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Barman 08-30-2012 07:13 PM

Barmans log
hey lads this will be my log clearly but its mostly going to be about how i feel and what i see, as you know if u read my posts over the passt 2days got my order from gbn test prop and dbol. first time doing test prop so cant wait did my second shot today very smooth no pip yet my first shoot was some pip but was very easy to deal with (30 mins of stairs work) ha so not a problem at all. i also know its good already this morning i had some major wood as they say ha good stuff. doing my legs on friday so going to blast them to hell. dbol is great to best pumps ive had from dbol had a shoulder workout yesterday and wow nearly blew my arms off with the pump great stuff. my goals are to lean out a bit more while putting on some quality muscle tick dence muscle after all tahts what we want diet is good pretty tight might up the carbs next week if i feel i need to will keep up to date n will post pictures of the product if i can get my cam to work :/. thank you all and train hard :D

Barman 08-30-2012 07:26 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Attachment 1376

My products from gbn balkan dbol 50s and three 10ml vials of Kalpa Pharmaceuticals test prop

dfwtp 08-30-2012 09:30 PM

the kalpa prop is very good

mth496 08-30-2012 09:42 PM

Got the same dball i put pics up in the gbn section. The dball is amazing.

GearPro Rep 08-30-2012 10:50 PM

Can't wait to hear of your progress!!



Barman 08-31-2012 03:06 PM

Thanks lads. feeling very stronger everyday seem to have more controled rage as i train helps to get through the crazy pumpd from the dbol lol doing legs in the next 30mins or so 5 sets of squats. 5 sets of calf raises 5sets of lunges should be good and il try and do some cardio after i dont think il be able to walk but we will see lol

Barman 08-31-2012 05:24 PM


Originally Posted by Barman (Post 23414)
Thanks lads. feeling very stronger everyday seem to have more controled rage as i train helps to get through the crazy pumpd from the dbol lol doing legs in the next 30mins or so 5 sets of squats. 5 sets of calf raises 5sets of lunges should be good and il try and do some cardio after i dont think il be able to walk but we will see lol

Just an update from what i said earlier.
Did my legs n wow got 5 sets of squats n calf raises 2 sets of lunges had to stop crazy lower back pumps. strenght is deffo up can feel moving the same weight is easyer never had to use heavy weights with legs to see nice growth always had big leggs growning up :D but i will do 4 more sets of lunges later 2night and another set or 2 of squats just to try n finish it up a bit still have bad lower back pumps dont seem to be eazing up as of yet doe.

Barman 08-31-2012 11:25 PM

the past 2 or so its being pretty cold in my country most of the time (i live in ireland) my nipples have being semihard most of the time with it and feeling itchy getting paranoid about gyno being on dbol of about a week and a half (finished off some stuff i had while waiting for my order) but when my order came i was useing the dbol 50s + another 20 -30 mgs of the otehr dbol i had around that be about 2 days ago thats done so only on the 50mgs of dbol a day might back the dbol down a bit n maybe wrap up more just to see if its just my nipple being semihard or really hard all of the time thats causing it. i dont feel anything behind my nipple that was never there before and went i tense my pecs its all hard (besides the bit of fat you cant tense fat ha) nipples arent puffy either but im going to play it safe best to be safe than sorry. also i just took 20 mgs of nolvadex going bed very soon.

Barman 09-01-2012 09:58 AM


Originally Posted by Barman (Post 23429)
the past 2 or so its being pretty cold in my country most of the time (i live in ireland) my nipples have being semihard most of the time with it and feeling itchy getting paranoid about gyno being on dbol of about a week and a half (finished off some stuff i had while waiting for my order) but when my order came i was useing the dbol 50s + another 20 -30 mgs of the otehr dbol i had around that be about 2 days ago thats done so only on the 50mgs of dbol a day might back the dbol down a bit n maybe wrap up more just to see if its just my nipple being semihard or really hard all of the time thats causing it. i dont feel anything behind my nipple that was never there before and went i tense my pecs its all hard (besides the bit of fat you cant tense fat ha) nipples arent puffy either but im going to play it safe best to be safe than sorry. also i just took 20 mgs of nolvadex going bed very soon.

Yeh im pretty sre it was being paranoid and from the cold n chaged what i was wearing to bed last night its heavyer warmer nipples went normal the itchyness stopped its much warmer today and noting as well :P

Barman 09-01-2012 01:28 PM

Think il post up a picture of myself Later today :D and compaire it to a picture i took on th 21th same pose and same outfit so could tell any diffrence later guys doing chest later :D post my workout later :D

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