbog (Post 34039)
Ok boys, starting my cutting cycle next week.

1-14: Testosterone Propionate 100Mg/EOD
1-14: Methenolone Enanthate (Primobolan) 200Mg/EOD (w/test P)
9-14: Oxandrolone: 40Mg/day
9-14: Injectable Stanozolol (Winstrol) 100Mg EOD
4/8/12 HCG 250ius twice per week.
16-19 Nolvadex 20mg/day
16-19 Clomid 50mg/day
I will be cycling on and off of Clen and T3 and I will also be on liver support (liv52), milk thistle, NAC, Potassium, Taurine, fish oil and vitamins.

I am going to get anther blood test next week and a final weight and BF% before I start. Feel free to offer suggestions, I got most of this cycle from HugeTom @GBNstore. I might run the Anavar week 1-4, not sure yet.

mikess 05-14-2014 10:14 PM

I would put the var at the end

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