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Weight Loss/Cutting Everyone who wants to loose 10 lbs to 40 and those who just want to get a more defined look click here.

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 01-28-2015, 12:41 AM
spudman5353's Avatar
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Default weight loss

Hello all. I am a 6'1' 218 lb male. I have lost over 50 lbs in the last two years with just basic nutrition and hitting the gym, never have taken any steroids. I travel a lot for my job throughout the spring and summer, which makes eating right and lifting a challenge to say the least. I do take my protein powder, amino's , vitamins etc. with me. I will be starting my fist cycle of test in September when I am done traveling. My question to you all is what is out there as far as weight loss goes? I would like to be at 200 lbs when I start my cycle. I am gone 8 to 10 days on a typical trip an start back into my workout routine as soon as I get back home. I would just like to shed 18 lbs by September. I have heard a lot about Clen. Any help or advise would be greatly appreciated.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 01-28-2015, 08:07 AM
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Hi mate. I've sent you a pm re my thoughts on clen etc.

If you've lost 50lbs over two years you did something right. The only point I would make is whether this was because of good nutrition or just because you killed yourself on the treadmill.

The reason I make this point is that unless you get your macros spot on and do muscle building training at the same time its likely you lost as much, if not more lean tissue as fat.

I'm not saying this is you because I really don't know you but so many people make the mistake of burning off calories and probably restricting their intake at the same time and all they do is reduce their bodyweight. Both fat and muscle and ultimately put back on the fat but not the muscle. That's not a good long term strategy.

It's hard work without steroids. Trust me I know. My suggestion would be to drastically cut the cardio (you're not 30 any more) and reduce your intake of carbs, especially simple carbs and hit the weights. I don't mean cut them out completely. Your training will suffer If you do.

Use the time you spent on cardio hitting the weights. And so that you don't over train mix up heavier training with a much lighter cardio type of weight training, something like 3 times a week heavy compound training and twice a week much lighter cardio weight training. Enjoy your days off because they will help you recover and progress.

Good luck mate and maybe get yourself a 40lb pair of dumbbells for some shoulders and arms and lunges or squats exercises in your hotel room or when you can't hit a gym.

Last edited by stillgoingstron; 01-28-2015 at 09:40 AM.
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