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sniper300c 09-01-2011 09:06 PM

tin tuna with tomatos and sweetcorn, washed down with a pint of milk

mid afternoon
pro50 protein bar

3km walk home from work

sniper300c 09-01-2011 11:10 PM

went out shopping (oh joy) so got tea at Ikea!!!

20meatballs in gravy with chips

evening snack
6wheatabix with milk

liv52, glucosomine, cod liver oil, taurine, and a protein shake

Equipoise jab in the mornin aswell then gym tomorrow night

sniper300c 09-02-2011 12:30 PM

Equipoise Jab this morning

3 cups of oats, 5 eggs and 1 yolk with a handful of sultanas washed down with a cup of tea. then a protein shake made with 500ml of milk

tin tuna, tomatos, sweetcorn washed down with 1pint of milk

sniper300c 09-02-2011 05:05 PM

mid afternoon snack
pro 50 protein bar

garlic potatos with brocolli, peas and 2 chicken breasts

gym tonight shoulders and legs

sniper300c 09-02-2011 08:18 PM

getting some shape, pleased with shoulders so far and my arms are looking better aswell

sniper300c 09-02-2011 10:37 PM

got talking tonight so didnt have time to do my legs, gonna try go do 3km in the mornin on the treadmill then do my legs.

shoulder press machine
8reps@40kg eachside
8reps@60kg eachside
8reps@62 1/2kg eachside (personal best)
8reps@40kg eachside

front raises db
supersetted with smith machine overhead press
then put 40kg on smith and repeated supersetting another twice (personal best, up 10kg from last week)

side raises db
2sets, 8reps@15kg

seated dumbell press
8reps@25kg, 6reps@30kg

lever shrugs
8reps@60kg eachside, 2sets of 8reps@80kg eachside, 8reps@60kg eachside,
8reps@40kg eachside

home and a protein shake

sniper300c 09-02-2011 11:46 PM


Originally Posted by Kornfed (Post 16000)
Keep beasting it out brother..Good shit!


Originally Posted by Kornfed (Post 16040)
Great job bro...Keep hitting it hard. It will pay off big time..

thanks man, the feedback is appreciated alot.
i've added supersets over the last few works and its really helped push me past my limits.

sniper300c 09-03-2011 11:12 AM

gym this morning, did 3km on the treadmill at fast walk on incline.
still didnt get my legs done!! ha ha so gonna go again tomorrow and do them instead.
then did my abs aswell
seated crunch.
25@fullstack +20kg
20@fullsatck +30kg

dumbell side bends.
12@30kg each side
12 @40kg each side

back home for breakfast and realised i've run out of my having 3 poached eggs on 3slices of seeded wholemeal bread instead.
and a protein shake with 500ml of milk

sniper300c 09-03-2011 11:16 AM

im famous today!!! ha ha
got myself in the local paper for the charity where i work, had to take my groucho marx outfit off for the photo they wouldn't let me wear it;)

Fundraising event for youth charity Off The Hook (From York Press)

sniper300c 09-03-2011 05:31 PM

2chicken breasts with salad and a pint of milk

afternoon snack
pro 50 protein bar

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