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-   -   did my intro so thought I'd share my bulking cycle (

Cornish_Celt 11-22-2015 09:35 AM

Are you going to put any pictures up?

hangin 11-22-2015 10:19 AM

Yea I've been taking them well one each I'll post around week8 still a lot of work brother. I'm tired of eating all the happy it's getting cold so i love being completely covered up till it's time that I'm comfortable I ride myself hard really concen now is my putter sweeping of my quads and trying to stay full and bf% down. I tell you one thing for sure I can tell I'm in my late 30s and not 20s anymore

stillgoingstron 11-22-2015 10:56 AM

You wait til you hit your forties :D

And your fifties is great ;)

hangin 11-22-2015 11:27 AM

Goal now is to get thick mature muscle hit my weight then I'm gonna try and do one last show. Just need help when the time comes to dial in at the right time.thought bout a coach but last one I had I knew more.

andyebs 11-23-2015 08:19 AM

be good to see pics of progress

Malik 11-24-2015 06:46 PM

Weeks 1-16
Test E 500-750mgs a week
Deca 400-600 mgs a week
weeks 1-4 front load with 50mgs dbol everyday

hangin 11-26-2015 06:45 PM


Originally Posted by stillgoingstron (Post 43049)

You wait til you hit your forties :D

And your fifties is great ;)

Lol thanks

hangin 11-26-2015 06:46 PM


Originally Posted by Malik (Post 43095)
Weeks 1-16
Test E 500-750mgs a week
Deca 400-600 mgs a week
weeks 1-4 front load with 50mgs dbol everyday

Looks good your food on point? For me dbol gives me cramps so much I can't get through a workout

hangin 11-28-2015 07:45 AM

It's packing on fast just the other day I was 248-249 and just weighed myself when I got out of the shower and I'm 254 now I know that there is water weight but it's going great thus far.only change I've made is I upped my test to 2grams per week from 1500. I've run 2grams before and loved it but this time since I've brought it up I've felt like shit I'm hoping it will pass really soon. So I'm on track my body fat has gone up but only a bit.I'd like to get to 260 then bring it back down to maybe 240 with low body fat with my cycle I have planned next.

Cycle following 3 week break from current cycle is going to be something like below with subject to change
1-10 test ace 100mgs ed
1-8 tren ace 100mgs ed
1-8 mast 100mgs ed
6-10 winny 50mgs -100mgs ed
Clen 2 week's on 2 week's eca stack then back
Continue gh @ 6-8iu ed
All so have halo and var on hand,so this all is up for change or rearranging not sure so any thoughts or input would be great if possible.
There will be a 3 week break between the two cycles but during the 3 week break I'll be on test e @ 500mgs per week and var 80mgs ed until the main cycle starts. Of course diet will be meticulously planned out. I'm just not sure on which compounds and when to run them so as said above any thoughts or idea's would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

Armstrong 11-28-2015 09:13 PM


Originally Posted by hangin (Post 43189)
It's packing on fast just the other day I was 248-249 and just weighed myself when I got out of the shower and I'm 254 now I know that there is water weight but it's going great thus far.only change I've made is I upped my test to 2grams per week from 1500. I've run 2grams before and loved it but this time since I've brought it up I've felt like shit I'm hoping it will pass really soon. So I'm on track my body fat has gone up but only a bit.I'd like to get to 260 then bring it back down to maybe 240 with low body fat with my cycle I have planned next.

Cycle following 3 week break from current cycle is going to be something like below with subject to change
1-10 test ace 100mgs ed
1-8 tren ace 100mgs ed
1-8 mast 100mgs ed
6-10 winny 50mgs -100mgs ed
Clen 2 week's on 2 week's eca stack then back
Continue gh @ 6-8iu ed
All so have halo and var on hand,so this all is up for change or rearranging not sure so any thoughts or input would be great if possible.
There will be a 3 week break between the two cycles but during the 3 week break I'll be on test e @ 500mgs per week and var 80mgs ed until the main cycle starts. Of course diet will be meticulously planned out. I'm just not sure on which compounds and when to run them so as said above any thoughts or idea's would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

that looks good, should put on some quality weight just keep your diet clean as possible im pretty much running the same thing but im on long acting esters and I have EQ in my cycle as well as a low dose of dbols to keep my a bit more full

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