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13uie67 07-09-2014 07:13 PM

my gf
this is my gf tricep... looking good lady ! :)[IMG][/IMG] shes currently stacking winny,primo,hgh

andyebs 07-10-2014 08:57 AM

looking good my man
is she training for anything
ie comp

and most guys would be jel of that tricep and capped delts

13uie67 07-10-2014 09:10 AM


Originally Posted by andyebs (Post 37980)
looking good my man
is she training for anything
ie comp

and most guys would be jel of that tricep and capped delts

thanks bro.. Naw, she just does it for personal gain.. Im proud of her,. She works very hard in and out of the gym.. Shes 50 but dosnt look like it.. :)

andyebs 07-11-2014 08:17 AM

good for her
how big is she planning to get
why get week as get older may aswell get fitter / stronger

13uie67 07-12-2014 12:31 AM


Originally Posted by andyebs (Post 38004)
good for her
how big is she planning to get
why get week as get older may aswell get fitter / stronger

she is still athletic.. Shes not goin got get any bigger then she already is.. Just more tie-ins and separations

Jason 07-12-2014 09:04 AM

Very nice! You're a lucky guy to find an athletic lifting girl ;) Lovin her tri's tell her Congratz on the hard work it's showing off and looks great!

13uie67 07-12-2014 09:06 AM


Originally Posted by jason (Post 38018)
very nice! You're a lucky guy to find an athletic lifting girl ;) lovin her tri's tell her congratz on the hard work it's showing off and looks great!

thanks bro ill let her know.. Ive tried to tell her to compete but she wont do it.... Lol she just wants to look like she does... Thanks bro.. :)

Jason 07-12-2014 09:16 AM

Well you can't make her get on stage, but as long as she competes in front of you that's all that matters ;) haha

13uie67 07-12-2014 09:22 AM


Originally Posted by jason (Post 38021)
well you can't make her get on stage, but as long as she competes in front of you that's all that matters ;) haha

nice one jason... Great point bro... :)

andyebs 07-14-2014 08:35 AM

show full body lol intrested now

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