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sniper300c 08-09-2011 03:57 PM

3 cups of oats, 5 eggs and 1 yolk with a handful of raisins, cup of tea, with a protein shake made with 500ml of milk

3km fast walk to work

mid morning snack
4slices seeded wholemeal bread with peanut butter

tin tuna, tomato's and sweetcorn

mid afternoon
protein shake

sniper300c 08-09-2011 11:49 PM

3km fast walk from work

wholemeal pasta, with pesto and spinach and pinenuts, with 2 chicken breats

evening snack
4wheatabix with milk

deca jab in the mornin, then back and biceps tomorrow night

sniper300c 08-10-2011 12:39 PM

400mg deca jab this morn

couldnt hve my usual of oats and eggs, as after putting my eggs in the bowl i remembered i used the last of it yesterday!! doh
so i ended up having 5wheatbix with milk, washed down with a mug of tea.
then had a protein shake with 500ml of milk

mid mornin
200gm ham and 3slices of wholemeal seeded bread

4slices wholemeal seeded bread with peanut butter

sniper300c 08-10-2011 09:07 PM

pasta with tomato sauce and 1chicken breast

felt really lethargic today, havent done hardly anything

overhead pulldown cable row
8reps @50kg, 8 reps @80kg , 8reps @90kg
back to 50kg did 10slow reps

Seated high row
8reps @40kg each side, 8reps @80kg each side
back to 40kg and did 10slow reps

close grip lat pulldown-
8reps @50kg, 8reps @70kg

reverse pec dec:
8reps @40kg, 8reps @70kg

T-bar row
8reps @40kg, 8reps @60kg

seated dumbell preacher curls
8reps @17.5kg, 8reps @20kg, 8reps @25kg

barbell curl
8reps @30kg
dropped back to 20kg @reps

seated preacher curl machine
8reps @35kg, 8reps @45kg

not a bad night at the gym, didnt go up on anything but didnt go down either
weighed in at 204lb

sniper300c 08-11-2011 11:50 AM

forgot to put i did my ab's lastnight aswell

seated crunch.
25@fullstack +35kg
20@fullstack +25kg

protein shake when i got in from gym mixed with 500ml of milk

then 200gm of ham with 3slices of wholemeal bread and liv52, glucosomine, cod liver oil, taurine and protein shake before bed

sniper300c 08-11-2011 05:10 PM

protein shake made with 500ml of milk.
3 cups of oats, 5 eggs and 1 yolk with a handful of raisins, cup of tea

3km fast walk to work

mid morning snack
200gm ham with 3slices of wholemeal seeded bread

tin tuna, tomatos, sweetcorn washed down with 500ml milk

mid afternoon snack
protein shake made with 500ml milk

3km fast walk home

SkinnyGuy 08-11-2011 06:52 PM


Originally Posted by sniper300c (Post 15235)
3km fast walk home

for some reason when I see that i have this image of you walking power walking in a suit with a briefcase...:D

sniper300c 08-11-2011 07:00 PM

ha ha, yep skinny thats me!!!!

apart from with a rucksack on and jeans, going like the wind and sweating like a hog............ha ha

sniper300c 08-11-2011 08:52 PM

lentals, split peas, kidney beans, tin tomatos, barley, rice, oats, butter beans, onions, peppers, quorn.

evenin snack
3slices seeded wholemeal bread with peanut butter

liv52, glucosomine, cod liver oil, taurine and protein shake before bed

sniper300c 08-12-2011 10:29 AM

Equip 600mg jab this morn
still feeling lethargic, think im coming down with something but hopefully can shake it off soon

protein shake made with 500ml of milk.
3 cups of oats, 5 eggs and 1 yolk with a handful of raisins, cup of tea

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