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osfitness 11-05-2014 09:40 PM

Yes. The longer the use the more build up of estrogen you may see. Just beca use some people don't see this doesn't mean it can't happen to you. Buyer beware..

If you want real results use the real stuff, then you will know what your getting...

Cornish_Celt 11-06-2014 05:56 AM

Delayed gyno is caused by an estrogen rebound. This is pretty common with compounds that don't convert to estrogen themselves. On cycle, prohormones and designer steroids can cause suppression of endogenous testosterone production, meaning low test on cycle. Less test levels means less aromatizing into estrogen, so estrogen levels are low as well. During post-cycle, as test levels return, estrogen can return in a "rebounding" spike that can cause gyno. This seems more common when an AI is used for PCT as this keeps estrogen levels suppressed even longer; when the AI is removed, estrogen levels spike up dramatically and cause gyno.

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