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SkinnyGuy 01-04-2012 02:36 AM

1-3 food
7 eggs
English muffin with peanut butter and jelly
Weight gainer
Turkey sandwich
Two chicken breast boneless skinless
Weight gainer

SkinnyGuy 01-05-2012 06:44 PM

Chest and tris
Incline chest press machine

Skull crushers
105*10 ELBOS HURT!!!

Standing flys
50*12 two sets
Switched position starting low finishing high working upper pec
30*12 three sets

Over head tricep push

Tricep push down bar
50*12 three sets
Reversed grip
40*12 switched back 15 more reps three sets

That was it today I left out some stuff I am switching my work out times and was a little off today. I'm trying to be in the gym by 5 in the morn which means I'm up at 4:30. Tomorrows should be better.

SkinnyGuy 01-05-2012 10:48 PM

After a little deliberation I think I'm going to go back to eating cleaner again. I just felt better when eating clean. Pasta chicken asparagus brown rice and steak is the new plan from now on. Well and eggs I just got used to those. Probably going to finish my weight gainer and switch to whey isolate also.

neocon1 01-06-2012 12:51 AM

Looks good bro. U eat like a champ. Wish my diet was that clean. :p I had 2 cinnamon rolls today lol. and on back day can I ask why u do rg rows and regular babrbell rows. Id drop regular babrbell rows and replace them with db rows.

SkinnyGuy 01-06-2012 02:13 AM


Originally Posted by neocon1 (Post 19195)
Looks good bro. U eat like a champ. Wish my diet was that clean. :p I had 2 cinnamon rolls today lol. and on back day can I ask why u do rg rows and regular babrbell rows. Id drop regular babrbell rows and replace them with db rows.

Yeah I am doing the back work out that Phil Heath goes through on his video. I like it alot I feel pretty swole when I get done. I do dumbbell rows also I call them mercury starters.

SkinnyGuy 01-06-2012 02:16 AM

Potatoes broccoli and two chicken breast. And a tall glass of milk is dinner.

SkinnyGuy 01-06-2012 02:57 AM

1-5 food
Weight gainer
Tuna sandwich
Bowl of brown rice
Two chicken breast broccoli and potatoes
Weight gainer before bed.

SkinnyGuy 01-06-2012 02:08 PM

315*10- thats a personal record for me. Last time I was only doing this 3-4 times. Not to shabby for a little guy with legs that have been peiced back together more times than humpty dumty.

From here on every thing is four second count up and down.

Vertical squat machine(working Below horizontal and half up)
12*160 four sets
Super set
Laying leg curl
10*90 two sets
10*100 two sets

Leg extensions
70*10 two sets
60*10 two sets

Wow that was a great work out my thighs could deflect bullets they are so tight right now! Seriously feelin the burn today.

SkinnyGuy 01-06-2012 06:07 PM

Ate five eggs before gym and had a bowl of brown rice after.

Lunch was another plate of potatoes brocoli and a chicken breast.

SkinnyGuy 01-06-2012 08:18 PM

Second lunch woot woot

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