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Old 02-25-2016, 10:18 AM
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Default Repair A Damaged Metabolism

Have you went on one too many low calorie-starvation diets? Have you jumped on and off the detox and fasting bandwagons. Are you finding it more and more difficult to lose those extra stubborn pounds. If so, you may have caused some metabolic damage to your system. At this point it can be extremely difficult to achieve the weight loss that you desire, but not impossible. The good news is, metabolic damage can be repaired.

Here are 7 ways to repair your metabolism:

1) Meal frequency: Eat 5-6 small meals per day

2) Meal timing: Eat approximately every 3 hours

3) Sufficient caloric intake: Maintain a small calorie deficit and avoid starvation-level diets (suggested safe levels for fat loss: 2100-2500 calories per day for men, 1400-1800 calories per day for women; adjust as needed)
size depending this will be much higher intakes

4) Food choices: Select natural, unprocessed foods with high thermic effect (lean proteins like chicken, turkey, egg whites and fish. Also all green vegetables,

5) Cardio training: If you really want to get a metabolic boost make sure you amp up the intensity a bit! Walking and low intensity cardio is fine, but higher intensity exercise will stimulate your metabolism even more!

6) Weight training: Concentrate on the basic exercises that include the largest muscle groups or use the entire body as a unit (squats, dead-lifts, chest presses, rows and core-activation exercises) will have a much greater metabolism stimulating effect than isolation exercises.

7) Metabolism boosters:
Add some metabolism boosting agents to your daily eating plan. Add hot spices like cayenne or black peeper to your meals. Have some green tea with lemon for your drink. Add some cinnamon to your smoothies. These little extras can actually aide in fat burning by keeping your metabolism revved up and your blood sugar levels even.

and just as important be patient
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