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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 07-24-2014, 07:35 AM
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Smile New to this!!!

I started my first cutting phase about a month ago. I'm eating four meals 3-4 hours apart. Macros are at 30% carbs, 50% protein, and 20% fat. Total calories = 1300 a day. I weight train upper body/lower body splits 5 days a week and do 1 day cardio (6 mile jog). I weigh 152 lbs and I am 5'6" tall.

So, I lost 2.5 lbs (total of 5 lbs) in the first two weeks and lost 1 pound last week. I gained one pound this week and I kept my nutrition right on track!

My goal is to build more strength and muscle. Any tips or pointers for a beginner? Any ideas why I gained a little bit of weight back? Any help is greatly appreciated!!!

Thank You ...
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 07-24-2014, 08:12 AM
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you possibly gained muscle not fat
fat is about 3 times size of muscle pound for pound

whats your upper and lower split be easier to see what your doing
mon chest press sholder press
tue leg curl and leg press
so on so on

and list diet aswell
meal1 greek yorgaurt and berrys
meal 2 tuna pasta salad
so on and so on

once can see what doing people on hear can have better idea of how to help more if needed

also welcome to forum good to have you hear
also pics would go down a blast lol
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 07-24-2014, 10:20 AM
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With those calories and macros it's unlikely you are getting fatter. Unless you eat most of the cards just before going to bed.

Depending on what you were eating before you started this cutting phase it's possible your body is just readjusting again. I wouldn't panic though. As long as you stick with those macros and train you will tone up.

A word of warning though. Make sure you are eating enough calories. All you need us a slight calorie deficit. There's nothing to to be gained by starving yourself. It just doesn't work long term.

Also its not easy to gain strength, build muscle and lose fat at the same time. You really need to concentrate on doing fat loss or build muscle. If it's fat loss you want then manipulate the carbs while eating enough calories and especially protein. Take it slowly, one step at a time and you will have lasting results not the usual yo yo farce.

Last edited by stillgoingstron; 07-24-2014 at 10:27 AM.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 11-03-2014, 02:15 AM
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Default Macros

I'm trying to figure out the true meaning behind macros and how they work. I'm starting my cutting at about four months out for a show in March as bikini with IFBB. Can someone give me a simple but quick run down on what this would look like? I'm 5"4 @ 138
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 11-03-2014, 09:49 AM
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Hi Sojo

A quick run down of macros

Protein is the building blocks of all tissue, including muscle. When you break down muscle by weight training the amino acids in protein rebuild the muscle. Many of the amino acids are known as Essential Amino Acids, which means we will eventually die if we don't eat them.

Fat is used for all sorts of functions within the body. Within the fats we eat are Essential Fatty Acids and without eating these will eventually die.

Carbohydrates are a preferred source of energy for the body. However, we have no absolute need for carbs and if we didn't eat them we might not be in the best of health but we wouldn't die through a lack of them. Obviously many vitamins, minerals and other micronutrients come from carbs, so it's not wise to never eat carbs.

Fat has no effect on your insulin levels, protein if eaten in excess and especially if that includes fast acting protein drinks can have an effect, but it is carbs that will almost exclusively effect your insulin, blood sugar and eventually stored body fat levels.

Therefore it makes sense to cut down or manipulate your carb intake when cutting. That's not too say you should cut them out completely but if you cut down and especially cut down on fast acting simple carbs you should lose body fat while maintaining lean tissue.

To keep energy levels maintained many people eat their carbs pre and post workout, which is when by increasing insulin levels muscle repair is assisted and fat storage minimized and maybe first thing in the morning when blood sugar levels are usually lowest.

You will definitely notice strength and energy levels drop if you cut carbs too much, so it's a case of you finding the right balance for your body type and daily routine etc

If you have four months to your comp then you have plenty of time put your carb manipulating plan into action.

Good luck and hope this helps

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