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Hey lads well just took my post workout meal was yummy so going to wait shortly b4 training. ive being taking clen the past 3 days now with some caffine powder in a drink well i split it up in 2 drinks one in the morning with the clen and one 1-2 all i can say is holy crap caffine and clen have some great synergy im sweating like mad at 40mcg of clen with about 400mgs of caffine a day (sweating as much if not more than when i took 120mcg of clen) its like a compounding effect have the shakes big time even now sweating through the night makes my hunger crazy!!!! i feel its doing more for me now at 40mcg a day with some caffine (not alot) than it was at 120- 160 mcg didnt feel any diffrent from 120-160mcg but dam people should try this out very nice and have more focus to. wilol update after training to. i havent being sleeping well this week bros :( hoping it will pick u. also im going to stick to pining prop in shoulders and glutes legs is to much trouble lots of veins and nerves :/
throw some aspirin in there as well
Well lads heres some new pics i took. Attachment 1384 Attachment 1385 I think my back is looking a bit bigger :D in onee of the pics not tensing as hard my arms and chest were killing me after training lol let me know what you all think how im doing so far. going to weigh myself 2moro morning. for got to add had my shake after training was great 2 scoops of whey with water a full tub of quark cheese and 40gs of oats total of about 85gs of protein 35cabs or so less tha.n 6 gs of fat :) very nice and filling got my cassine from the quark yum main reason for such a big shake going out 2night to pub (not drinking mates birthday) going to have something before i leave also |
Hey lads. well i am drained didnt get any sleep till after 4 in the dam morning but still recovering very fast so guess its not hinding me to much then only taking in around 60 carbs today 2moro il be getting in around 150 carbs or a bit higher. anyone have any info on how to run T3?? thanks lads. oh and i weighed my self when i got up today i was in at 13stone 9and a half pounds :) water and fat but i can clearly see down in fat so i am quite happy :)
also lads i did a crazy amount of reps for my first set i was mind blown 1th set 70kg for 18!!!! full reps on my benchpress :0 i was very surprized to say the lest i didnt go over 80kg on the bench as i didnt have a spotter and didnt want to risk it did a total of 14 sets over 3 diffrent movments.
heres a picture i took this morning.
Attachment 1386 |
Can you put a copy of your complete workout routine up, I would be interested in seeing exactly what you do
Yeh bro il do it 2moro or so :) i change it slightly now and then.
Hey bros i decided to do legs again i mix it up every week what days i do what seems to keep my body guessing and keeps me from getting bored also :) but dam my left knee is a bit iffy and acts up now and then used to play rugby when i was younger and i took alot of big hits from guys 4-7 stone bigger than me and also it runs in my family my mother just have 1 of her knees replaced less than 2months ago. so i did what i could need to get knee straps and goiing to try and bang more out later 2night when my knee is a bit better. hasnt acted up in a long time. took deca last year and the pain went away when training for months my shoulder used to be bad to i stranged it really bad in my second year of training and that went away with the deca and hasnt come back so im thinking of deca instead of tren for my next go after this and pct + time off. will up date later doing cardio now try leg training again got just over half of it done so try to do the rest + more later :)
what do you do for legs.? myb you could work around the knee problems. different ROM or different ex completely
hey bros time to carbs up today looking forward to it :) love my carbs bit of a junkie for em lol need them anyway ive being looking flat the past couple of days looking well but not feeling great then il keep my carbs at a good level for a couple of days still be under my kcal so fat still be dropping :) be going arms later might might in some shoulder work to might as well get the most out of today
Just after my last post i ate about 95 carbs worth of wholemeal pasta and 85- 90gs of protein from boilded chicken and and 18 or so of that came from the pasta with bits and bobs of fat :) very nice couldnt eat that much yesterday but dam even after all that i was starved :P ha going to get at lest 2 more high carb meals like that :)
kewl might look into it so :) doing back later bentover barbell rows also single arm dumbell rows, deadlifts and also i like to do military press of a sorts with a nice weight not heavy and get a huge squeeze on my upper back works very well :0 then traps after barbell and dumbell shrugs go pretty heavy over 50kg on the dumbell shrugs traps look nice when i squeeze them. i dropped the dbol today if i take any more will be later on just to help get through workouts a bit better being on 3and a half weeks with a tight diet and just finished my 1th bottle of test prop yesterday 2 vials left :)
heres a quick pic i took on the 12th of this month Attachment 1392 |
back went very well it blew up huge love it :) one of my fav parts to train :) going to do some work on the stairs sweat it all out . let me know what you think of my progress so far .
aw yeh hello my freinds :) lazy day today eating what i want today but getting my protiens in had fkc 2day had 7 bits from the bucket lol anyway im sitting down watching the avengers atm :)
hey lads doing chest today going to just blast it very little rest between sets just going to get as many reps i can perset. also ive sprained one of my toes very hard to walk so going to relax the cardio a bit just do a bit and might skip a leg day dont want to make it worse will see how well it heals also jeans are fitting better around my waist thats good ive very wide hips doe annoying but ah well tops arent fitting so wellnearly all my long sleved tops i cant get into way to tight oh arms chest back everywhere lol
well guys i feel crap bloated from the weekend not doing it any more cheat meals i mean :/ at lest not like that did back again today couldnt finish it felt like getting sick not from train even when i picked up a light weight wasnt nice did all my sets but not at usel weight very bloated as i said slugish would be a great way to get it across moving slow. also i think im growing very well as i can feel tightness around my joints not pain just from the muscles i growning so going to keep an eye on that just incase dont want to mess my body up. you might be asking why im doing my back again so fast well ive wide hips so ive to try to balance my body out. going to take it easy today drink tons of water cardio first thing 2moro then a shoulder workout with arms in the afternoon. water weight will be down by tonight or 2moro morning will weight myself think ive gone up i feel bigger :)
haha them cheat meal got ya ey. jk bro. Your doing good, just get back at it. I hate the sluggish days, its them days you got to push threw and just make sure you get it done.
Good job, keep it up broski. |
yeh i got it done just not the way i usely do when i tensed my core when lifting nearly kept getting sick and just from holding the weight. much better today doe :)
got 30 mins of cardio on the stairs when i got up it flew in loved it tbh ha drenched in sweat. feeling very good today my toe is healing up so maybe in 2 or 3 days il try to do legs again love doing legs :) doing shoulders around lunch then the rest of my arms later tonight blast the guns up :p
Also this morning i came in at 14stone and 1/4 pounds :) very happy with my self |
Well i did my shoulders in 1workout :O i had so much energy and power so focused did 1 warm up set on everything like a whole run through with light weight to get pumped get that mind muscle connection muscles just blew up did that for 15 reps on everything banged up the weight did the same thing again got 12 reps on everything i forced my last coulpe of reps i pushed myself did the same thing again with the same weight only got 5-6 reps out i feel beast like today doing my second set of cardio now should be fun then a shake quick rest then a meal
did 20mins of cardio on the stairs total of 50mins of hard cardio today :) very happy. slugged down a shake then going to have a meal same meal as this morning pancakes with 100s gs of chicken yummy be getting about 32 carbs from that with 12-15 fats and 52 or so of protien. so nice well rounded meal no more carbs today after that only in my nightshake from the powder and a bit of milk and thats not alot. but first quick nap :) train hard eat big grow :)
Got more protein powder not to long ago just in. doing cheat later will be doing flat bench press (dumbell and barbell) Dumbell flys and between sets push ups to make sure makes quite a diffrence tbh. will be going for 8-reps for 4 sets of each movment should be fun :)
Well lads its time to grow big time i think :) ive dropped a bit of fat and im happy with it so upping my kcals mostly from carbs and bit from fats only good fats doe. wasnt looking to get super ripped as this point in my life i dont need to not getting ready for a comp and feel i look ok and fine in my own eyes still be doing cardio fasted cardio also will help my eat more good foods cant wait starting tomoro also doing shopping then :P time to put on as much good quality mass on as i can hoping it will workout very well wish me luck lads. energy is at a super low today very time alot of the time so should be ok tomoro onwards.
Well i took a back picture last night going to post it put now. was hard to get had to get my labtop record myself doing poses then edit it take a frame ha not the best pose but just to get an idea hope its clear on this anyway.Attachment 1396
As you can see not hte best lights but have to work with what i have think ive a nice enough back anyway :) |
well guys had a lovely lie in this morning sleeping very well lately thank god :) today and onwards im on 3000-3500 kcals a day did a bit of faster cardio this morning just to wake my self up and get my body ready for the day meal 1 was pretty big gota get lots of kcals in the first thing in the morning hope nice lean gains here on out :) total kcals this morning was 872.5 kcals of 78 protein 28.5 fat 76 carb :) yummy ha will be doing legs today toe seems to be better i just let it rest for an extra day or so wanted to be safe than sorry best thing to do. Remember lads time to grow good luck and thank you all :D
Meal 2 total kcals 599 of 76 protein 11fat 49 carbs Meal 3 total kcals 649 of 66 protein 9 fats and 76 carbs. next meal in an hour or so be same as 1th just less fats maybe a bit less carbs we will see. this is just my post workout shake. |
well meal 4 i had a while ago was 723 kcals 53 protein 23 fat and 76 carbs.
next meal will be a snack and last meal a lovely shake :) |
last meal i had i mixed my snack with my shake was very tired couldnt stay up another hour or so i mixed them 100ml of milk 200gs of quark cheese and whey mixed with water adds up to 436kcals of 77 protein 7fat 23 carbs
total kcals for that day 3306 :) right around what i said id go for 3000-3500 will stay around that for a while see how i get on. |
Hey barman. I didnt read all of your log but i skimmed through it.
What are your goals with those kcals? Are you cutting, bulking or trying to recomp? |
Great updates bro. I like the diet, looking very clean.
Well lads weighed in this morning and well im 14stone 1pound and 3/4 ha dam 3/4 :P other day i was up higher but clearly water from the carbs body is nice and level so very happy. lashing here all night and still is so im going to have a go at doing some nice back work later with some cardio after later today should be fun gota love and hate doing back :P |
Hello guys well had my back workout but god dam back pumps stopping me from doing my normal workout im dropping the dbol full stop no more prework dbol i do love it but being on it for a while sides catching up a bit now high BP way to painful pumps ah well not expecting to drop much of any weight from it as my diet is very clean low sodium lots of liquids and so on. still got a good workout 2moro its arms and shoulders and throw a bit of traps in there to soo a big big weight day. not having any carbs with my next 2meals as i didnt get my weights up high enough i feel so yeh next meal will be some basa fish and a bit of milk last meal will be cottage cheese and a night time shake now its off to watch robot chicken then maybe thor along with a wash and food :P
Hello lads :) have my second day of my course this evening cant wait :) so tell me whos watching the Olympia online friday night or going to it?? Cant wait for it also very intrested in the new class the 212!! think they got rid of the 202 class i think flex lewis stands a great chance still think he should of winning it last year he could enter the "normal" mr.O his off season weight is like 240 or 245 and is very lean all year round. anyway think im going to be stocking up on bits and bobs from gbn for my next go around :) and about 2days after dropping the dbol my weight only droped by just under a pound so thats good and i look more vascular i an see my veins running over my bi"s and tris more over my forarms and hands so happy feeling very well much better after dropping the dbol now :) still got a big calf pump yesterday sure it will go in a couple more days. Also i feel pretty dam good over all very happy still a it testie at times over silly things think some of that its to do with my dog dying but all is good later lads keep strong :)
well guys weight is up and im looking quite well weight was 14stone 3and a half pounds :) just had my cheat meal this week got a take away oh dear usely have it on fridays but will have alot to do tomoro and wont have time to make stuff up so just using my chickens and rice i have made bringing them with me gota keep the whole bodying rolling. my course went well the other day talked to some of the lads there seems nice enoguh one guy he trains said he cant put weight on i asked how many kcal does he eat a day he said he donesnt count them hes about 6foot 2 or 3 and very very skinny i kept telling him to count everything out gave info on what to eat and so on but nope in one ear out another aww people ha Remember lads the Mr. O is almost here
hey guys havent being on in acoulpe of days dam net wasnt working back now. will be going chest 2day :) who saw the mr.o? i didnt was way to tired started at 2.30 am my time so ha yeh wasnt going to workout il look at the vids later doe havent a clue who won either. had a moment of weekness i had pizza after my cheat day. so im pretty upset with myself :/ ah well il be good now doe
well i am in a bad mood my phone decided to just stop working :/ if its noit working 2moro il have to get a new 1 i was going to order 3 bottles of test e and a bottle of deca but thats going to have to wait a 2weeks more it looks like ugh bad day :/
hey lads did arms did a blast on them took about 30 mis very little rest supersets galore i am in bits need to get a drink with some salt hands craping up a good bit lately i dont put salt on anything ever ha was a good training day doe getting a phone 2moro anyway. have 3 weeks left on my test prop did my first shot of this week this morning so 3 more shots left this week 3 next week and 4 the week after grand :)
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