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Barman 04-02-2013 03:33 PM

Lads lads what can i say im sure some of you have read in the bullents some of my posts weight loss is going amazing!!!!!!!!!! since last week things just clicked in my head training is at a new level diet is extremly tight and working im doing 2-3 tabs of T3 per day mostly 2 tabs. 350mgs of sus per week just enough to help retain size and keep everything working Last Monday i was 14 stone 3 pounds and 3/4 this morning i was 13 stone 12pounds and 1/4 thats alot of weight fast i look better things fit me better next time i bulk wont let my bf get so high going to lean out nice over the next couple of weeks. No cardio as im training twice a day some days others once a day im training everybody part once a week or there abouts heart rate is up very high training with crazy intensity level doing this about 5 and a half years love this stuff only used gear a couple times helps alot im a pretty short guy at 5"6.5 lol gained lots natural trial and error :) anyway what else im doing ive ordered my oral tren from GBN cant wait for that and ive got some other gear on the way this week to tren test 250mgs of both tren and test per ml not going to say where or who i got it from as they arent on here GBN are my go to guys for the most part :) anyway hope you like my post quite a large one any questions or want to chat well do also need help with anything just ask as im just like anyone on here willing to help if i can if i cant il point you to someone who might be able to. Learned lots from people here and diffrent things ive tryed out over the years and articles. Later guys Train like a beast eat like a beast sleep like a beast ;)

dfwtp 04-02-2013 04:35 PM

try eating like a bird for a while. kickstart that bf%. eating like a beast is fun, but rarely can anyone get away with it

Barman 04-02-2013 04:44 PM


Originally Posted by dfwtp (Post 29220)
try eating like a bird for a while. kickstart that bf%. eating like a beast is fun, but rarely can anyone get away with it

Oh dont worry mate i am ha i have being hungry 24/7 lol getting around 250gs of protein a day less than 50gs of carbs a day 60-75 fats a day. so pretty dam tight along with my training its working amazing best cut ive ever had so far was going slow and it stopped then i just fliped a switch things just came im tired yeah but i feel amazing :)

dfwtp 04-02-2013 04:47 PM

make sure you refeed one meal a week. make it a big one

Barman 04-02-2013 05:06 PM

Oh i am mate :) i allow for aroud 300gs of carbs. i take my bodyweight in pounds round it up then add 100gs works like a charm :) im upping my carbs to 100gs today as im feeling very tired and will be doing chest later did legs yesterday dam it was hard i dont train heavy by any means im a rep and set guy works best for me ive trained heavy before no real big change in size but strenght went up alot so i stick to what works for me.

Barman 10-11-2013 04:43 PM

3 Attachment(s)
Haven't been on here in a while but here's some pictures of me from the start of September :)
I was floating around 201-202lb at 5 foot 6 and a half

Attachment 2100

Attachment 2101

Attachment 2102

andyebs 10-11-2013 05:44 PM

looking good nice traps

Barman 10-11-2013 11:56 PM

Thanks bro :) always had decent traps just went mental with training this year upped everything working so far :)

Barman 10-17-2013 04:38 PM

2 Attachment(s)
Boom after my 4 weeks or relaxing getting back to normal back to 110% this is from yesterday a while after blasting my arms still got a little pump on boom!!

Attachment 2103

Attachment 2104

GunnyGunnderson 10-17-2013 09:09 PM

looking good mate! diet seems to be working well for ya. you still on that high EQ low test run? i remember a while ago when you were setting it up, how'd it work?

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