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sniper300c 07-19-2011 05:57 PM

18oz lean steak with jacket potato and veggies,

evening snack
200gm ham, 2slices wholemeal bread, washed down with 1 pint of milk

i'll be having a protein shake before bed and liv52, glucosomine, omega3 fish oil

will try and do legs tomorrow up and down beach, then will do back and shoulders when get back to gym on friday.
dont like this not going to the gym lark

sniper300c 07-20-2011 05:20 PM

3cups of porridge oats 5 egg whites and 1 yolk, with 1/2 cup raisins mixed in.
protein shake, mug of tea

peanut butter, 4slices wholemeal bread

200gm chicken with salad and 3 slices of wholemeal bread, then protein shake

mid afternoon snack
200gm ham, 3 slices wholemeal bread

wholemeal pasta, 3 chicken breast, sweetcorn, tomato and olive sauce

been for a 6km run on the beach this mornin, then did the same this afternoon but walking with the family.

SkinnyGuy 07-21-2011 05:41 PM

hey if you cant get in the gym at least your still eating... you cant build muscle in the gym with out food. And you cant build muscle with steroids with out food but you can build muscle by just eating. the average fat person has more lean body mass than the average skinny person(hence old school strongmen). Keep it up.

sniper300c 07-21-2011 09:06 PM


Originally Posted by SkinnyGuy (Post 14335)
hey if you cant get in the gym at least your still eating... you cant build muscle in the gym with out food. And you cant build muscle with steroids with out food but you can build muscle by just eating. the average fat person has more lean body mass than the average skinny person(hence old school strongmen). Keep it up.

very true skinny thanks!!
just got back in will update my log in a short while

sniper300c 07-21-2011 10:28 PM

evening snack
200gm ham, 3 slices of wholemeal bread

protein shake before bed and liv52, glucosomine, omega3 fish oil


3cups of oats 5 egg whites and 1 yolk, 1/2 cup raisins, protein shake, mug of tea

200gm ham, 3slices wholemeal bread

200gm chicken with salad and 3 slices of wholemeal bread, then protein shake

mid afternoon snack
200gm ham, 3 slices wholemeal bread

wholemeal pasta, bacon, 2 chicken breast, tomato sauce

evening snack
peanut butter, 4slices wholemeal bread

protein shake before bed and liv52, glucosomine, omega3 fish oil

6km walk this morning with my little lad, he only walked half so i ended up carrying him, so good workout for the shoulders and legs.

back home tonight so to the gym tomorrow night, cant wait to get back to it

sniper300c 07-22-2011 08:33 AM

EQ jab this morning 800mg

protein shake, 3cups of oats 5 egg whites and 1 yolk, 1/2 cup raisins, mug of tea

mid morning
4slices of wholemeal bread, 300gm ham and cheese in toastys

cant be the EQ yet but im starting to feel really really hungry, must be the test and deca??!!!
will update throughout the day

sniper300c 07-22-2011 04:52 PM

as others have put up motivational videos, i came accross this and thought this was an ideal one to post........ooooooooo yeah

sniper300c 07-22-2011 10:34 PM

tin of tuna, sweetcorn, tomato's and 3slices of wholemeal bread

mid afternoon snack
200gm ham 2slices of wholemeal bread

wholemeal pasta, 3 chicken breast, cheese, tomato and olive sauce

post gym shake

evening snack
4slices wholemeal bread with peanut butter

ooooo yeah back at the gym tonight, as i missed back and biceps on wednesday i decided to do them and my shoulders.

close grip lat pulldown-
1 warm up set 8reps @ 50kg, main set 70kg till failure/6reps

Seated high row-
1st set 8reps@ 40kg each side, 2nd set 8reps@70kg each side, main set 6reps@75kg (personal best)

overhead pulldown cable row-
10reps @ 50kg, main set 8 reps @ 80kg , dropped back to 50kg till failure 8reps

reverse pec dec:
1 warm up set 8reps @ 40kg, main set 70kg till failure/8reps

lever shrugs:
1 warm up set 8reps @ 60kg each side, main set 80kg each side @8reps

seated dumbell preacher curls
1st set 8reps@ 17.5kg, 2nd set 8reps@ 20kg, main set 6reps@ 22.5kg
(personal best)

seated preacher curl machine
warm up set 10reps @ 35kg main set 10reps @ 45kg

hang clean and press (still doing light at moment)
warm up set 12 reps@ 20kg
main set 12reps@ 40kg (very slow on press to max out of it)

front raises db
2sets, 12reps@15kg

side raises db
2sets, 12reps@15kg

so overall a good workout so say i'd been away from the gym.
another protein shake before bed and liv52, glucosomine, omega3 fish oil

sniper300c 07-23-2011 11:25 AM

protein shake, 3cups of oats 5 egg whites and 1 yolk, 1/2 cup raisins, mug of tea

mid morning
5wheatabix with around 1/2pint milk

4slices of wholemeal bread with peanut butter

afternoon snack
protein shake

wholemeal pasta, quorn, tomato passata, peppers, onions

evening snack
200gm ham, 3slices of wholemeal bread

protein shake before bed and liv52, glucosomine, omega3 fish oil

sniper300c 07-24-2011 11:49 AM

back to the treadmill again, wish i could do my cardio on the beach still :-(
3km on treadmill fast walk at a 9 incline.

seated crunch.
warm up - 25@fullstack
2nd set -25@fullstack +20kg
3rd set - 20@fullstack +30kg

dumbell side bends.
warm up - 12@35kg each side
main set - 12@45kg each side

protein shake with 500ml
3 cups of oats, 5 eggs and 1 yolk with half cup of raisins mixed in with a cup of tea.

mid morning
200gm ham, 3 slices of wholemeal bread

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