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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 08-15-2015, 09:10 AM
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Question Best Anobolics/Peptides/Research Chems for Cut cycle

Ok, I know this is a long way off. But my second cycle is going to be a cut. I suspect after eating a lot and my already not ideal body fat level, a gym friend guessed at 15% the other day, that I'm gonna want to cut.

I'm on week two of my first cycle, test e, 500mg a week. My girlfriend said I'm looking bigger, but I'm not sure how. I think maybe fuller, but I've also been working harder. Because I lowered exercise count, I have expended more energy on each lift. (Thanks CC and Stillgoingstrong, epic advice).

I'm digressing!

So I'm researching cutting drugs. I read anabolics don't cause a lot of cutting, more allow you to save muscle. Is that true! Rich Piana says there are no cutting anabolic. But I also read there is some fat loss, and I'm not so sure I haven't seen some in two weeks on 500mg of test e. That may be anecdotal. Although I'm sweating more recently.

I am researching now so I can ordered when I'm off cycle after PCT.

Anyone have any favorite cut cycles they use?

What about other aids?

Are peptides & research chems too advanced? Do any of you bother using them? I'd like the cut to be really successful, so any help I'd take.

For now, I'm researching the cycle. Before I start it, a long time from now, I'll post my planned diet. I know that is the single most important thing.

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Last edited by new-Jedi; 08-15-2015 at 09:12 AM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 08-15-2015, 01:19 PM
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It's all about your diet. If you eat to bulk you'll bulk and if you eat to cut you'll cut. The anabolics will spare your lean tissue when you eat below maintenance which will allow you to lose fat and not fat and muscle. You can cut on test e if you eat below maintenance but it might not properly show until you are off cycle and the water goes.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 08-15-2015, 08:12 PM
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So you wouldn't suggest throwing auxiliaries like T3 or clen in?

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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 08-15-2015, 09:34 PM
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That's a personal choice really. If I were you I'd consider a very lean bulk to start. Don't go too mad with calories, train hard and see how you get on. It's likely you will put on a reasonable amount of muscle while losing a bit of fat. After the cycle see how you rebound and then plan your next cycle with a bit of experience behind you.
Your diet and training will give you different results depending whether you are on cycle or not. Do you really want to gain 15lbs of muscle and 15 lbs of fat only to lose 10lb of muscle and retain all the fat afterwards?
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 08-16-2015, 06:58 AM
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Originally Posted by stillgoingstron View Post

That's a personal choice really. If I were you I'd consider a very lean bulk to start. Don't go too mad with calories, train hard and see how you get on. It's likely you will put on a reasonable amount of muscle while losing a bit of fat. After the cycle see how you rebound and then plan your next cycle with a bit of experience behind you.
Your diet and training will give you different results depending whether you are on cycle or not. Do you really want to gain 15lbs of muscle and 15 lbs of fat only to lose 10lb of muscle and retain all the fat afterwards?
I do not. I want to gain 15 pounds of muscle, and zero fat. Then lose 10 pounds of fat, and gain another 15 pounds of muscle.

Yea, I dont plan on going on my next cycle for probably 24 weeks at least. But once I am done with PCT, I will start to piece together the next round, that way I am completely ready.

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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 08-16-2015, 12:57 PM
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Just be aware that after your cycle finishes all those magic powers will slowly bugger off and leave you at the mercy of the calorie monster and its devastating effects on your waistline!

Hahaha haha!

Sorry nurse. No I won't press submit. Honest.

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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 08-16-2015, 08:48 PM
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Originally Posted by stillgoingstron View Post

Just be aware that after your cycle finishes all those magic powers will slowly bugger off and leave you at the mercy of the calorie monster and its devastating effects on your waistline!

Hahaha haha!

Sorry nurse. No I won't press submit. Honest.

I needed a good chuckle today. Thanks for that.

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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 08-17-2015, 09:28 AM
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how long after bulk cycle will you be leaving it till you cut

mistakes i think i have made is going straight from bulk into a cut
and prob lost muscle gained in bulk while in cut
i really think there something about holding onto wieght for while before it becomes perminant
as in try hold on to wieght gained in bulk for period of time so your body gets used to having that wieght

also i likw clen and t3
you can always have things like this on hand and if feel progress slows down during cut got something left for that final push
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 08-17-2015, 09:47 AM
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Originally Posted by andyebs View Post
how long after bulk cycle will you be leaving it till you cut

mistakes i think i have made is going straight from bulk into a cut
and prob lost muscle gained in bulk while in cut
i really think there something about holding onto wieght for while before it becomes perminant
as in try hold on to wieght gained in bulk for period of time so your body gets used to having that wieght

also i likw clen and t3
you can always have things like this on hand and if feel progress slows down during cut got something left for that final push
I was just talking about that to someone, how I felt last time I went from bulk to cut, I feel like I just ruined my work. That's awesome you said that.

I plan on doing PCT, then staying off for at least 8-12 weeks, then cutting.

Thanks for the tip.

"A Jedi must have the deepest commitment, the most serious mind," Yoda.

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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 08-17-2015, 03:07 PM
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Originally Posted by andyebs View Post
how long after bulk cycle will you be leaving it till you cut

mistakes i think i have made is going straight from bulk into a cut
and prob lost muscle gained in bulk while in cut
i really think there something about holding onto wieght for while before it becomes perminant
as in try hold on to wieght gained in bulk for period of time so your body gets used to having that wieght

also i likw clen and t3
you can always have things like this on hand and if feel progress slows down during cut got something left for that final push
How long in between are you recommending? The usual time on plus pct or longer? I'll be looking at doing a bulk then cut so any personal experience recommendations would be great.
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cut stack, peptides, research chemicals

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