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RickyHawk46 02-11-2013 10:35 PM

4 on 4 off
Has anyone done any 4 weeks on then 4 weeks off cycling? I am thinking about trying but would like to gather some other thoughts on it.

300mg Test P day one Then 100mg ED
75mg Tren ED

I have Nolva on hand

Open to any and all criticism.

Barman 02-12-2013 08:22 PM

hello bro :) i asked this before it makes sence untill u think about how much of a yo yo it is for the body ud be better doing a normal cycle tbh or just stay on if ur doing 4 weeks on and 4 off ul be shut down in the 4 weeks off anyway hope this helped some what :)

RickyHawk46 02-12-2013 10:30 PM

That makes sense to me. I guess now I just need to find a good cutting cycle to start. Any insight on this will be appreciates. Thanks bros

wooly 11-03-2013 05:11 AM

You've got a great cutter already or at least the foundation of one. Some people believe Prop/Ace and 50 mg. oral winny or anavar is perfect for precontest or photoshoot. With the UG labs Masteron is back and Test/Tren/Mast has been called the ultimate cutter. Test/Tren/Primo and Test/Tren/EQ are very popular too often with Winny orals at 25 mgs to hopefully offset any tren related progestin sides. Good luck.

olaphg10 12-04-2014 07:29 PM

super tren 150
never used tren before got some rx super tren 150 form abbott export ,do I have to run it with test ,got ts-400 bold and deca , wanna use
e tren to cut ,,just need advice on how thanks guys olaphg10:p

olaphg10 12-04-2014 07:31 PM

super tren 150
never used tren before, got some rx super tren 150., form abbott export ,do I have to run it with test ,got ts-400 ,some bold and deca , wanna use
tren to cut ,,just need advice on how thanks guys olaphg10:D

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