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Snipers Stinking Log
hey ho,
finished a cycle afew weeks back, but was taking it sublingually as a trial and error to see what gains if any were possible, not alot i discovered. so i was gonna start a new cycle in 2 weeks, but decided lastnight to pull it forward for the comp, so did my first Jab this morn, my first jab in over 10years as i've been doing test sublingually in the past. doing 10 weeks-test e 500mg, 10 weeks-deca 400mg and 15 weeks equipoise 600mg, frontloading the eq at 900mg first 2 weeks. height:-5ft,11 weight:- 193lbs wanting to bulk/lean gains hence the Equipoise for 15weeks. training:- weights:- 3day split - mon, wed, fri evening. mon:- Chest & Triceps wed:- Back & Biceps fri:- Shoulders & Legs cardio:- 5day mon, wed, fri morning, 3km fast walk treadmill @ 9 incline, then 5min cooldown, then Abs after treadmill, sat and sun morn just treadmill 3km. tuesday, thursday i walk to the office and back 6km both days, so just over 30km walking per week including cooldown on treadmill. i drink roughly about 8/9 shakers full of water per day http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/c...5062011234.jpg http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/c...5062011232.jpg http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/c...0062011230.jpg i've been mistaken for Groucho Marx so many times!!! had to give up on the cigars though due to the healthy living thing, so i lost the edge http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/c...0062011227.jpg http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/c...0062011226.jpg not quite the same pose, but you can see the difference. http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/c...82011364-1.jpg backs looking alot better http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/c...82011360-1.jpg ha ha, definately see the difference here arms, shoulders, chest. traps!! role on the next 8weeks http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/c...82011365-1.jpg |
so this morning cardio, 3km on treadmill fast walk at a 9 inline.
then seated crunch. warm up - 25@fullstack 2nd set -25@fullstack +20kg 3rd set - 20@fullsatck +30kg then dumbell side bends. warm up - 12@30kg each side main set - 12 @40kg each side home for breakfast protein shake mixed with 500ml milk, cup of tea, 3cups of porridge oats 5 egg whites and 1 yolk, with 1/2 cup raisins mixed in. mid morning 200gm lean ham, with 3 slices wholemeal bread, apple to finish. lunch tin of tuna, mixed with handfull of seeds and soya beans, sweetcorn and cherry tomato's. afternoon 4slices wholemeal bread with peanut butter, washed down with 1/2pint milk. finish with protein shake will update later, as its nearly teatime and chest and triceps night at the gym. |
tea was chicken breast, with selection of veggies.
ECA capsule before gym. gym was heaving tonight, so stuggled to get on things. chest machine sitting chest press 1st set @ 40kg each side 12reps, 2nd set @ 50kg each side 10reps, main set @ 55kg 6reps till failure Pec dec: warm up set @ 56 kg 10reps, main set @ 88kg 8reps slow till failure cable crossover: 1st set @ 25kg 12reps, 2nd set @ 30kg 10reps, main set 35kg 8reps till failure incline dumbell bence press: 1st set @ 25kg 10reps, main set @ 30 kg 10reps till failure press ups, when i got home 1st set @ 25 reps, 2nd set @ 10reps with my 3 year old sat on my back...ha ha (didnt do these in the gym) Triceps seated machine tricep press 1st set @ 45kg 12 reps, main set @ 70kg 10 reps till failure V bar cable pulldown 1st set @ 60kg 12 reps, main set @ 80kg 10 reps till failure rope cable pulldown 1st set @ 20kg 12reps, main set @ 40kg 8reps till failure most of the machines are old, so i go on how many plates or amount of stack, instead of specific weight as its not marked on them, but i will try to find out so the log is more accurate. got home had a protein shake, will be having 200grams of ham with 2 slices of wholemeal bread very soon. then protein shake before bed and liv52, glucosomine, omega3 fish oil. |
just updated the weights on my log for lastnight.
breakfast 3 cups of oats, 5 eggs and 1 yolk with half cup of raisins mixed in. protein shake with 500ml of milk. cup of tea. 3km fast walk to work mid morn 200gm ham, 3 slices wholemeal bread. lunch tin of tuna, cherry tomato's, handfull of seeds and soya beans, washed down with 1/2 pint of milk. afternoon 4slices wholemeal bread with peanut butter, 1/2 pint of milk 3km fast walk home from work protein shake when i got in tea wholemeal pasta, sliced potatos, chicken, pesto and pinenuts with cheese evening snack 200grams ham, 3weetabix 1/4 pint of milk protein shake before bed and liv52, glucosomine, omega3 fish oil. |
Deca jab this morn then cardio
3km on treadmill fast walk at a 9 incline. seated crunch. warm up - 25@fullstack 2nd set -25@fullstack +20kg 3rd set - 20@fullsatck +30kg dumbell side bends. warm up - 12@30kg each side main set - 12 @40kg each side breakfast protein shake with 500ml of milk soon as i got in then, 3 cups of oats, 5 eggs and 1 yolk with half cup of raisins mixed in with a cup of tea. mid morning 200gm of chicken, 3 slices of wholemeal bread lunch chicken salad with seeds and soya beans, washed down with 1/2 pint of milk tea chicken breast, veggies and wholemeal pasta |
found out the rest of plate weights so updated earlier weights.
ECA capsule before gym Back and Biceps tonight, screwed my lower back afew years ago so have steered away from deads for a while as dont wanna screw up my training. Back overhead pulldown cable row- 10reps @ 25kg, 10reps @ 50kg, main set 8 reps @ 80kg , dropped back to 50kg till failure 7 1/2 reps Seated high row- 1 warm up set 10reps @ 40kg each side, main set 8reps @ 70kg each side, dropped back to 40kg till failure/6reps close grip lat pulldown- 1 warm up set 10reps @ 50kg, main set full stack 70kg till failure/6reps reverse pec dec: 1 warm up set 10reps @ 40kg, main set 70kg till failure/8reps T-bar row 1 warm up set 10reps @ 40kg, main set very slow 8reps @ 60kg lever shrugs: 1 warm up set 12reps @ 40kg each side, main set 80kg each side, dropped back to 40kg till failure/6reps Biceps seated dumbell preacher curls 1st set 10reps @ 15kg, 2nd set 10reps @ 17.5kg, main set 8reps @ 20kg seated preacher curl machine warm up set 10reps @ 35kg main set 10reps @ 45kg barbell curl main set @ 10reps: 30kg dropped to 20kg 7 1/2 reps till i couldnt move my arms protein shake as soon as i got in, just had 200gm chicken breast meat with 2slices of wholemeal bread. then protein shake before bed and liv52, glucosomine, omega3 fish oil. jab's going well so far, no pain, no bruising, not uncomfortable at all |
ha ha, just corrected my cardio routine i'd put at the start of my log, i missed out sat and sun morn's where i do 3km on treadmill.
so another day another 3km fast walk to the office. for breakfast i had 3 cups of oats mixed with 5 eggs, 1 yolk and a dash of milk. nuked in the micro and half a cup of raisins added, washed down with a mug of tea. then before i set off on my walk, 2 scoop protein shake mixed with 500ml of milk. mid morning 3slices of wholemeal bread with peanut butter lunch cherry tomato's mixed with a tin of tuna and seeds and soya beans, washed down with 1/2pint milk. then had a coughing fit with a mouth full of juice!! looks like i've seriously pissed myself, all up my shirt and down my trousers, the good news is though i saved the laptop!! as i slumped under my desk in an open plan office. (guess i wont be getting up for a while) more or less stick to the same foods all week, but do abit of swappy and changey, just to add abit of variety to life. keep watching folks, dont alter your sets, we'll be back in a while after this short ad break!! (ok work break really) |
afternoon snack
200gm chicken breast, 2 slices of wholemeal bread 3km walk home from office tea fillet steak, veggies, mash potato, mixed beans in spicy sauce washed down with 1/2pint milk evening snack 200gm chicken, 2slices wholemeal bread a protein shake before bed and liv52, glucosomine, omega3 fish oil. i'm on holiday next week but plan on taking a 20kg kettlebell with me, were going in the car so luckly dont have a luggage allowance to worry about. not gonna have a routine really, but will go to gym monday morning before we set off, then do stuff during week using kettlebell and also my little lad, he doesnt mind being used as a weight!! ha ha then will be back on late thursday night so will be at the gym on friday, for business as usual. night all |
EQ jab this morning, decided to go with 800mg instead of 900mg thought 900 might be abit OTT.
3km treadmill, then usual ab's work. seated crunch. warm up - 25@fullstack 2nd set -25@fullstack +20kg 3rd set - 20@fullsatck +30kg dumbell side bends. warm up - 12@30kg each side main set - 12 @40kg each side 2 scoop protein shake with 500ml of milk. breakfast just finished my 3 cups of oats, 5 eggs and 1 yolk with half cup of raisins mixed in, washed down with a cup of tea. midmorning snack 200gm chicken and 3 slices of wholemeal bread gym tonight for shoulders and legs. i know its not for everyone but in the last couple of weeks i've thrown in a 'hang clean and press' i said earlier in my routine i dont do a deads, but have found this an excellent compound exercise and starting with a light weight am hoping i can get back into doing deads soon. |
just been to supermarket to stock up on food for next week and got some bargain reduced chicken.
lunch chicken breast salad, 2slices of wholemeal bread afternoon snack tin of tuna, with tomato's for tea i'm having 2 chicken breasts with a tomato and fiery chilli sauce, brocolli, spuds, green beans, peas. then gym |
ECA capsule before gym
shoulders shoulder press machine warm up set 12reps@20kg eachside 2nd set 12reps@40kg eachside main set 10reps(just)@60kg eachside dropped to 40kg just managed 8reps hang clean and press (still doing light at moment) warm up set 12 reps@ 20kg main set 12reps@ 40kg (very slow on press to max out of it) front raises db 2sets, 12reps@15kg side raises db 2sets, 12reps@15kg legs standing calf raise 1 warm up 12reps@90kg(full stack) main set 90kg(full stack) plus 80kg stacked on top. 170kg total seated calf raise 1 warm up 12 reps@45kg main set 10reps@70kg sled 45* leg press 1st set 12reps@80kg 2nd set 12reps@160kg 3rd set 12reps@200kg main set 6reps@240kg (personal best!!!) lever leg extension 1 warm up set 12reps@30kg main set 10reps@60kg lever lying leg curl 1 warm up set 12reps@30kg main set 8reps@65kg then home for a protein shake just had 200gm chicken good night on the legs tonight, cant wait for the gear to get to work!! keep forgetting to say, the gym i go to is a is a proper old style big lads gym....ha ha its a family run one, father, son and daughter, the father is an ex pro bodybuilder and in his day trained with Lou Ferrigno and Arnold!! he also has a mention in Arnolds autobiography. just about to go to bed so protein shake before bed and liv52, glucosomine, omega3 fish oil night all |
after my PB on the legs lastnight i'm gonna have a day off today from cardio,
plus my motors been in the garage to be sprayed so gotta go pick it up, i aint gonna have time to get to the gym. also decided i'm gonna update my photos and weight fortnightly, more chance of noticing changes then. so breakfast is the usual cup of tea to wash down 3 cups of oats, 5 eggs and 1 yolk with half cup of raisins mixed in midmorning snack 200gm chicken, was on the road so didnt manage any bread lunch chicken salad with ham and chorizo, dressed in chilli mayo, with a wholemeal foot long roll (looked like a massive shite) afternoon snack 3slices of wholemeal bread with peanut butter car comes a close second to the gym....ha ha have a look me :: IMG_0074.jpg picture by rus2101 - Photobucket i've won 2 comps in the US with it and got it in a 2010 and 2011 calendar anyway back to my log!! doh tea wholemeal pasta, chicken, tomato's, cheese and ham |
wtf was that bloke on about the other day, some shite about your wheels been the wrong size hahaha proper weirdo. Buster was gonna do him :D:D
Good log fella |
na he'd just been released from somewhere i think!! ha ha
cheers mate abit of encouragement helps, its the first real log i've done in so much depth, so wasn't sure how good/crap it was. anyhow back to the log.................. evening snack 200gm chicken, 3slabs wholemeal bread protein shake before bed and liv52, glucosomine, omega3 fish oil |
Some pics of "before" are needed bro.
I wish you good luck bro! |
anyway here are somemore http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/c...h_DSCF2503.jpg groucho's back!!!! http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/c...h_DSCF2500.jpg http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/c...h_DSCF2502.jpg http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/c...h_DSCF2501.jpg http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/c...h_DSCF2499.jpg are these ok |
morning cardio, 3km on treadmill fast walk at a 9 incline.
then seated crunch. warm up - 25@fullstack 2nd set -25@fullstack +35kg (personal best) 3rd set - 20@fullsatck +25kg then dumbell side bends. warm up - 12@35kg each side main set - 12 @45kg each side (personal best) home for breakfast protein shake mixed with 500ml milk, cup of tea, 3cups of porridge oats 5 egg whites and 1 yolk, with 1/2 cup raisins mixed in. mid yawning snack 200gm ham, 2labs wholemeal bread lunch 4slices wholemeal bread with peanut butter, 150gm chicken on the side, then protein shake mid afternoon snack tin tuna, tomato's tea wholemeal pasta, 3 chicken breasts, sweetcorn, onion, peppers, tin chopped tomato's, garlic. evening snack protein shake, been packing the car for hol's so was easier to have a shake. protein shake before bed and liv52, glucosomine, omega3 fish oil i will be away till thusday and am not sure what internet access i will have, so i will update as and when i can get online, i will keep an offline log of my food and any weights/cardio that i do. much to my other halfs delight i will be nipping to the gym in the morning and instead of my usual cardio i will do my chest and tri's instead, then update before i go away. |
CAPTAINS LOG..............DAY 7
jabbed my test 500mg and deca 400mg this morning then gym. no cardio this morning, had my 3cups of porridge oats 5 egg whites and 1 yolk, with 1/2 cup raisins mixed in, with cuppa tea. chest decline barbell press 1st set @ 45kg 12reps, 2nd set @ 65kg 10reps, main set @ 80kg 6reps till failure Pec dec: warm up set @ 56 kg 10reps, main set @ 88kg 8reps slow till failure cable crossover: 1st set @ 25kg 12reps, 2nd set @ 30kg 10reps, main set 35kg 8reps till failure incline dumbell bence press: 1st set @ 25kg 10reps, main set @ 30 kg 10reps till failure Triceps seated machine tricep press 1st set @ 45kg 12 reps, main set @ 70kg 10 reps till failure V bar cable pulldown 1st set @ 60kg 12 reps, main set @ 80kg 10 reps till failure rope cable pulldown 1st set @ 20kg 12reps, main set @ 40kg 8reps till failure just got in protein shake, then packing car. as i said will log on when i can. |
mid morn snack
200gm ham, 2slabs wholemeal bread lunch chicken tikka wrap, then protein shake mid afternoon snack tin tuna, tomato's tea wholemeal pasta, 2 chicken breasts, olive tomato sauce evening snack 200gm chicken, 2slices wholemeal bread i'll be having a protein shake before bed and liv52, glucosomine, omega3 fish oil cardio today was a 3mile walk along the beach and a power walk up a very very steep hill, with my little un on my shoulders!! afterwards my shoulders killed and my legs. |
been for a swim and done 4mile walk along the beach today for cardio, same steep hill again on the way back up
breakfast protein shake, cup of tea, 3cups of porridge oats 5 egg whites and 1 yolk, with 1/2 cup raisins mixed in. 1 pint of milk, half in shake rest in a glass...ha ha snack 200gm chicken, 3slices wholemeal bread lunch 200gm chicken with salad and 3 slices of wholemeal bread, then protein shake mid afternoon snack tin tuna, tomato's |
18oz lean steak with jacket potato and veggies, evening snack 200gm ham, 2slices wholemeal bread, washed down with 1 pint of milk i'll be having a protein shake before bed and liv52, glucosomine, omega3 fish oil will try and do legs tomorrow up and down beach, then will do back and shoulders when get back to gym on friday. dont like this not going to the gym lark |
3cups of porridge oats 5 egg whites and 1 yolk, with 1/2 cup raisins mixed in. protein shake, mug of tea snack peanut butter, 4slices wholemeal bread lunch 200gm chicken with salad and 3 slices of wholemeal bread, then protein shake mid afternoon snack 200gm ham, 3 slices wholemeal bread tea wholemeal pasta, 3 chicken breast, sweetcorn, tomato and olive sauce been for a 6km run on the beach this mornin, then did the same this afternoon but walking with the family. |
hey if you cant get in the gym at least your still eating... you cant build muscle in the gym with out food. And you cant build muscle with steroids with out food but you can build muscle by just eating. the average fat person has more lean body mass than the average skinny person(hence old school strongmen). Keep it up.
very true skinny thanks!! just got back in will update my log in a short while |
evening snack
200gm ham, 3 slices of wholemeal bread protein shake before bed and liv52, glucosomine, omega3 fish oil thursday breakfast 3cups of oats 5 egg whites and 1 yolk, 1/2 cup raisins, protein shake, mug of tea snack 200gm ham, 3slices wholemeal bread lunch 200gm chicken with salad and 3 slices of wholemeal bread, then protein shake mid afternoon snack 200gm ham, 3 slices wholemeal bread tea wholemeal pasta, bacon, 2 chicken breast, tomato sauce evening snack peanut butter, 4slices wholemeal bread protein shake before bed and liv52, glucosomine, omega3 fish oil 6km walk this morning with my little lad, he only walked half so i ended up carrying him, so good workout for the shoulders and legs. back home tonight so to the gym tomorrow night, cant wait to get back to it |
EQ jab this morning 800mg
breakfast protein shake, 3cups of oats 5 egg whites and 1 yolk, 1/2 cup raisins, mug of tea mid morning 4slices of wholemeal bread, 300gm ham and cheese in toastys cant be the EQ yet but im starting to feel really really hungry, must be the test and deca??!!! will update throughout the day |
as others have put up motivational videos, i came accross this and thought this was an ideal one to post........ooooooooo yeah
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A3gB...mbedded#at=191 |
tin of tuna, sweetcorn, tomato's and 3slices of wholemeal bread mid afternoon snack 200gm ham 2slices of wholemeal bread tea wholemeal pasta, 3 chicken breast, cheese, tomato and olive sauce post gym shake evening snack 4slices wholemeal bread with peanut butter ooooo yeah back at the gym tonight, as i missed back and biceps on wednesday i decided to do them and my shoulders. Back close grip lat pulldown- 1 warm up set 8reps @ 50kg, main set 70kg till failure/6reps Seated high row- 1st set 8reps@ 40kg each side, 2nd set 8reps@70kg each side, main set 6reps@75kg (personal best) overhead pulldown cable row- 10reps @ 50kg, main set 8 reps @ 80kg , dropped back to 50kg till failure 8reps reverse pec dec: 1 warm up set 8reps @ 40kg, main set 70kg till failure/8reps lever shrugs: 1 warm up set 8reps @ 60kg each side, main set 80kg each side @8reps Biceps seated dumbell preacher curls 1st set 8reps@ 17.5kg, 2nd set 8reps@ 20kg, main set 6reps@ 22.5kg (personal best) seated preacher curl machine warm up set 10reps @ 35kg main set 10reps @ 45kg hang clean and press (still doing light at moment) warm up set 12 reps@ 20kg main set 12reps@ 40kg (very slow on press to max out of it) front raises db 2sets, 12reps@15kg side raises db 2sets, 12reps@15kg so overall a good workout so say i'd been away from the gym. another protein shake before bed and liv52, glucosomine, omega3 fish oil |
protein shake, 3cups of oats 5 egg whites and 1 yolk, 1/2 cup raisins, mug of tea mid morning 5wheatabix with around 1/2pint milk lunch 4slices of wholemeal bread with peanut butter afternoon snack protein shake tea wholemeal pasta, quorn, tomato passata, peppers, onions evening snack 200gm ham, 3slices of wholemeal bread protein shake before bed and liv52, glucosomine, omega3 fish oil |
back to the treadmill again, wish i could do my cardio on the beach still :-(
3km on treadmill fast walk at a 9 incline. seated crunch. warm up - 25@fullstack 2nd set -25@fullstack +20kg 3rd set - 20@fullstack +30kg dumbell side bends. warm up - 12@35kg each side main set - 12@45kg each side breakfast protein shake with 500ml 3 cups of oats, 5 eggs and 1 yolk with half cup of raisins mixed in with a cup of tea. mid morning 200gm ham, 3 slices of wholemeal bread |
tuna, tomato's, sweetcorn 2 slices wholemeal bread protein shake mid afternoon snack 4slices of wholemeal bread with peanut butter tea kidney beans, tin tomatos, barley, rice, oats, butter beans, onions, peppers, quorn, 2beef peppered steaks, forgot lentals and split peas aswell evenin snack 6wheatabix 1/2pint milk protein shake before bed and liv52, glucosomine, omega3 fish oil |
test e 500mg jab this mornin
forgot to say i got weighed this morning 196lb (3lb gain) but i can loose that in one sitting........ha ha 3km on treadmill fast walk at a 9 incline. seated crunch. warm up - 25@fullstack 2nd set -25@fullstack +35kg 3rd set - 20@fullstack +25kg last set - 20@fullstack dumbell side bends. warm up - 12@35kg each side main set - 12@45kg each side breakfast 3 cups of oats, 5 eggs and 1 yolk with half cup of raisins mixed in with a cup of tea. protein shake with 500ml mid mornin snack cheese and 200gm ham toastys lunch 6wheatabix with 1/2pint of milk |
afternoon snack
protein shake tea left overs from yeseterday without the steak (kidney beans, tin tomatos, barley, rice, oats, butter beans, onions, peppers, quorn, lentils, split peas) decided to get weighed tonight as at start i got weighed at night and i weighed 200lbs chest cable crossover: 1st set @ 25kg 10reps, 2nd set @ 30kg 10reps, main set 35kg 8reps incline dumbell bence press: 1st set @ 25kg 10reps, main set @ 30 kg 10reps decline barbell press 1st set @ 45kg 10reps, 2nd set @ 65kg 10reps, main set @ 75kg 8reps Pec dec: warm up set @ 56 kg 10reps, main set @ 88kg 8reps Triceps seated machine tricep press 1st set @ 45kg 12 reps, main set @ 70kg 10 reps till failure V bar cable pulldown 1st set @ 60kg 12 reps, main set @ 80kg 10 reps till failure rope cable pulldown 1st set @ 20kg 12reps, main set @ 40kg 8reps till failure had a protein shake then for evening snack gonna cook 2 peppered steaks and stick them on 2 slices of wholemeal toast (just finished it, was so so nice.) as i dont normally have a cheat day i treated myself to a small bowl of raspberry pavalova icecream. think the test is starting to get to work, feeling very pumped tonight after gym and my chest and arms look bigger than normal will be having protein shake before bed and liv52, glucosomine, omega3 fish oil |
3 cups of oats, 5 eggs and 1 yolk with half cup of raisins mixed in. protein shake with 500ml of milk. cup of tea. 3km fast walk to work mid morn 4slices wholemeal bread with peanut butter lunch tin of tuna, cherry tomato's, handfull of seeds and soya beans, washed down with 1/2 pint of milk. |
afternoon snack
protein shake 3km walk back from the office tea just about to have half a homemade quiche (half for the mrs) 200gm ham, cheese, onion, 6eggs, milk. gonna also hve 2 peppered steaks (supermarket has an offer on.....ha ha) evenin snack 4wheatabix with milk protein shake before bed and liv52, glucosomine, omega3 fish oil |
400mg Deca jab this morn
cardio this morning 3km fast walk on 9incline seated crunch. warm up - 25@fullstack 2nd set -25@fullstack +35kg 3rd set - 20@fullstack +25kg last set - 20@fullstack dumbell side bends. warm up - 12@35kg each side main set - 12@45kg each side breakfast http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/c...7072011280.jpg protein shake soon as i got in then 3 cups of oats, 5 eggs and 1 yolk with half cup of raisins mixed in, throw in abit of choc protein powder now and again for an extra protein blast. cup of tea to wash it down. mid morning snack 4slices wholemeal seeded bread with 200gm ham |
tin tuna, tomato's, handful roasted seeds/soya beans, sweetcorn mid afternoon snack 4slices wholemeal seeded bread with peanut butter tea wholemeal pasta, 3chicken breasts, tomato and garlic sauce Back overhead pulldown cable row 8reps @25kg, 8reps @50kg, 8 reps @80kg , 6reps @85kg (personal best) Seated high row 8reps @40kg each side, 8reps @75kg each side close grip lat pulldown- 8reps @50kg, 8reps @70kg reverse pec dec: 8reps @40kg, 8reps @70kg T-bar row 8reps @40kg, 8reps @60kg lever shrugs 8reps @40kg each side, 8reps @80kg each side dumbell shrugs 8reps @30kg, 8reps @40kg Biceps seated dumbell preacher curls 8reps @15kg, 8reps @17.5kg, 8reps @22.5kg seated preacher curl machine 8reps @35kg, 8reps @45kg barbell curl 8reps @20kg 8reps @30kg really good workout tonight protein shake before bed and liv52, glucosomine, omega3 fish oil |
yep it was specially for you skinny....lol |
protein shake with 500ml of milk. cup of tea. 3 cups of oats, 5 eggs and 1 yolk with a handful of raisins 3km fast walk to work mid morn 4slices wholemeal bread with 200gm ham |
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