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woodrow1 02-02-2012 02:37 AM

cereal and milk

burrito and chips..

sushi roll and fried rice

chkn baked potato

chips and a couple peanut butter bars

ft long subway

woodrow1 02-02-2012 02:42 AM

Shoulders, traps and tris

Shoulder Press
135 x 10
155 x 8
175 x 6
175 x 6

Front Raise
40 x 8
45 x 7

Lat Raises
40 x 8
45 x 7

Rear Raises
50 x 10
55 x 8
55 x 8
55 x 8

340 x 8
340 x 8
340 x 8

Overhead Tri Ext
40 x 10
42.5 x 10
45 x 8

80 x 10
90 x 10
100 x 8

80 x 10
90 x 10
100 x 8
100 x 8

Good day

woodrow1 02-05-2012 01:04 AM

Well, got a tooth ache.... got put on antibiotics.. Nothing has changed on my meals. I still ate the same thing... My tooth was HURTING bad!

Same meals as usual.

I did skip legs friday....but i will make them up sunday :) I never miss the gym!!!

sniper300c 02-05-2012 06:41 PM


Originally Posted by woodrow1 (Post 19677)
Well, got a tooth ache.... got put on antibiotics.. Nothing has changed on my meals. I still ate the same thing... My tooth was HURTING bad!

Same meals as usual.

I did skip legs friday....but i will make them up sunday :) I never miss the gym!!!

finish my antibiotics tomorrow, i hate taking them as the first doesnt usually clear it up i end up with 2/3 courses.

hows the lbs going on?

woodrow1 02-05-2012 09:04 PM

Antibiotics usually make me feel like complete shit. I feel weird, get really tired, nauseated... and puts me in a bad mood. I hate antibiotics..

Only up about 10lbs.

I think i;ve had a few things that worked against me on this run. For one i've been running letro to get rid of gyno...which is finally almost gone. Then i got sick when i was up about 10-12lbs and went below what i started at....

Kinda sucks...

woodrow1 02-05-2012 09:06 PM


315 x 8
335 x 7
355 x 6
375 x 6
375 x 5

Front Squats
225 x 8
245 x 6
265 x 6
285 x 5

Laying Leg Curls
200 x 10
220 x 8
220 x 8

Calf Machine 250lbs
2 sets of 15

Standing Calf Raises (supers)
3 sets of 15 (slow)

Seated Calf Raises (170lb supers)
3 sets of 15

woodrow1 02-07-2012 01:05 PM


295 x 7
315 x 6
335 x 6
335 x 6

DB Bent Over Rows
115 x 8
120 x 8
120 x 8
125 x 8
125 x 8

Close Grip Pulldowns
130 x 10
140 x 8
150 x 7
160 x 6

Decent day

admin 02-07-2012 05:39 PM

Bro, do you eat full eggs or only whites?

woodrow1 02-07-2012 10:02 PM


Originally Posted by admin (Post 19709)
Bro, do you eat full eggs or only whites?

full eggs.

woodrow1 02-08-2012 04:30 AM


Bench Press
205 x 8
225 x 8
245 x 7
265 x 6

Incline Bench
185 x 8
205 x 7
225 x 6
225 x 5

Chest Press Machine
270 x 6
270 x 7
270 x 7
270 x 7

Alternating Bi Curls
45 x 8
50 x 7
52.5 x 6

Chin Ups
3 sets of 8

Overhead Cable Curls
50 x 10
60 x 8
60 x 8

woodrow1 02-09-2012 09:42 PM

Missed my workout last night because i had some stuff to do. Meals were the same.

Today my meals are WAY off, but i had to get a tooth pulled... So i havent been able to eat much.

My weight was up to 226 though.... up 13lbs...

woodrow1 02-11-2012 04:45 AM


Front Raises
40 x 10
42.5 x 8
45 x 7
45 x 7

Lat Raises
40 x 8
40 x 8
40 x 8
40 x 8

Rear Raises
50 x 8
55 x 7
55 x 7
55 x 7

320 x 8
320 x 8
320 x 8

Over Head DB Tri Ext
40 x 10
42.5 x 10
45 x 8

3 sets of 10

80 x 10
90 x 10
100 x 8
80 x 10

bailey82 02-11-2012 05:45 PM

new post
new post

you have my same build right now good job keep it up bro

bailey82 02-11-2012 05:53 PM

new post
new post

trying to get back to chest i use to work with 225lbs 5x5 routine it worked great for me i want it back i feel off for 5 monts been back for 1 1?2 months strength is still alot lower then id like but i will get it back

woodrow1 02-12-2012 10:08 PM

^not to sure what you are asking


315 x 8
335 x 7
355 x 6
375 x 5
375 x 5

Front Squats
225 x 8
245 x 6
265 x 6
285 x 5

Kneeling Leg Curls
95 x 8
95 x 9
105 x 7

Seated Calf Raises (170lb)(Supers)
3 sets of 15

Standing Calf Raises Different Positions (supers)
3 sets of 15 (Slow)

woodrow1 02-14-2012 03:46 AM


295 x 8
315 x 7
335 x 6
355 x 5

Seated Rows
160 x 8
170 x 8
180 x 7
190 x 7

Close Grip Pulldown
140 x 8
150 x 7
160 x 7
170 x 7

Good day :)

woodrow1 02-14-2012 03:49 AM

ive been eating the same the past few days.... nothing has changed,

i did stop my cycle about 2 1/2 weeks ago... Wasnt feeling it... alot of crap going on. Gonna beast it out later this spring with a bad ass cutter

woodrow1 02-16-2012 04:03 AM

Chest and Bis

Bench Press
205 x 8
225 x 7
245 x 6
265 x 5

Incline DB
90 x 6
90 x 6
90 x 6
90 x 6

Machine Press
230 x 8
250 x 7
260 x 7
280 x 6

Alternating Bi Curls
45 x 8
50 x 7
52.5 x 6

Hammer Curls
55 x 8
60 x 7
65 x 6

Overhead Cable Curls
50 x 8
60 x 7
60 x 7

Good day :)

woodrow1 02-16-2012 07:06 PM

Shoulders Traps and Tris

Shoulder Press
135 x 8
155 x 7
176 x 6
175 x 6

Upright Row
135 x 8
135 x 8

Lateral Raise
40 x 8
40 x 8

Face Pull
150 x 10
150 x 10
150 x 10
150 x 10

270 x 10
270 x 10
270 x 10

Overhead DB Ext
40 x 10
45 x 10
47.5 x 10

80 x 10
90 x 10
90 x 10

80 x 10
90 x 10
100 x 10

Good day

woodrow1 02-18-2012 04:09 AM


315 x 7
335 x 6
355 x 6
375 x 5
375 x 5

Front Squats
225 x 8
245 x 6
265 x 6
285 x 5

Leg Curls Kneeling
95 x 8
105 x 7
105 x 7

Seated Calf Raises (180lbs) supers
4 sets of 15

Standing Calf Raises (slow and different positions) Supers
4 sets of 15

woodrow1 02-19-2012 12:35 AM

5 Attachment(s)
Ending pictures

woodrow1 02-19-2012 12:36 AM

4 Attachment(s)
more pictures

woodrow1 02-19-2012 12:39 AM


Chest pic

Side picture (full stomach...bah)

Front Bi...with a sunburn lol

Back Bi

Side Chest legs changed the most...they are lookin nice :)

Calves changes a bit too....and i didnt work themhard

The very beginning of my cycle i was up about 10lbs or so. I got really sick, couldnt eat for a week, and i lost it ALL, plus some. So i think i did a pretty good job :)

Current weight....224lbs.

Gain = 11lbs.

I can't seem to find my measuring tape... i think my kids took it >:( once i find it i will do the measurements :)

I had fun with this contest... I appreciate it HM! Thanks!

admin 04-05-2017 04:41 AM

Great job man, keep it going as this is what we need to keep progressing in our bodybuilding journey.

Keep us updated on your progress. Feel free to ask questions.

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