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pulltravis 11-24-2012 04:54 PM

Armwrestling Tournys
Anyone interested in getting into armwrestling ("pulling" as we call it) please let me know your general location,and ill keep you posted on up coming tournys in your area!....wanna see how your strength is coming up and PULL!!!

mrbojangles 12-29-2012 01:31 PM

I do. I do. Lol
Whats up bro. I wanna learn. I mite know a lil bit already but always willing to learn.
Was excited to see another armwrestler on here.

pulltravis 12-29-2012 04:36 PM

You are the Teacher my Friend!!

mrbojangles 12-29-2012 05:32 PM

I love to teach what little i know. Im definitely in the lower percent level in the pro classes but aim to change that for 2013.

GunnyGunnderson 12-30-2012 07:51 PM

i wanna try! only ever done it for fun, not bad for a little guy, like to see how i stack up.

pulltravis 12-30-2012 09:10 PM

Jus pm me your location,or nearest big city! Ill get you info on the next tourny close to you! Please if you have never pull in a tourny before,enter the novice class,dont pull pro unless your ready to get your feelings hurt!..anything i can do to help let me or Mr.Bo J. know!,,and good luck,stay healthy bro!

mrbojangles 01-19-2013 12:04 AM

Yes sir. Im eager to help. PullT prob gets on this board a lil more often than i do, but is just as knowledgable as i am and get on the armwrestling boards as i do as well. is the biggest armwrestling board there is, and is very informative if you check it out.

Daria121 01-19-2013 04:30 AM

Armwrestling Tournys
National Armwrestling Promotions specializes in bringing armwrestling competitions and tournaments to various special events in the United States.

mrbojangles 01-19-2013 02:39 PM

Yes NAP does.....

as well as NAL(national armwrestling league), NFA(new face of armwrestling), UAL(united armwrestling league), PAL(professional armwrestling league), AAA(armerican armsport association) and maybe a few i missed. All of these host bigger events across the US

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