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SkinnyGuy 01-18-2012 05:40 PM

I just recommended the following diet.

Alright buddy. Regardless of your metabolism I am worried about your cholesterol. Your going to have to build up to eating alot of food but for your first meal you'd be better of with lets say 2 scoops of wheyor 12 egg whites, a bagel and 2 tbsp of all natural peanut butter. Meal two could be two scoops of whey with 3/4 cups of oats and a banana. Meal three, 6 oz chicken(cooked) 1 cup of brown rice. meal 4: 6 oz lean beef and a cup of rice. Postworkout meal- whenever that is 2 scoops of whey and a bagel/soda/ fat free candy. (60 grams simple carbs). Last meal 2 scoops of whey and two tbsp of all natural pb. This would be a place to start. jsut an example.

Cornish_Celt 01-18-2012 05:56 PM


Originally Posted by SkinnyGuy (Post 19383)
pre work out drink+creatine and 20 mgs dbol
work out 4:30 am
post work out shake-6:30
8:30 english muffin tb spoons peanut butter and some jelly
10-11 one 10-012 chicken breast, one whole small potato worth of potatoes and asparagus 10 skinny stalks(took and hour to eat cause i was working also)
2-3 20 mgs dbol+same as above
5:00 6 whole eggs(im sure thats where your worried about my cholesteral I just cant bring my self to dump out those delicious yolks, guess i have to start.
7:00 two beef and cheese burritos. 8-10 ounce of lean ground beef drainded and 5 oz cheddar cheese
8:30 shake and sleepy time.

I may be reading this wrong but I'm concerned that there isn't enough carbs especially if you're bulking, Have you worked out the macros on this it just doesn't seem to be enough calories.
If you look at the break down of my daily intake(when bulking) you'll see that I have just over 800gms of carbs and 5580ish calories (I'm not saying that you need to go straight for 6000 calories).

What's you're normal calorific intake when not bulking and what calories are you aiming for now(while bulking)?

Cornish_Celt 01-18-2012 05:57 PM


Originally Posted by SkinnyGuy (Post 19385)
I just recommended the following diet.

Alright buddy. Regardless of your metabolism I am worried about your cholesterol. Your going to have to build up to eating alot of food but for your first meal you'd be better of with lets say 2 scoops of wheyor 12 egg whites, a bagel and 2 tbsp of all natural peanut butter. Meal two could be two scoops of whey with 3/4 cups of oats and a banana. Meal three, 6 oz chicken(cooked) 1 cup of brown rice. meal 4: 6 oz lean beef and a cup of rice. Postworkout meal- whenever that is 2 scoops of whey and a bagel/soda/ fat free candy. (60 grams simple carbs). Last meal 2 scoops of whey and two tbsp of all natural pb. This would be a place to start. jsut an example.

For a beginner that looks fine although I would say 6 egg whites and 2 yolks instead of the 12 whites

SkinnyGuy 01-18-2012 06:49 PM

My macros
300+ protien for sure each day not usually a prob getting that down
300-400 carbs I think yester day all together with cheese and tortillas for the burritos and 2 small potatoes I was a little over
4-5000 calories is what I'm going for but eating clean it's hard to get that high. I was told that when your not eating clean you nutrients can be being blocked from being absorbed.

So it looks like I should focus on carbs a little more.

I'll try what the other guy wrote down for me too see how that goes.

SkinnyGuy 01-18-2012 06:59 PM

Thanks CC

I'm Goin to check out the nutrition section again also.

SkinnyGuy 01-18-2012 07:17 PM

Back day woot woot

wide grip chinups hahah chinups
3 sets of ten thesse are getting real easy

bent over rows
225*8 (moven on up to the east side)

bent over rows revers grip

mercury starters
90*10 easy peezy
110*10 ouch

high row
180*10 slow
230*10 two sets slow and squeezing
270*10 fast and jerking around but gotem

wide grip pull down
90*10 four sets slow and squeezing

latisimus push down
70*10 sow ans squeezing

well my back looked good pumped today. Aside form the red elevated subsideing acne. but the work out felt good and im still getting stronger and the work outs are great.

SkinnyGuy 01-18-2012 08:12 PM


Originally Posted by SkinnyGuy (Post 19388)
My macros
300+ protien for sure each day not usually a prob getting that down
300-400 carbs I think yester day all together with cheese and tortillas for the burritos and 2 small potatoes I was a little over
4-5000 calories is what I'm going for but eating clean it's hard to get that high. I was told that when your not eating clean you nutrients can be being blocked from being absorbed.

So it looks like I should focus on carbs a little more.

I'll try what the other guy wrote down for me too see how that goes.

Alright Im eating way to much protien I just looked at every thing and I'm a actually in the 400 range in protien I need to lower that and up my carbs

SkinnyGuy 01-19-2012 09:43 PM

Chest and tris
incline chest press machine plate weighted
270*7- could have dont more but wanted to try to move up
290*3should not have done these this hurt my injured shoulder

over head tri extension dumbell
100*10 three sets I moved up to 125 last week but the shoulder was not feeling good after the incline chest press machine

bench machine(wide grip concentrating on making my chest burn)
100*15 four sets 3 second count up and down

flat bar push downs
90*10 two sets 4 second counts and a squeeze
90*8 two sets 4 second counts god these burn and a squeeze. i wanted to continue at ten reps but couldnt

pec deck
50*10 four sets 2 second counts and a squeeze

rope push down
30*12 and i left my tris were definately spent

feeling really good after my work outs right now.

SkinnyGuy 01-19-2012 09:55 PM

1-18 food
Post work out shake
English muffin 2 tbs peanut butter and some jelly
1 and half chicken breast asparagus and potatoes
Missed a meal working
Bagel tbs peanut butter and whey protien
Two beef and cheese burritos
Shake bed time

SkinnyGuy 01-19-2012 10:10 PM

5 Attachment(s)
some updated pics of me dont laugh too hard guys.:( my legs are looking like some what normal legs again which is a big improvement. Im not gaining as much weight as the other two but i feel pretty good about what im accomplishing so far.

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