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woodrow1 12-18-2011 03:33 AM

Woodrow's Not So Clean Contest Bulker
Woodrow's Contest Bulker!

32yrs old
Been lifting for 3yrs or so.


Bulker....eating a lot and no cardio! Getting my big on!


4day split (this will be my 8wk routine)

Mon: Back & Abs/Calfs
Deadlifts, Seated One Hand Row, & Underhand Pulldowns.
Seated and Standing Calf Raises
Ab work...

Tue: Chest & Bis
Bench Press, Press Machine, & Incline DB Press
Spider Curls & Hammer Curls

Wed: Shoulders, Traps & Tris
Shoulder Press, Lateral Raises, Front Raises
Lying Tri Ext & Pushdowns

Fri: Legs & Abs/Calfs
Squats, Front Squats, Laying Leg curls
Standing and Sitting Calf Raises
Ab work....

NO cardio....


This is going to be more of a dirty bulk.. I'm not watching everything i eat, but still keeping it some what clean.

7:00am: 2egg whites, 2 whole eggs, turkey sausage patty, and one banana.
10:00am: handfull of mixed nuts
12:00pm: Pork tenderloin on whole wheat bread...4 slices...w/pickles lol
3:00pm: baked chicken potato. w/cheese, teaspoon of butter and BBQ sauce
7:00pm: 2scoops of protein shake w/a little bit of oats.
9:00pm: Dinner (usually something healthy my wife cooks..might be a lot of pizza lol)
12:00pm: lol....cereal with 1% milk....yeah thats right

I usually have some small snacks throughout the day also.... oats or granola ...
Ill update this time with anything i eat that is not on this list.


Protein Powder
Taurine (for pumps & anxiety, it works)
Valerian Root
One a day vitamin
Milk Thistle 1g ED
Fish Oil


1-8 Sust 600 EW
1-8 NPP 400 EW
4-8 Dbol 60mg ED

This will be pinned M W F...don't feel like being a pin cushion this cycle lol.

ill be taking Adex e3d, caber if needed.

Starting Measurements

Chest: 45 1/2
Left Bicep: 16 1/4
Right Bicep: 16
Waist: 38
Hips: 36 1/4
Left Quad: 25
Right Quad: 25
Left Calf: 15 3/4
Right Calf: 15 3/4

Month 2 Measurements



Standing w/no flex


Tri and Side picture

Left Leg

Right Leg

Side Bi & Chest

Back and Bis

Front Double Bis


Ill have to update the rest later... Won't start working out until monday 19th anyway...

woodrow1 12-19-2011 01:26 AM

Not finished updateing my 1st post. Ill get some pics up tomorrow.

Started my cycle yesterday.

Ate a CRAP LOAD of southern style red beans and rice with sausage and ham today. It was so good.....a lot of gas though! lol

Ill start working out tomorrow with back and calfs..

I need to change up my workout routine also....

woodrow1 12-19-2011 04:23 AM

Cycle will be pinned M W F with sust and NPP... (was already on test E 250 a week for trt)

I didnt workout at all last week because my wife was in surgery..

Nothing new today....ate more beans and rice and a bowl of cereal with 1%milk. Will start working out tomorrow. :)

woodrow1 12-19-2011 09:17 PM

Eating the same old stuff. Canceled my potato for some beans and rice with sausage and ham.... also forgot my protein some beans and rice tho lol

Am I the only person in this?

woodrow1 12-20-2011 02:26 AM


135 x 10
225 x 10
295 x 8
315 x 7
335 x 6

Seated Rows
115 x 10
125 x 10
135 x 10
145 x 8

Lever Close Grip Pulldowns
180 x 10
200 x 10
220 x 10
240 x 8

Quick off work late... Need to increase the weight next week...

woodrow1 12-20-2011 02:35 AM

Im so damn nauseated after eating so much and my workout.....

Havent been able to eat anything since about 6...

I pinned 1 1/2cc of NPP and about .6cc of sust300 earlier this morning...

about to go get some pictures :)

woodrow1 12-20-2011 02:54 AM

5 Attachment(s)
Well here are my pictures... i haven't done cardio since my last contest here. Trying to gain weight. Havent gained any...

Gained some fat since then though lol...

woodrow1 12-20-2011 02:56 AM

4 Attachment(s)
Here are some more :)

woodrow1 12-20-2011 03:11 AM

Starting Measurements

Chest: 45 1/2
Left Bicep: 16 1/4
Right Bicep: 16
Waist: 38
Hips: 36 1/4
Left Quad: 25
Right Quad: 25
Left Calf: 15 3/4
Right Calf: 15 3/4

woodrow1 12-20-2011 03:44 AM

Just ate a plate of pasta with bacon and pees mixed in.. with 2 pieces of buttered garlic bread... Yeah not to healthy.... My wife had surgery and my sister in law cooked it for me...

Ill have half a shake when i go to bed in about an hour....

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