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Gwhiz2517 01-02-2017 08:58 PM

Help with diet when bulking
Hello gents need help urgently .I'm gonna be running my first test e cycle at 500mg a week but need help with the diet,ie how much protein each day I need as for carbs ,Cal's and stats are 30y/0 ..Weigh 105kilo .... 5"11 ......bodyfat 31%.I wanna bulk but at the same time try and lose some fat around the gut and boob area.anybody got and good ideas.thanks

andyebs 01-03-2017 08:23 AM


Originally Posted by Gwhiz2517 (Post 48438)
Hello gents need help urgently .I'm gonna be running my first test e cycle at 500mg a week but need help with the diet,ie how much protein each day I need as for carbs ,Cal's and stats are 30y/0 ..Weigh 105kilo .... 5"11 ......bodyfat 31%.I wanna bulk but at the same time try and lose some fat around the gut and boob area.anybody got and good ideas.thanks

losing fat is not easy on bulk but if keep clean can keep fat gain down and even reduce bloat witch will appear as fat loss

when I bulk I like to set the min ill eat and try overeat but this can lean to fat gain
but for min I always look at it like
2x body weight for protein
4-5x bodyweight for carbs
1x bodyweight for fats

once get into routine and you eat a good diet 365 days year then you will know what to adjust for bllk fat loss or just maintain

but I would aim for roughly
220g protein
500g carbs
110g fat
that rough guess on 4k cals

see how you go on this and adjust if feel need to

ps train like hell in gym make every workout worth it

Gwhiz2517 01-03-2017 02:47 PM

Nice one I'll give it a go.thanks for the information

F.I.S.T. 03-26-2017 03:09 PM

Try this one out brother.............

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