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big_paul_ski 06-21-2010 01:54 AM

i thought i would bring this over from some other sites where im logging it. ill just bring over what ive done so far. i hope you guys get something out of this and enjoy it.

1-16 test E 500mg-750mg EW
1-16 1-test cyp 400mg-600mg EW
10-17 anavar 50-75mg EW (can be run right up to PCT )

2-18 Adex .5 EOD (increase if needed prior to PCT)
2-17 HCG 250iu 2 X Week

Last week as ester clears
18 HCG 500 EOD
18 clomid 25 ED

19-22 Clomid 50mg ED
19-22 Nolva 20mg ED
19-22 aromasin 25mg ED

Start as lean as possible.
Weeks 1-14 clean bulk
Weeks 15-/1716 cut back on calories a little (not too much don't want to loose all those hard earned gains...go by the mirror and how i feel) and then up them again for PCT.

i will be throwing GHRP-6 100mcg 2X ED for 4 weeks but im not sure when. if i come across some more ill run it longer.


back/rear delts/biceps (volume)

chest/triceps (volume)




bis/tris (heavy)

sunday off.

big_paul_ski 06-21-2010 01:56 AM

by bigpaulski » Mon Jun 07, 2010 2:44 pm

day 11. 4 injects in.

back/bis moderate weight with the biceps blowing them out.

narrow grip pulldown
6X 15,15,12,10,8,8 not sure of the numbers but the last 2 were the stack.

barbell rows shoulder width.
135X15 2 sets

t-bar rows
4 plates 12 reps
5 plates 12 reps
6 plates 10 reps
6 plates 8 reps

seated cable rows narrow grip
4 sets of 12. not sure of the weight.

seated dunbell curls
4X12 35s

one arm spider curl
3X15 30s

high pully cable curls
2X20 i think i had the pin on 30 pounds.

back and biceps fried.

big_paul_ski 06-21-2010 01:57 AM

by bigpaulski » Tue Jun 08, 2010 12:19 pm

chest/light biceps

incline barbell bench press
the bar 2X25
135 2X20
225 1X15
275 1X12
315 2X8
275 1X12
225 1x15

flat barbell bench
135 1X20
315 2X10
275 1X12
225 1X20

decline machine press
3X10 the stack.

using the lat pulldown bar. lean forward jay cutler style. kind of like a dip machine.
6 sets of 20 not sure of the weight but i was working hard.

my main focus was to destroy my upper chest today. i went alittle higher on the rep range bbut i made sure i went pretty heavy for the main sets. the next 2 weeks ill be going super heavy. dumbells next week and ill work up to the 140s starting with inclines.

strength is comming on very nice. im way ahead with the numbers already compared to last cycle. i have ZERO complaints. im one happy mofo!

big_paul_ski 06-21-2010 01:57 AM

by bigpaulski » Wed Jun 09, 2010 8:48 pm

inject #5 today. i think im done saying what inject im on. ill throw out how many days ive been on from time to time.


leg extentions.
moderate weight.

135 2X20
225 2X10
315 2X10
365 1X8

leg press
1X15 5 plates per side
1X15 8 plates per side
2X12 10 plates per side

hack squat
4X12 3 plates per side

leg extentions

i could barely walk out of the gym. my right knee seems to be holding up. tomorrow is an off day but ill go in to do cardio.

big_paul_ski 06-21-2010 01:58 AM

by bigpaulski » Fri Jun 11, 2010 3:14 pm


barbell military press to the front
the bar 2X20
95 2X20
130 2X15
185 1X12
225 1X10
245 1X8
245 1X6

seated dumbell side laterals
1X20 20s
1X15 30s
2X12 45s
1X8 55s drop set to 40X8 to 30X8 to 15X15

rear delts
reverse machine fly
6 sets of i dont know what.


barbell shrugs
495X6 2 sets

traps were fucking deep fried. this is the first time i have hit traps in this maner and im going to stick with this type of format for awhile.

i was a just shy of 250lbs in my weight today. im so far ahead of the stregnth curve compared to this time durring my last cycle. so far so good and im having a great time

big_paul_ski 06-21-2010 01:59 AM

by bigpaulski » Tue Jun 15, 2010 1:00 pm

chest/light triceps. today i weighed in at 251 so im up 11lbs. i hope the weight gain slows down a bit because im on pace to gain 30 again.

flat barbell bench
the bar 2X20
135 2X20
225 1X15
275 1X12
315 1X12
365 2X7

incline barbell press.
135 1X15
225 1X12
315 1X8
275 2X10

4 sets of machine dips
4 sets of cable pushdowna
4 sets single arm overhead dumbell extentions

not sure of the weight. mostle around the 15 rep range.

4 plates will be on very soon. the oily skin in comming on. the 24/7 full body pump is amazing. nothing else to report. oh ill be bumping to 750mg test and 600 of 1-test next week i think.

big_paul_ski 06-21-2010 01:59 AM

by bigpaulski » Fri Jun 18, 2010 1:46 pm


close grip bench

incline scull crushers, EZ curl bar
2X20 with the 10s on each side
1X12 with 25s
3X10 with the 45s

cable pushdown
3x10 the whole stack

single arm seated overhead dunbell extentions
3X12 with the 40s

EZ bar curls
2X15 with the 25s
2X10 with the 45s
1X8 with the 45s and 10s

seated alternating dumbell curls
1x10 40s
1x10 60s
1X8 70s

incline curls
3X8 50s

hammer curls
2X12 40s

im starting week 4 and things are in full swing. stregnth is going through the roof. very noticible body recomp and size gains. this cycle is by far ahead of my first and this one is going to kick the living shit out of the last one. weight is at 251 today and im very happy with that. i hope to hold there for awhile.
on sunday i up the dose of test to 750mg and 1-test to 600. 3ml injects.

big_paul_ski 06-21-2010 02:00 AM

by bigpaulski » Sun Jun 20, 2010 10:12 am

today i bumped the test to 750mg EW and the 1-test to 600mg EW.
3ml to left quad no problem. on wednesday ill do 2ml to the pec and the remaining ml some place else.

im at the start of week 4.

Iwant2grow 06-21-2010 02:34 AM

Liking the log bro keep it up I'm looking fwd to ur next up date

big_paul_ski 06-21-2010 02:41 AM


Originally Posted by Iwant2grow (Post 4110)
Liking the log bro keep it up I'm looking fwd to ur next up date

thanks. that will be tomorrow...big back day with light biceps.

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