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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 10-14-2015, 07:43 AM
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Default For a person who traditionally struggles losing fat

I may of asked this before, but I can't remember. I've had thyroid issues in past, and it was bad the last time I cut. I drop carbs really low and kept cutting calories because I was doing so much damn cardio and not losing anything but muscle it seemed.

Well thyroid been taken care off for awhile.

Now that I have bulked and ran my first cycle, I want to cut my body fat down.

I think I don't lose fat easily, used to be I didn't gain fat before my thyroid issues. Now it's like if I put fat on, I have to fight like hell to get it off.

Diet aside, because I know that matters. And I'll be asking for thought on that when I'm closer to my next cycle.

Someone told me there are not actually cutting gear, but it helps by keeping you anabolic.

What cycle would you all suggest for cutting?

I'm looking at all possibilities such as peptides, T4, etc? I read some peps actually help you lose fat.

I don't have that kind of experience yet, so I have no clue.

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 10-14-2015, 10:17 AM
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cutting is about diet diet diet and finding what works good for you

gear is used to keep muscle mass really

clen does work yes can add that
T3-i also like this and helps
can do week clen week t3 as need to have break from clen so this way always got something working for you
if anything it mentally helps knowing have some assistance

tren does keep you lean but is not for everyone

how long are you planning on doing this cycle and when for as take it you are still running your bulk so when will this finish and are you running PCT then have time off before going into cutting cycle

also never go full in at first as in low food and loads cardio
i found it better to start and for first couple weeks just cutting crap cals and doing that loses a bit then when slows down cut food via carbs if thats your choice but do it bit by bit maybe 200cals every couple weeks (listen to your body really )
then later can add cardio

good luck as the song says
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 10-14-2015, 07:04 PM
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I always had similar problems pre steroids use. I could easily cut back on carbs and calories but l'd lose mostly muscle, so I sort of decided I'd rather have the muscle and the fat. But when I started taking steroids I found I could cut back on the carbs and the calories and not just keep muscle and lose fat but gain muscle as well.
So when people say testosterone etc won't burn fat they're probably not wrong but if they say you can't cut fat and gain muscle then in my experience they would be wrong.
I'm guessing it's to do with the way your body makes better use of the calories it does get and especially the protein.
So I suppose my advice, bearing in mind your limited experience with test is to forget about peptides etc for now and try a slight calorie deficit while on cycle. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised.

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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 10-15-2015, 12:18 AM
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key is to watch your diet and keep cardio up so your metabolism is high, everyone is different, but try cardio in the morning on an empty stomach and throw some clen in, keep your protein high, low fat and keep complex carbs in, watch this vid by bio
People say to me its possible to be too big.....but for me I dont want a physique thats average something thats reachable, I want something thats unobtainable that looks like its so hard to get, yes women hate it, BUT I FUCKIN LOVE IT....SO FUCK IT!! why do I want this??? CAUSE NORMAL FUCKIN SUCKS!!!
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 10-15-2015, 09:07 AM
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Originally Posted by Armstrong View Post
key is to watch your diet and keep cardio up so your metabolism is high, everyone is different, but try cardio in the morning on an empty stomach and throw some clen in, keep your protein high, low fat and keep complex carbs in, watch this vid by bio
defo think theres something in fasted morning cardio i really found that worked for me

but for me i tend to cut carbs and keep fats in
think its what you find best really
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 10-15-2015, 10:54 AM
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Originally Posted by new-Jedi View Post
I drop carbs really low and kept cutting calories because I was doing so much damn cardio and not losing anything but muscle it seemed.
Understand what you are both saying, Andy and Armstrong, and it's very valid advice, but I think New Jedi's problem is that he's already done the dropping carbs and massive amounts of cardio bit and lost more muscle than fat. This is one reason why excessive cardio isn't always the answer. If it works, then great, keep doing it, but if it doesn't then you need to look at other options.

Something like the 5 x 5 type of workout can burn off loads of fat (if diet and macros are right) and let's face it any form of weight training with the right diet and, as I pointed out earlier, the addition of AAS, to hold onto the lean tissue should do the trick.

It's all about finding out what works. I'm just saying all this in case (and it does seem to be the case) the cardio and low calories doesn't work.

This will sound horrible and it's not supposed to be, but that's what women do. Eat eff all and run for miles. Not really a good long term strategy.

Just my two pence worth and I hope I haven't offended anyone
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 10-19-2015, 10:27 AM
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Default Sorry about taking so long

I had to work on part of a dissertation for class and it took up all my non gym time.

Thanks for the advice, all great stuff.

Yea, when I last cut, I tried everything. Started just cutting calories, carbs mostly.

But I'd always get stuck.

I got down to almost 1500 calories a day and I was losing all my muscle.

I think I almost hit 155. I was like 165 when started. At the time I had built up a lot of belly fat, and some muscle.

So it was tough, because not only was I sapped of all energy, my body wasn't taking fat alone.

I do believe I have some things going for me this time.

First, I have you guys.

This site is a resource that's been invaluable to me.

Second, I have a much better base of muscle. I won't know for sure until I'm off cycle. Another few weeks I think. I was doing 12, but decided to stretch it the other 2-3. Either way my guess is I'll have a good 20 pounds of muscle that I didn't have before. If not more. I hope that helps with the getting body to use fat.

And lastly, I'll be in a much better anabolic situation. Test E, tren, and likely I'll use T3 or clen if I'm not successful doing without.

Thanks guys for the great advice.

I'll be sure to let everyone know what my plan is before launch, that way I can gain valuable feed back.

"A Jedi must have the deepest commitment, the most serious mind," Yoda.

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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 10-19-2015, 11:08 AM
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good luck with this cut when time comes

also did ask when this was planned for as your still currently on your first cycle of test e for bulk

also see your putting tren in this cut cycle
im not so sure tren is great idea for second cycle but then thats your choice
would you be useing tren e or something like tren a
i really would suggest tren a for first time as if not your thing can drop it and will be out of system quicker
negative point its jabs EOD
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 10-19-2015, 06:17 PM
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As you obviously appreciate now eating just 1500 calories is doomed to failure. You need to try as hard as possible to retain as much muscle as possible to keep your metabolism burning.
Also, as I've said, you will lose some water when you come off cycle. I wouldn't mind betting that half that 20lb is water. Point is, expect it and don't panic and think it's muscle going down the plughole and then eat too much to try and stop the loss. You'll just get fat.
Eat plenty of protein, don't shun healthy fats and manipulate your carbs for the energy to keep training but not spill over into fat gain. You'll get it right eventually.

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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 10-20-2015, 04:43 AM
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New-Jedi, it might be more helpful to list your age, how long you trained naturally... pre-steroid use, etc. It seems you could definitely use more knowledge so it's great you're on HM asking for advice!

My advice/suggestions: Find what works best for YOU. Everyone is different in how their bodies work, that's a fact.

Have you considered a 'clean', natural bulk followed by an 'on cycle cut'? Or I would try to lean out with a good diet and then do a CLEAN on cycle bulk. Bulking doesn't mean you need to put on 20lbs in 10 weeks. Take it slow, don't follow the 'see food diet' (eat everything you see lol). Same thing with cutting body fat. Don't go hard core and cut your cals so fast. That's a recipe for a slow metabolism and muscle loss. Your body is trained to hold onto fat when it THINKS it's in starvation mode. If you look at an anorexic person, they often have stick thin arms and some fat on the waste to protect organs. I won't bore you with the science.

I don't know enough about you to suggest a 2nd cycle. For those who are experienced, test prop/tren ace can do amazing things in a cut cycle. If things are done right, you won't lose a lb of muscle and may even gain some. It's very possible to gain 5 lbs of muscle and drop 10 lbs of fat.

Carbs aren't the enemy, sugar generally is. It's all about timing with sugar intake. You also need fat in your diet to regulate hormones. If your energy is super low, you're probably cutting carbs too much. As mentioned by others, 1500 cals is very low for a male.

Clen is a scary thing and t3/t4 do mess with your thyroid a bit. Keep on researching and asking questions. When it comes to this level, no question is a dumb question!

Good luck man, hope this helps
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