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sniper300c 07-15-2011 09:16 PM

ECA capsule before gym

shoulder press machine
warm up set 12reps@20kg eachside
2nd set 12reps@40kg eachside
main set 10reps(just)@60kg eachside
dropped to 40kg just managed 8reps

hang clean and press (still doing light at moment)
warm up set 12 reps@ 20kg
main set 12reps@ 40kg (very slow on press to max out of it)

front raises db
2sets, 12reps@15kg

side raises db
2sets, 12reps@15kg

standing calf raise
1 warm up 12reps@90kg(full stack)
main set 90kg(full stack) plus 80kg stacked on top. 170kg total

seated calf raise
1 warm up 12 reps@45kg
main set 10reps@70kg

sled 45* leg press
1st set 12reps@80kg
2nd set 12reps@160kg
3rd set 12reps@200kg
main set 6reps@240kg (personal best!!!)

lever leg extension
1 warm up set 12reps@30kg
main set 10reps@60kg

lever lying leg curl
1 warm up set 12reps@30kg
main set 8reps@65kg

then home for a protein shake
just had 200gm chicken

good night on the legs tonight, cant wait for the gear to get to work!!

keep forgetting to say, the gym i go to is a is a proper old style big lads gym....ha ha
its a family run one, father, son and daughter, the father is an ex pro bodybuilder and in his day trained with Lou Ferrigno and Arnold!! he also has a mention in Arnolds autobiography.

just about to go to bed so protein shake before bed and liv52, glucosomine, omega3 fish oil

night all

sniper300c 07-16-2011 08:23 AM

after my PB on the legs lastnight i'm gonna have a day off today from cardio,
plus my motors been in the garage to be sprayed so gotta go pick it up, i aint gonna have time to get to the gym.

also decided i'm gonna update my photos and weight fortnightly, more chance of noticing changes then.

so breakfast is the usual
cup of tea to wash down 3 cups of oats, 5 eggs and 1 yolk with half cup of raisins mixed in

midmorning snack
200gm chicken, was on the road so didnt manage any bread

chicken salad with ham and chorizo, dressed in chilli mayo, with a wholemeal foot long roll (looked like a massive shite)

afternoon snack
3slices of wholemeal bread with peanut butter

car comes a close second to the gym....ha ha
have a look
me :: IMG_0074.jpg picture by rus2101 - Photobucket
i've won 2 comps in the US with it and got it in a 2010 and 2011 calendar
anyway back to my log!! doh

wholemeal pasta, chicken, tomato's, cheese and ham

ogy 07-16-2011 07:11 PM

wtf was that bloke on about the other day, some shite about your wheels been the wrong size hahaha proper weirdo. Buster was gonna do him :D:D

Good log fella

sniper300c 07-16-2011 08:20 PM

na he'd just been released from somewhere i think!! ha ha
cheers mate abit of encouragement helps, its the first real log i've done in so much depth, so wasn't sure how good/crap it was.
anyhow back to the log..................

evening snack
200gm chicken, 3slabs wholemeal bread

protein shake before bed and liv52, glucosomine, omega3 fish oil

admin 07-17-2011 02:09 PM

Some pics of "before" are needed bro.
I wish you good luck bro!

sniper300c 07-17-2011 02:43 PM


Originally Posted by admin (Post 14137)
Some pics of "before" are needed bro.
I wish you good luck bro!

there are some already on my first post???
anyway here are somemore

groucho's back!!!!

are these ok

sniper300c 07-17-2011 03:10 PM

morning cardio, 3km on treadmill fast walk at a 9 incline.
then seated crunch.
warm up - 25@fullstack
2nd set -25@fullstack +35kg (personal best)
3rd set - 20@fullsatck +25kg

then dumbell side bends.
warm up - 12@35kg each side
main set - 12 @45kg each side (personal best)

home for breakfast
protein shake mixed with 500ml milk, cup of tea, 3cups of porridge oats 5 egg whites and 1 yolk, with 1/2 cup raisins mixed in.

mid yawning snack
200gm ham, 2labs wholemeal bread

4slices wholemeal bread with peanut butter, 150gm chicken on the side, then protein shake

mid afternoon snack
tin tuna, tomato's

wholemeal pasta, 3 chicken breasts, sweetcorn, onion, peppers, tin chopped tomato's, garlic.

evening snack
protein shake, been packing the car for hol's so was easier to have a shake.

protein shake before bed and liv52, glucosomine, omega3 fish oil

i will be away till thusday and am not sure what internet access i will have, so i will update as and when i can get online, i will keep an offline log of my food and any weights/cardio that i do. much to my other halfs delight i will be nipping to the gym in the morning and instead of my usual cardio i will do my chest and tri's instead, then update before i go away.

sniper300c 07-18-2011 09:12 AM

CAPTAINS LOG..............DAY 7
jabbed my test 500mg and deca 400mg this morning then gym.
no cardio this morning, had my 3cups of porridge oats 5 egg whites and 1 yolk, with 1/2 cup raisins mixed in, with cuppa tea.

decline barbell press
1st set @ 45kg 12reps, 2nd set @ 65kg 10reps, main set @ 80kg 6reps till failure

Pec dec:
warm up set @ 56 kg 10reps, main set @ 88kg 8reps slow till failure

cable crossover:
1st set @ 25kg 12reps, 2nd set @ 30kg 10reps, main set 35kg 8reps till failure

incline dumbell bence press:
1st set @ 25kg 10reps, main set @ 30 kg 10reps till failure

seated machine tricep press
1st set @ 45kg 12 reps, main set @ 70kg 10 reps till failure

V bar cable pulldown
1st set @ 60kg 12 reps, main set @ 80kg 10 reps till failure

rope cable pulldown
1st set @ 20kg 12reps, main set @ 40kg 8reps till failure

just got in protein shake, then packing car.
as i said will log on when i can.

sniper300c 07-18-2011 07:22 PM

mid morn snack
200gm ham, 2slabs wholemeal bread

chicken tikka wrap, then protein shake

mid afternoon snack
tin tuna, tomato's

wholemeal pasta, 2 chicken breasts, olive tomato sauce

evening snack
200gm chicken, 2slices wholemeal bread

i'll be having a protein shake before bed and liv52, glucosomine, omega3 fish oil

cardio today was a 3mile walk along the beach and a power walk up a very very steep hill, with my little un on my shoulders!!
afterwards my shoulders killed and my legs.

sniper300c 07-19-2011 12:31 PM

been for a swim and done 4mile walk along the beach today for cardio, same steep hill again on the way back up

protein shake, cup of tea, 3cups of porridge oats 5 egg whites and 1 yolk, with 1/2 cup raisins mixed in. 1 pint of milk, half in shake rest in a glass...ha ha

200gm chicken, 3slices wholemeal bread

200gm chicken with salad and 3 slices of wholemeal bread, then protein shake

mid afternoon snack
tin tuna, tomato's

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