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Barman 10-05-2012 12:15 PM

doing back later going to blast it till i cant lift a dam thing at all :) ha bring on the pain boys

James42 10-05-2012 04:46 PM

What do you do for back barman? I started doing high rep dumbell rows after deadlifts a couple months ago and im already seeing big improvements in my lats and middle back

Barman 10-06-2012 09:04 PM

well i do deadlifts clearly barbell rows some straight leg deadlifts then il either do dumbell rows or a light military press and squeze my back out it works feel it and my upper back looks nice lol rep range tbh it changes how i feel going for about 8-10 atm i also do pre excust sets usely 2 for each movement works well i have to say as long as you keep form well and squeze the muscle hard works great :)

Barman 10-08-2012 04:18 PM

doing chest now in a coulpe of mins got to bring it up it come on we all want to bring everything up lol

did chest well strenght is up weak chest in terms of strenght and size my flat bench was 90kg for 5 reps for 3 sets then did a 4th set for 6 reps last time i did 90kg was for 4 reps and i was wrecked lol soo very happy. dropped the weight down to 70kg went for 12-15 reps (my chest seems to grow better with higher reps) then dumbell bench and flys was good doing cardio now

Barman 10-11-2012 12:54 PM

well as some of you guys know im trying out intermittent fasting well tbh i felt good the first day now i dont at all food ist going down forceing it down i fill up fast before i eat half of my meal but still hungry :/ its killing me tbh try with another day or 2 on it to see how it goes i guess if not il up my meals try get back to normal

Barman 10-11-2012 05:22 PM

These are all from my last chest day about 30 mins before i trained so not pumped up at all ha

Attachment 1412 Attachment 1413

Barman 10-15-2012 12:51 PM

Hey guys well i placed an order for 3bottles of sus 350 and 2 packs of T3 from gbn all kalpa stuff. part of my stock up for my next cycle in a coulpe of months be finished this cycle end of the week might add some dbol back in for the next coulpe of days to bang up a bit more size might bang up kcals a bit as gains have slowed a bit so try and milk the rest of the cycle for what i can now have to say i loved it :) saw a mate last night i havent seen in 3 or 4 weeks he said he could see im bigger much bigger so thats clear cut :) im a very happy man

Barman 10-19-2012 06:39 PM

Well guys weeks is nearly up and that means cycle is just about up havent really trained this week busy with my course but the next 3 days will be all in there missed 1 shot so i did it the next day so il be done on monday aww am happy with how well i grew. pct will start tues novla 20mgs for 3 weeks or so. then its 2 months off and back on in there with sus at 750mgs a week for 15 weeks deca at 300mgs a week for 10 weeks dbol for 4-6 weeks 50mgs a day T3 Starting at 50mcg might bump it up to 75mcg a day for most of the cycle. know alot of guys using insulin and doing great and all are aiming to do BB comps just like me so il see what i decided doing research on the matter i like to do that anyway so yeh :) will weight myself on monday moring and post weight up feel big people say im looking bigger the longer they didnt see me the more shocked they are and yet no one has asked about what i do im open about it only if im asked why be shy who knows maybe they need help just like people on this do help and learn at every turn bros :) Good day to you all.

Train Eat Rest Grow

Barman 10-24-2012 02:31 PM

Well guys cycle is over pretty happy have to say great gear nice gains now to keep em ha training wont be crazy intense since my test levels will be down i cant build so its trying to matain what i gained stimulate the muscles not destroy them should work fine with a good clean diet bit of cardio and will be taking 1 20mg novla tab before bed to keep sides down thats my pct very simple works fine be doing that for 3-4 weeks go b how i feel then its about 2months off then back on the train to gain :)

Barman 10-29-2012 03:18 PM

Well pct seems to be going fine just feeling a little more tired the past 2 or 3 days normal my boys are back to normal more or less they didnt shrink to much at all bit more at times durning the cycle now and then normal :) Well durning the weekend i sent my money off for my order at gbn 2 packs of T3. 3bottles of Sus and huge tome gave me the 30% discount and even threw in 2packs of viagra for free all kalpa stuff very dam nice not only that ironPhara gave me a free bottle of test prop for entering their comp nice little early christmas for me i think :) might even mix the prop with the sus and deca on my next cycle we will see might save it :) good week for me so :)

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