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Cena2013 09-16-2013 12:24 AM

Would you try Synthol ? Who or why not.
If it would give you an edge on your competition or just give you a little more size that you could not achieve. Would you take it. Do you take it now and can provide some info?

Im curious about this, i was very against this oil, and i still do not think i will ever touch it unless there is a reason i would need to.

admin 09-16-2013 06:00 AM

I think many would try if provided a good specialist who can inject it correct.


Originally Posted by Cena2013 (Post 31537)
If it would give you an edge on your competition or just give you a little more size that you could not achieve. Would you take it. Do you take it now and can provide some info?

Im curious about this, i was very against this oil, and i still do not think i will ever touch it unless there is a reason i would need to.

andyebs 09-16-2013 08:17 AM

i dont think it would be something i would try

Crew38 09-16-2013 10:59 AM

Just watch the video of Greg Valentino
Trying to get the infection out himself

Cena2013 09-16-2013 11:30 AM

Yea but greg valentino abused the oils and re used dirty needles which could lead to the infection to. Im sure the oils caused the muscle to collapse, and problems.

I agree with Admin, that would be perfect and i would give it a shot then.

andyebs 09-16-2013 01:08 PM

that Greg Valentino person just didnt look right not a good look at all

GunnyGunnderson 09-16-2013 09:16 PM

i don't think that i would ever use synthol, though i do not compete. i could however, see the benefits and the edge it might give for competition. as admin said, having someone knowledgeable for application would be key.
greg valentino.... ugh... i can't stand him and the poor image he has given this sport. any time anyone says anything about steroids his name comes up and people think that his horribly misshapen body is the only outcome of steroid use. i hate to see him degrade this sport with his abuse of synthol and lack of respect for the body. sorry for the rant but i had to get it out

Cena2013 09-16-2013 10:35 PM

Greg abused both roids and the oil. The oil gets called a steroid and people with no clue at all judge real steroids that would not do that shit. It suck, and bodybuilding still will always have a bad rap no matter what. Its a drug sport and that is all people think about it.

Baseball players take such a bad rap and wrestlers to. That is why bodybuilding is black listed in everyones mind.

Crew38 09-17-2013 12:42 AM

People just don't realize steroids make you able to work 5 times harder , longer and faster. ( I'm still looking for the stereo typical roid that makes you huge just by taking it)

Cena2013 09-17-2013 06:49 PM

crew thats exactly what they all think, it even makes you hit a 100mph baseball. Its ok because most of the time guys who put steroids down, usually end up trying the steroids them self and they dont grow and its eggs on their face.

What ever atleast all us roid users have the upper edge :P

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