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sniper300c 07-28-2011 07:36 PM

tin of tuna, protein shake

afternoon snack
4slices wholemeal bread with peanut butter

3km fast walk home from work

had a treat of a sweet chilli chicken pizza, washed down with pint of milk

evenin snack
6wheatabix drowned in milk

protein shake, liv52, glucosomine, cod liver oil, taurine

admin 07-29-2011 08:38 AM

Keep us updated bro! Good luck! Some new pics?

sniper300c 07-29-2011 10:40 AM

Equip jab 600mg

didnt do cardio this morning i've pulled something in my lower back, twisting to get my little lad out of the car, taking painkillers and gonna try and push through it.

protein shake with 500ml of milk. cup of tea.
3 cups of oats, 5 eggs and 1 yolk with a handful of raisins

mid mornin snack
200gm of ham, 3slices of wholemeal bread

3slices wholemeal seeded bread toasted with peanut butter

afternoon snack
protein shake

hmmmmm just finished liver and onions and bacon with mash spud and cabbage with gravy

gym shortly been spraying ralgex on my back all day and its not to bad, shoulders and legs tonight

sniper300c 07-29-2011 09:18 PM

shoulders and legs tonight

hang clean and press
8reps@ 20kg
8reps@ 40kg

shoulder press machine
8reps@20kg eachside
8reps@40kg eachside
8reps@50kg eachside
after the hang and clean my lower back was hurting so didnt go any higher than 50kg tonight asi could feel it hurting

front raises db
2sets, 8reps@15kg

side raises db
2sets, 8reps@15kg

standing calf raise
8reps@170kg total

seated calf raise
8reps@80kg(personal best)

sled 45* leg press
8reps@240kg only did 6 lastweek, managed 8 and felt like i could have squeezed a couple more out

lever leg extension
1 warm up set 12reps@30kg
main set 10reps@60kg

lever lying leg curl
1 warm up set 12reps@30kg
main set 8reps@65kg

then home for a protein shake
6wheatabix with milk

back is hurting a little, not gonna do any cardio this weekend and have a couple of rest days to try get it back to normal for next week.

sniper300c 07-30-2011 09:53 AM

protein shake with 500ml of milk. cup of tea.
3 cups of oats, 5 eggs and 1 yolk with a handful of raisins

mid mornin snack
3slices of wholemeal bread with 200gm of ham

sniper300c 07-30-2011 10:55 PM

200gm ham 3slices wholemeal seeded bread

mid afternoon snack
protein shake

homemade pizza, 2 chicken breasts, 200gm ham, 100gm bacon, 4 pork sausages, onions, peppers, olives, tomato's.
washed down with pint of milk

evenin snack
4slices wholemeal seeded bread with peanut butter

protein shake, liv52, glucosomine, cod liver oil, taurine

in quite abit of pain with my back, once i get up and start moving around i'm ok its when i'm sat or getting up when it hurts, but using ralgex and painkillers so hopefully it'll be feeling better soon.
walked around 2miles this afternoon out with the family.
seeing alittle from the test as my gut is bloated its gone up nearly an inch in the last few days, which pisses me off but i expected it as i really do bloat from it.
photos will be up in the next few days
got weighed lastnight and was 202lbs

sniper300c 07-31-2011 10:07 AM

my backs feeling abit better today, so i'm hoping by tomorrow i'll be back doing the cardio and wont have problems tomorrow night either....fingers crossed

protein shake with 500ml of milk. cup of tea.
3 cups of oats, 5 eggs and 1 yolk with a handful of raisins

mid mornin snack
4slices of wholemeal bread with peanut better

sniper300c 07-31-2011 06:45 PM

cant believe the difference in my Lat's compared to my first photo on page 1

didnt think there would be much difference yet, until i saw the shape difference in my lats.........................:)

sniper300c 07-31-2011 11:01 PM

ham and cheese toastys, 4 slices of wholemeal seeded bread

mid afternoon snack
protein shake

wholemeal pasta, quorn, peppers, onions, tomato's, sweetcorn
washed down with pint of milk

evenin snack
tin tuna

protein shake, liv52, glucosomine, cod liver oil, taurine

been dosing up with painkillers and ralgex all day and my back feels alot lot better, so back to the cardio in the morn

sniper300c 08-01-2011 09:45 AM

Test E 500mg jab this mornin
back to the cardio 3km fast walk on incline
didnt do the abs this morning as i can still feel a twinge in my back and dont want to over do things as its just feeling better, got 4.5kg CNP pro mass turning up in abit

protein shake with milk.
3 cups of oats, 5 eggs and 1 yolk with a handful of raisins washed down with a cup of tea

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