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Barman 08-30-2012 07:13 PM

Barmans log
hey lads this will be my log clearly but its mostly going to be about how i feel and what i see, as you know if u read my posts over the passt 2days got my order from gbn test prop and dbol. first time doing test prop so cant wait did my second shot today very smooth no pip yet my first shoot was some pip but was very easy to deal with (30 mins of stairs work) ha so not a problem at all. i also know its good already this morning i had some major wood as they say ha good stuff. doing my legs on friday so going to blast them to hell. dbol is great to best pumps ive had from dbol had a shoulder workout yesterday and wow nearly blew my arms off with the pump great stuff. my goals are to lean out a bit more while putting on some quality muscle tick dence muscle after all tahts what we want diet is good pretty tight might up the carbs next week if i feel i need to will keep up to date n will post pictures of the product if i can get my cam to work :/. thank you all and train hard :D

Barman 08-30-2012 07:26 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Attachment 1376

My products from gbn balkan dbol 50s and three 10ml vials of Kalpa Pharmaceuticals test prop

dfwtp 08-30-2012 09:30 PM

the kalpa prop is very good

mth496 08-30-2012 09:42 PM

Got the same dball i put pics up in the gbn section. The dball is amazing.

GearPro Rep 08-30-2012 10:50 PM

Can't wait to hear of your progress!!



Barman 08-31-2012 03:06 PM

Thanks lads. feeling very stronger everyday seem to have more controled rage as i train helps to get through the crazy pumpd from the dbol lol doing legs in the next 30mins or so 5 sets of squats. 5 sets of calf raises 5sets of lunges should be good and il try and do some cardio after i dont think il be able to walk but we will see lol

Barman 08-31-2012 05:24 PM


Originally Posted by Barman (Post 23414)
Thanks lads. feeling very stronger everyday seem to have more controled rage as i train helps to get through the crazy pumpd from the dbol lol doing legs in the next 30mins or so 5 sets of squats. 5 sets of calf raises 5sets of lunges should be good and il try and do some cardio after i dont think il be able to walk but we will see lol

Just an update from what i said earlier.
Did my legs n wow got 5 sets of squats n calf raises 2 sets of lunges had to stop crazy lower back pumps. strenght is deffo up can feel moving the same weight is easyer never had to use heavy weights with legs to see nice growth always had big leggs growning up :D but i will do 4 more sets of lunges later 2night and another set or 2 of squats just to try n finish it up a bit still have bad lower back pumps dont seem to be eazing up as of yet doe.

Barman 08-31-2012 11:25 PM

the past 2 or so its being pretty cold in my country most of the time (i live in ireland) my nipples have being semihard most of the time with it and feeling itchy getting paranoid about gyno being on dbol of about a week and a half (finished off some stuff i had while waiting for my order) but when my order came i was useing the dbol 50s + another 20 -30 mgs of the otehr dbol i had around that be about 2 days ago thats done so only on the 50mgs of dbol a day might back the dbol down a bit n maybe wrap up more just to see if its just my nipple being semihard or really hard all of the time thats causing it. i dont feel anything behind my nipple that was never there before and went i tense my pecs its all hard (besides the bit of fat you cant tense fat ha) nipples arent puffy either but im going to play it safe best to be safe than sorry. also i just took 20 mgs of nolvadex going bed very soon.

Barman 09-01-2012 09:58 AM


Originally Posted by Barman (Post 23429)
the past 2 or so its being pretty cold in my country most of the time (i live in ireland) my nipples have being semihard most of the time with it and feeling itchy getting paranoid about gyno being on dbol of about a week and a half (finished off some stuff i had while waiting for my order) but when my order came i was useing the dbol 50s + another 20 -30 mgs of the otehr dbol i had around that be about 2 days ago thats done so only on the 50mgs of dbol a day might back the dbol down a bit n maybe wrap up more just to see if its just my nipple being semihard or really hard all of the time thats causing it. i dont feel anything behind my nipple that was never there before and went i tense my pecs its all hard (besides the bit of fat you cant tense fat ha) nipples arent puffy either but im going to play it safe best to be safe than sorry. also i just took 20 mgs of nolvadex going bed very soon.

Yeh im pretty sre it was being paranoid and from the cold n chaged what i was wearing to bed last night its heavyer warmer nipples went normal the itchyness stopped its much warmer today and noting as well :P

Barman 09-01-2012 01:28 PM

Think il post up a picture of myself Later today :D and compaire it to a picture i took on th 21th same pose and same outfit so could tell any diffrence later guys doing chest later :D post my workout later :D

Barman 09-01-2012 05:08 PM

Me on the 21th of August was alot closer and zoomed in.
Attachment 1379

Me today U can see im not as close to the mirror but i look tighter and fuller for the most part.
Attachment 1380

my weight is up nearly 4 pounds since the 1th picture also in the first picture i was just using up some dbol i had around was on about 2 or 3 days at that time. think im on my way to my goals my diet is pretty tight for the post part going to do more cardio havent done to much and plan on doing it twice a day 3 or 4 days a week once faster cardio the second time after weight training. Think im going to up my carbs a little bit i feel quite drained durning training and if i up my carbs a tiny bit more before training think il over all burn more we will see. Let me all know what you think please :D

mth496 09-01-2012 07:18 PM

You can see the tightness in the middle chest more cut, the arms are thicker and more cut. Nice job bro, keep going.

Barman 09-01-2012 07:30 PM

Thanks man will do think im holding a bit of water since the past 2 days ive being drinking a couple cans of diet drinks they cause u to hold onto some so thik il stop with them.

Ftblk36 09-01-2012 07:31 PM

Good going big lad!! You can defo see a difference!! Keep er lit!!

Sent from the darkest region of my brain!!

Barman 09-01-2012 08:19 PM

was thinking about when pining test prop eod so that would be mon, wens, fri, and sunday but the week after that it would be tues, thurs, sat, so it would be 400mgs a week on week one but on week two would be 300 mgs so im thinking of pining Mon, Wens, Fri, Sunday and repeat that what do you guys think??

mth496 09-01-2012 11:30 PM

I think you should just pin every other day, dont worry about the weeks, just count the days.

Barman 09-02-2012 12:02 PM

Aw ok kewl thanks bro with that info very useful :D

Barman 09-02-2012 07:50 PM

Had a relaxing day just got a chance to relax sit down eat a bit of what i wanted to didnt train doing 2days on 1 day off did do some fasted cardio when i got up doe woke me up very fast ha

mth496 09-03-2012 03:02 AM

Nice routine. I take weekends off. I like to get the feeling of a long rest period before the week begins. I also kind of set it up so that i could enjoy football on sundays lol. Rest is very important, somtimes i wish i can train every day but, always better results with good rest days.

Keep up the good work bro.

Barman 09-03-2012 12:34 PM

Yeh man i mix it up now and then like i could do 4 days on then 2 days off even 1day on 1 off depends i go through stages like that. haha yeh i used to train 6-7 days a week when i started did whole body workouts everjyday back then ha. thanks bro you to how are you getting on??

Pined my 4th shot of test prop this morning over all i feel better in myself more mental focus get man backpumps randomly like when taking dishes out of the dishwasher walking to the shops dbol is strong stuffvery nice best ive had. Doing arms later gota blow them up lightweight buddy :P

Barman 09-04-2012 01:13 PM

Didnt do my arms yesterday dog is old for his breed and was quite worried about him didnt want to do anything only the past couple of months hes getting worse :( doing arms now very shortly. ive upped my carbs im near the 14 stone mark at 5,6 so im happy atm i know some is water from dbol and diet drinks im trying to cut back on as well id be happy if my weight keeps going up like it as with no real fat gains will add more kcals as the weeks go on when my body needs it training is going well over all recovering much faster getting oily skin and hair the past couple of days now more veins are becoming easyier to see everyday all over my body feel strong happy. will post more pics this week topless (nohomo) lolif i can phone cam isnt the best quality and cant get any1 to do it for me (dont want them to see yet) i keep thinking about Doing shows from day 1 when i first started training thouse 4 and a half or 5 years ago that was my goal always was but i feel like if i cut up now id look great (not trying to be cocky) im nearly 14 stone at 5"6" looking pretty well all doe i do have wide hips taht always annoyed me cause any bit of fat i carry makes it look alot more with wide hips. anyway check in soon guys sorry about my little rant there ha train hard eat hard and grow :D

Barman 09-04-2012 03:55 PM

Wow guys my strenght is up and so is endurence i done my whole arm workout i felt i could do more and did nearly my whole shoulder workout i am in shock tbh ha will be getting something to eat now then doing cardio later this afternoon have only had around 80-90gs of cabs so far so that is amazing wrecked so gona take a quick nap. thanks for support guys and i think im addicted to my log lol

Barman 09-04-2012 05:37 PM


Originally Posted by Barman (Post 23477)
Wow guys my strenght is up and so is endurence i done my whole arm workout i felt i could do more and did nearly my whole shoulder workout i am in shock tbh ha will be getting something to eat now then doing cardio later this afternoon have only had around 80-90gs of cabs so far so that is amazing wrecked so gona take a quick nap. thanks for support guys and i think im addicted to my log lol

didnt have my nap yet went down put 100gs of long grain white rice on (raw weight) did 25 mins of stairs went down heated up 150gs of mince beef and 150gs of chicken breasts (all cooked weight) put the rice in the pan got some curry powder and watermixed all up and ate big meal very nice only used a small amout of the curry powder only 60 kcals worth and had a pint glass of water and zero kcal water flav stuff and 10gs of Glutamine in it. so in all im quite full lol

mth496 09-04-2012 06:23 PM

Nice log bro, enjoying it..

Barman 09-04-2012 08:39 PM


Originally Posted by mth496 (Post 23483)
Nice log bro, enjoying it..

Thanks bro i find doing the log helps keep me more motivated and glad your enjoying it :D

Wel lads doing my second set of cardio shortly back on the stairs around 25-30 mins Now is that fun or not? ha

Barman 09-05-2012 01:55 PM

Well lads i got a new weighing scales today its also has a built in bf% thing in it it was like 40 euro got it for shy over 26 euro i got it cause it was around the same price as other scales but they didnt have the bf% thing i know these can be a bit off but it gives an idea i tryed it when i got home even doe i was very thirsty and you shouldnt then should have plenty of water did it to humor myself and i pissed my self it said i was 31% haha i had mine taken be along time ago it was around 18 i was light (less muscle and so on) but then i did a check to see what id weight at comp weight and i would be less than when i got it done before even doe ive more muscle ha so i took a mouth full of water did it 10 mins later and what do you know it was done to 29% ha thats a big diffrence going to do it later tonight when i get more in me im sweating like a pug andvery thirsty all day :/ i know these scales can be around off by up 2% even if everything is in check thats why most use clips with it aswell and take the adverage ha im still laughing about that :P also i got The batman animated movie collection for 20 euro :P yes im a nerd lol 31% haha yeh right :P

Barman 09-05-2012 03:11 PM

I dont even have a bell lol not lean but not 31% haha anyway doing back later this afternoon be quite late by the look of things no more cabs for the day only took 120 or so maybe that very tight with that yesterday was 250 carbs. going to keep it under 200 now try and get pics up this week anyway. planing out next cycle that im going to rn after this (after my off time i should say) thinking test prop tren ace maybe winny to anyway whileto go before that still very stong on this and i am loving it also the past 2 or 3 days ive being more annoyed with silly like things that wouldnt usely bother me so another sign of good test.

Barman 09-05-2012 06:10 PM

Well my friends remember how i said i got a weighing scales that checks bf% so you get an idea of what your at and it said im at 31% this was after i put in my stats (age height) then you weight your self and it sends a pulse of electricity to your body and it gets a reading. well what i did i changed my stats to 6foot my number should come back the same cause im the same weight and same amount of bodyfat and so on well guess what? it was down to 22% how does that make sence it doesnt its still me so i did it again same thing i did it again but changed my height to 5"6" again n it was up to 30% it makes zero sence it was a weight watches scales seems to be a way to get people on to them :/ and i dont know any1 wth 30% bodyfat who doesnt have a belly and has veins popping out of their legs and calfs 24/7 and poping more out of their arms. im pretty annoyed about this as you can tell. anyway will update my weight my gains with pics as usel later :D

Barman 09-05-2012 10:12 PM

well i think tomoro im going to stop the dbol for a little bit maybe a week try n flush a bit of the extra water and glycogen and start a bit of clen have 20 40mcg tabs left so going to order some albuterol seen on many forums people n all that people have used it with the the same and better results than clen without the bad sides and in part i think its to do with is you can take it later in the day or even night n wont mess you upalso its cheaper so thats a plus going to tighten up diet more 100carbs a day or so 300 proteins usely ends up a bit higher and then fat what ever is in the meats and some from eggs and so on with faster cardio most days and after training so should help lean me out while maxing muscle gains with the test prop and will add the dbol back in later on back pumps are starting to become troublesome thats another reason why im going to drop for a bit.

Barman 09-06-2012 10:16 AM

well guys im going to but up what im eating today prop at the end of the day and thats my diet for now atm going to trry and lean up more. using dbol as a preworkout mostly from here on on using up mu clen tabs i have here doing faster cardio most days and after training on the stairs. im having two whole eggs and 100 of boiled chicken breast two slices of toast. eggs are lage enough so about 10gs of fat and 10-12 gs of protien chicken breast has about 30protiens and 4 -5 fat (it is boiled so yeh) mix it up on a pan with a bit of cocnut oil adds up to maybe 2gs of fat maybe :/ the about 35 carbs from the toast. Pretty normal breakfast for me :D

Barman 09-06-2012 01:21 PM

Pre workout meal 50gs of rice (raw weight) 150gs of lean mince beef.
then after training and cardio 70gs of whey about 50s of protein. Bits and bobs of carbs and fats.

Barman 09-06-2012 03:19 PM

hey bros done back today i decided to try some pre exhaustion training and wow was great felt it more in my back and when i posed my back looked bigger lats were huge looking also going to try it for a while on legs and back mostly going to rest with a shake for a while before cardio back pumps are big ha

Barman 09-06-2012 04:54 PM

Had my shake a while ago and just finished cardio got nearly 25 mins on the stairs. next 2 meals will be 200gs of chicken breasts with some veg not much donesnt go well with me and before i got bed another shake with 50s of protien.
so it goes 2 solid meals then a shake and repeat. works well. going to do another back workout 2night noting crazy just another pre exhaust training set (not doing my working set after that be to much in one day) so today i will be doing a total of two pre exhaust training and 1 full working set of training pretty intence when u break it down with cardio twice a day most days up to an hour on that so i should be burning up quite alot and you saw my diet that im sticking with atm very tight around 100s of carbs (also from protein shakes) till next time my friends legs 2moro

Just added up my kcals i have and will be eating for the day its about 2070 so round it up 2100 that will deffo be in fat loss

Barman 09-07-2012 11:18 AM

hello lads i am having weird sleeping issues atm being awake till 3 and 4 in the morning very hot sweating window wide open n still noting got asleep after a long while but i wake up and i feel better than if i slept 8 hours strange not going to be sad about it lol but i started clen yesterday 1 tab 40mcg going to keep it low with some caffine going for the effects not side effects using it to enhance what im already doing my weight is down (water) can tell i dont look as puffy or distorted if you get my meaning anyway should be doing legs today going to try to pre excust them then do my sets i dont train heavy never had to to build my body not to say i cant i can just dont need to not going for strenght or ego just mass thanks lads

Barman 09-07-2012 03:11 PM

I weight my self this morning like i said before i was down in weight 3 pounds pretty good mostly water you can see it look a bit better. the heat is killing me doe really wrecking me. and my dog isnt very well at all :( very sad may have to put him down if he is terminal dont want him in pain like his breathing isnt great and at night you can hear him dying with it pretty heartbreaking :( on a happier not i feel good strong anything i see or think about a nice girl bam i can feel it coming you know what i mean lol

Ftblk36 09-08-2012 12:06 AM

Sorry to hear about the dog big lad, always best to put them to sleep instead of watching them suffer, never an easy thing. Glad all is going well with the cycle. I took clen a while back and had to stop caffeine of any kind wasn't the nicest of experiences, I know when I do it again I will not have any caffeine and take the clen last thing before going to bed to sleep through the worst of it. Good luck bro keep er lit!

Barman 09-08-2012 12:36 PM

im grand with the caffine myself wow clen before bed ud be lucky to sleep at all i have to say :P but hey if it works for you ok :) yeh thanks bro had him put down was very sad just went home buried him really am in bits to say the lest :/ tnhanks doe. well hope things work well for you. are u going to do some test at some stage??

Ftblk36 09-08-2012 01:46 PM

I find getting it in before bed meant i slept through the worst of it!! Yes I will definitely be having a little test at some point Barman!! I'm an old fart now, 40, and haven't been kind to my old body over the years! Need all the help I can get!

Sent from the darkest region of my brain!!

Barman 09-08-2012 03:53 PM

Gota do that you gota do to get your goals.

Ah going to do some cardio shortly then 2moro go nuts on chest might even do a bit of legs today training hasnt being great the past coulpe days sleeping in alot checking up on the dog he didnt sleep in 3days or so before we got in put down very sad :( had a tumor on his liver pushing it back on hisbody leaking fluid making it hard for him to breath got worse when he was lying down so thats why i think he didnt really sleep :( at lest his ok now in peace.

Will try to get back to normal asp bang up the weights bang down the food well as much as you can on a cut hopfully will add some lean mass to i hope so i really do after this cycle and pct going to do time on = time off then bang on a 18 - 20 week cycle for mass keep diet tight. atm getting around 2100 kcals a day so i should be dropping quite enough what do you guys think. i train very hard always have :D

Barman 09-09-2012 11:51 AM

Hey boys :) well doing chest later atm im eating 3 small sausage 3 rashers (all boiled quite nice) and a pretty nice sized pork cho. not eating the fat just thye meaty parts enough fat in them anyway :D after that going to have a nice chicken curry my own healthy style with about 70 - 80 cabs thats my pre workout meal then doing chest hope to bang up some nice weight most ive ever goten up was 90kg for 4reps (no spotter) was laster year i do want to bring it up my cest is my weakest part as far as i can tell. i feel quite small sizewise even doe im much bigger than all my freinds many guys feel like that??? im always checking in the mirror as well :/

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