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auto38043075 02-07-2013 10:31 PM

Wondering if y'all can help i wanna bulk. Well i guess lean bulk. I want to gain muscle and lose body fat. Im 208 5' 6" 27 Im probably 12 13 % body fat. I've done bulging cycles in the past so i know how to bulk i would be comfortable staying near the same weight at around 6 to 8 % body fat. Any ideas gear and diet? My last cycle was 600mg test e and 600mg deca. Any advice will be appreciated.

Bigdon 03-04-2013 04:00 PM

I'm also bulking, 185lbs hoping to put on 20lbs of quality muscle by end of my current cycle, (July)

Lil ROCK 03-07-2013 03:00 PM

Senior Member
Mini Bulk for 6 weeks, and then cut for 6 weeks via IF and carb cycling
I would like to add 10lbs of lean mass.

what would be a could "supply list" for this?

BicepBruce 05-23-2013 02:11 PM

bulk days
im looking to find out what gear can be used with test prop I was 184 and last go around 214 lbs I want more not their yet.old gear came from friends and bunk sources .any adies for larger size thanks :confused:

BicepBruce 05-28-2013 01:35 PM

ive been bulking for 2 years cycling on and off tried a very wide rang of gear moat hit lr miss trial and error. ivehad 4 hernia surgurys and pains started at 184 lbs and now today at 214 lbs im in cruise mode and getting ready for a new cycle in july picks coming soon

Scrrdyth 07-01-2013 02:23 AM

Bulk up for sure
I'm ready to gain and keep about 20lbs in the next 2 months. Hopefully my dbol and test e should come in and ill be g2g

andyebs 09-20-2013 09:21 AM

going to bulking up starting now really want to add some size in next 6 months
will be keeping forum up to date

admin 11-08-2013 01:50 PM

So guys when each of you will start their logs with pics here?

jdogg172 11-09-2013 12:56 AM

I am in! started a cycle yesterday

g0hardorgohome 01-09-2014 09:49 AM

I'm doing a lean bulk/recomp. Goal is to gain about 10lbs in next 3 months (I compete in 182lbs weight class in powerlifting).

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