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eazy 09-17-2013 08:28 AM

The Argument Against Taking Prohormones
Prohormones are fairly prevalent in the world of bodybuilding and hold a definite appeal for young bodybuilders in particular. Many teenagers have been drawn into using performance enhancers as a quick way to build muscle mass, put on weight, and increase strength and speed on the playing field.

And the fact is, prohormones work. Taken in the right dosages, they can certainly boost strength and speed and add muscle. And while anabolic steroids are illegal and have a pretty bad reputation, prohormones are perfectly legal.

So why not take them? Well, in another article (whose link is just above) we looked objectively at the benefits. Now we’re going to look at the other side of the coin and discuss why prohormones should be avoided.

It’s important to understand that there is much unethical marketing in the world of prohormones. Loads of products are on the market, yet many are consistently ineffective. Hard-selling advertising makes it very difficult to know which ones really work and which ones are scams.

Some do certainly work, but only in certain body types. Tribulus Terrestris, for example, has proven to be an effective testosterone booster and does burn fat and build muscle mass. While this works impressively for older men, younger men are already producing as much testosterone as possible, making this drug essentially ineffective.

eazy 09-17-2013 08:29 AM

Testosterone Production Could Be Halted
Prohormones are effective at raising testosterone levels, yet that often comes to the detriment of natural testosterone production. As time goes on, a user’s testosterone levels can permanently shut down. This is particularly detrimental in teenagers, as their bodies are still forming, which is one of the reasons that teenagers shouldn’t be taking prohormones in the first place. As hormone production is stymied, it can cause long-term consequences.

Man Boobs

A very visible side effect of prohormones is “man boobs” or “bitch tits” in the bodybuilding world. A male bodybuilder can start to grow breasts with a prominent puffiness around the nipple area. In many cases, this ugly side effect is even visible through a shirt.

andyebs 09-17-2013 10:01 AM

i thought most of these have not even been tested properly and just chucked on the shelf
i going to take something like this then may aswell take the real thing probly safer

Cornish_Celt 09-17-2013 10:57 AM


Originally Posted by andyebs (Post 31585)
i thought most of these have not even been tested properly and just chucked on the shelf
i going to take something like this then may aswell take the real thing probly safer

Totally agree

Cena2013 09-17-2013 06:50 PM

I have used them before and i had more side effects on a pro hormone like drol, then i did running oral trenbolone.

That was enough for me to quit them.

andyebs 09-20-2013 09:22 AM

i have used test boosters as sort of pct aswell i think they are classed as pro hormones but didnt really think much of it

biggin 11-21-2013 12:57 PM

Never really cared for them myself. Like others have said, why pay $50 for a pro-hormone that may or may not work when I know a bottle of test will work? It's not as if pro-hormones are regulated any more or less than anything you can get from a sponsor with a halfway decent rep. The only thing the FDA does is make sure it's not going to kill the first 20 people who take it. They don't intervene until after something has been reported dangerous, not if it doesn't work.

To be honest, all a pro-hormone has proved to me to be is a validation of questionable marketing practices. Anything that tells you your bench will increase 610% in 4 weeks just go ahead and avoid.

Yolked 10-29-2014 03:32 AM


Originally Posted by biggin (Post 32428)
Never really cared for them myself. Like others have said, why pay $50 for a pro-hormone that may or may not work when I know a bottle of test will work? It's not as if pro-hormones are regulated any more or less than anything you can get from a sponsor with a halfway decent rep. The only thing the FDA does is make sure it's not going to kill the first 20 people who take it. They don't intervene until after something has been reported dangerous, not if it doesn't work.

To be honest, all a pro-hormone has proved to me to be is a validation of questionable marketing practices. Anything that tells you your bench will increase 610% in 4 weeks just go ahead and avoid.

i know this is a year old but the reason many people turn to pros over AAS is the ease in which they are obtained. ASS not so much

andyebs 10-29-2014 01:58 PM


Originally Posted by Yolked (Post 38834)
i know this is a year old but the reason many people turn to pros over AAS is the ease in which they are obtained. ASS not so much

if cant obtian them prob not ready for them and more reserch to be done

Yolked 10-29-2014 02:05 PM


Originally Posted by andyebs (Post 38837)
if cant obtian them prob not ready for them and more reserch to be done

not necessarily. I know a few people (including myself) who are pretty knowledgeable about AAS and overall supplement but (had) no source to get them. It is just much easier to obtain PH. Go online, find a reputable site, put in cart, pay with card, product in 3-5 days. not so much with AAS

osfitness 10-31-2014 09:52 PM

Agreed, I'd stay away from pro hormones they have ben reported by many to produce gyno. If you going to use them, use an anti estrogen during and after.

Yolked 11-01-2014 01:45 AM


Originally Posted by osfitness (Post 38857)
Agreed, I'd stay away from pro hormones they have ben reported by many to produce gyno. If you going to use them, use an anti estrogen during and after.

very very few pros convert to estrogen

Big_Poppa_pump 11-01-2014 09:10 AM


Originally Posted by Yolked (Post 38859)
very very few pros convert to estrogen

can you elaborate on that, which convert and which don't convert?

Yolked 11-01-2014 12:18 PM


Originally Posted by Big_Poppa_pump (Post 38864)
can you elaborate on that, which convert and which don't convert?

heading to work right now. There are very few that do. I will try to find some that actually do when i get home

Big_Poppa_pump 11-05-2014 04:19 AM


Originally Posted by Yolked (Post 38865)
heading to work right now. There are very few that do. I will try to find some that actually do when i get home

I've taken a few and have needed nolva with all of them so would be interested in which ones don't convert

Yolked 11-05-2014 01:51 PM

these are all NO, very low, and even anti estrogenic
18-methylestr-4-en-3-one-17b-ol (deca derivative)

Big_Poppa_pump 11-05-2014 02:25 PM

So what about "delayed gyno" and the products you mentioned?

Also, I heard that most pro hormones out there that don't need any cycle assist or pct are normally to mild to get any gains from

Yolked 11-05-2014 04:52 PM


Originally Posted by Big_Poppa_pump (Post 38927)
So what about "delayed gyno" and the products you mentioned?

Also, I heard that most pro hormones out there that don't need any cycle assist or pct are normally to mild to get any gains from

delayed gyno would not happen since there is no conversion. That happens when running a compound that aromatizes and once your AI wears off and estrogen levels rebound.
any prohormone needs to be taken with on cycle support

Cornish_Celt 11-05-2014 05:20 PM


Originally Posted by Yolked (Post 38928)
delayed gyno would not happen since there is no conversion. That happens when running a compound that aromatizes and once your AI wears off and estrogen levels rebound.
any prohormone needs to be taken with on cycle support

Thats not what he asked, he asked about delayed gyno,
Delayed gyno is caused by estrogen suppression during the cycle and then causing a rebound after the cycle

Yolked 11-05-2014 09:37 PM


Originally Posted by Cornish_Celt (Post 38929)
Thats not what he asked, he asked about delayed gyno,
Delayed gyno is caused by estrogen suppression during the cycle and then causing a rebound after the cycle

that is what i said no?

osfitness 11-05-2014 09:40 PM

Yes. The longer the use the more build up of estrogen you may see. Just beca use some people don't see this doesn't mean it can't happen to you. Buyer beware..

If you want real results use the real stuff, then you will know what your getting...

Cornish_Celt 11-06-2014 05:56 AM

Delayed gyno is caused by an estrogen rebound. This is pretty common with compounds that don't convert to estrogen themselves. On cycle, prohormones and designer steroids can cause suppression of endogenous testosterone production, meaning low test on cycle. Less test levels means less aromatizing into estrogen, so estrogen levels are low as well. During post-cycle, as test levels return, estrogen can return in a "rebounding" spike that can cause gyno. This seems more common when an AI is used for PCT as this keeps estrogen levels suppressed even longer; when the AI is removed, estrogen levels spike up dramatically and cause gyno.

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