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woodrow1 01-09-2012 03:12 AM

ate dinner twice.. catfish, hush puppies and fries.....

Got nauseated after the catfish...not used to fried food? or it might have been bad ...hell i dunno.

woodrow1 01-09-2012 05:43 PM

eggs sausage and banana this moring...

ate some chips.

2 pork tenderloin sandwiches...

tonight is Back day

woodrow1 01-10-2012 02:50 AM

ate my chkn baked potato


then roast/rice/corn for dinner.

woodrow1 01-10-2012 02:52 AM

Back Day

295 x 8
315 x 7
335 x 6
355 x 5

Seated Rows
135 x 10
145 x 10
160 x 10
170 x 8

Close Grip Pulldowns
140 x 10
150 x 8
160 x 7
170 x 6

woodrow1 01-10-2012 08:19 PM

Last night I ate my dinner again..

This morning I ate 4 eggs, sausage and a banana.

Chips for a snack....

2 Tenderloin pork sandwiches .

Roast/rice again for a snack.

im full!!!

woodrow1 01-11-2012 03:44 AM

drank a shake..

ate a few peanut butter bar things throughout the day

ate a large pizza

woodrow1 01-11-2012 03:47 AM

chest and bi

Bench press
205 x 8
225 x 8
245 x 7
265 x 6

Incline DB Press
85 x 8
90 x 6
90 x 6
90 x 6

Chest Press
230 x 8
250 x 7
270 x 6
280 x 5

Alternating Bi Curls
42.5 x 10
45 x 8
47.5 x 7
50 x 6

Chin Ups
2 sets of 10

Overhead Bi Curls...cable
60 x 8
60 x 8
60 x 8
60 x 8

woodrow1 01-12-2012 03:48 AM

ate 4 eggs, sausage, and banana.

ate peanut buddy bars lol..

ate a big muffalata from jasons deli with chips

ate a chkn baked potato.

drank a shake

ate lasagna....2 plates

woodrow1 01-12-2012 03:51 AM

Shoulders and Tris

Shoulder Press
115 x 10
135 x 10
155 x 8
175 x 7

Lat Raises
40 x 8
40 x 8

Front Raises
45 x 8
47.5 x 7

Face Pulls
150 x 10
150 x 10
150 x 10
150 x 10

Overhead Tri DB Ext
40 x 10
45 x 10
45 x 10

80 x 10
80 x 10
90 x 8

80 x 10
80 x 10
90 x 8

woodrow1 01-13-2012 12:53 PM

didnt get to eat much yesterday.. was out getting errands taken care of...

ate eggs, sausage and banana for breakfast.

ate double meat burger and fries at mcdonalds.

ate dinner....chkn fried steak and mashed potatoes and corn...

ate dinner again...

and thats it... kinda felt cheated yesterday....

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