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1-3 food
7 eggs English muffin with peanut butter and jelly Weight gainer Turkey sandwich Two chicken breast boneless skinless Fettuccini Weight gainer |
Chest and tris
Incline chest press machine 90*10 140*10 180*10 200*8 230*6 Skull crushers 75*10 85*10 95*10 105*10 ELBOS HURT!!! Standing flys 50*12 two sets 50*10 40*10 Switched position starting low finishing high working upper pec 30*12 three sets Over head tricep push 70*15 80*10 90*10 Tricep push down bar 50*12 three sets Reversed grip 40*12 switched back 15 more reps three sets That was it today I left out some stuff I am switching my work out times and was a little off today. I'm trying to be in the gym by 5 in the morn which means I'm up at 4:30. Tomorrows should be better. |
After a little deliberation I think I'm going to go back to eating cleaner again. I just felt better when eating clean. Pasta chicken asparagus brown rice and steak is the new plan from now on. Well and eggs I just got used to those. Probably going to finish my weight gainer and switch to whey isolate also.
Looks good bro. U eat like a champ. Wish my diet was that clean. :p I had 2 cinnamon rolls today lol. and on back day can I ask why u do rg rows and regular babrbell rows. Id drop regular babrbell rows and replace them with db rows.
Potatoes broccoli and two chicken breast. And a tall glass of milk is dinner.
http://img.tapatalk.com/a6cd89a0-6756-02bf.jpg |
1-5 food
7eggs Weight gainer Tuna sandwich Bowl of brown rice Two chicken breast broccoli and potatoes Weight gainer before bed. |
Squats 135*15 185*10 225*10 245*10 275*10 295*10 315*10- thats a personal record for me. Last time I was only doing this 3-4 times. Not to shabby for a little guy with legs that have been peiced back together more times than humpty dumty. From here on every thing is four second count up and down. Vertical squat machine(working Below horizontal and half up) 12*160 four sets Super set Laying leg curl 10*90 two sets 10*100 two sets Leg extensions 70*10 two sets 60*10 two sets Wow that was a great work out my thighs could deflect bullets they are so tight right now! Seriously feelin the burn today. |
Ate five eggs before gym and had a bowl of brown rice after.
Lunch was another plate of potatoes brocoli and a chicken breast. |
Five eggs Bowl of brown rice Chicken breast potatoes and broccoli Penne pasta with clams mussels prawns and white wine sauce Little broccoli Potato and chicken burritos (one whoe chicken breast) Weight gainer |
Didnt have a chance to make it to the gym today grrr busy doing family stuff
Got tomorrows jab ready for the morn before back day. Last bit of TNE more than likely going to try to get some more from GearPro. It's some good stuff. ;-)
http://img.tapatalk.com/a6cd89a0-2a9a-8915.jpg |
Food 1-7
Cinnamon toast crunch (two bowls) 7 eggs Pizza Weight gainer 3 Steak and potato burrito spaced out an hour in between each.(1pound steak) Might have another weight gainer before bed |
Wide grip pull ups 3 sets of 10 Bent over rows 135*10 185*10 195*10 205*8 Reverse grip Bent over rows 185*10 205*10 Mercury starters(dumbbell row) 90*10 100*10 110*10 two sets High row machine 180*10 230*10 250*10 270*10 two sets http://img.tapatalk.com/a6cd89a0-0267-3869.jpg Lat push down rope sec count 80*10 70*10 60*10 50*10 no rest Fellin a lot stronger!! And looking better too |
Food 1-8
Three eggs and potatoes Weight gainer One peice of pizza(pregnant GF is on a pizza kick) Chicken breast asparagus and potatoes Weight gainer Not a very good eating day for me |
Seated military press
95*10 115*10 135*10 Preacher curls slow ez bar 65*10 four sets Dumbbell shoulder press 45*10 50*10 55*10 60*10 65*8 Next time I'm going to start with 55 and see if I cant go to 70 lbs Concentration curls 25*10 two sets 20*10 Lateral raises all the way to the top 20*10 four sets Rear delt pulls(cable) 10*10 three sets of 10 Preacher curl machine 40*10 30*10 20*10 10*10 no rest I was concentrating on going slow on biceps and really trying to squeeze the muscle and it really made a difference my arms are really sore! Shoulders I'm mor concentrating on moving up weight since the squeeze is kind of hard to feel. |
Wanted to post this song but I'm on my cell as usual
1-9 food
4 eggs and potatoes Shake One chicken breast and 2 cupscooked brown rice One chicken breast and two cups cooked brown rice 2 hours later Two bean burritos Three beef tacos Weight gainer Bed time |
Chest and tris
Incline chest press machine 90*15 180*10 200*10 220*10 230*9 Over head tri extension (dumbbell) 80*10 90*10 100*10 110*9 Rest of the work out is about slow movements and feeling the muscle tighten and working the whole rang of motion. Bench press machine 90*10 100*10 110*8 Tricep push down 70*10 90*10 100*10 110*10 Decline bench machine 70*10 90*10 110*10 120*10 Standing flys 30*10 four sets Tricep push down rope 70*10 three sets I got some advice from a buddy of mine at the gym who is also a trainer and he said to do what I've emplimented which is slowing down the movement and concentrating on the muscle contraction. It has really made a difference. If your reading thanks ken! |
4 eggs and potatoes
Shake Peanut butter English muffin Tom kah soup with prawns and calamari Bowl of fiber one cereal Three pieces of pizza(man I hate my self) Tri tip Weight gainer Bed time |
My truck is in the shop so I probably won't have a ride to the gym tomorrow but I'll pack for it just incase.
Alright been thinking about and I'm probably going to start running some dbol for the end of my cycle 30-4 mgs a day on top of the 750teste/week and primo 200/week
Squats 45*20 135*10 225*10 275*10 315*10 Horizontal squat machine (droppin below the knee and half up) 180*12 two sets 180*13 180*14 Laying Leg curls 100*10 four sets Leg extensions(with a pause at the top) 60*10 70*10 three sets On all the exercises except the squats I was taking 60 secs rest in between sets and concentrating on slow movements. On squats I was concentrating on not collapsing =] |
Food 1-11
Shake Turkey sandwich Tri tip and bowl of brown rice Bowl of fiber one cereal Chicken breast an brown rice Weight gainer before bed man I was busy as all hell at work today and my eating was just not on point I need more food. |
Me thinking I'm tough staring down the squat rack.(I'm a little delusional)
http://img.tapatalk.com/a6cd8a60-108e-7537.jpg |
Half eaten breakfast. I put these pics of food up so people know I actually eat all this stuff. The most common response I get when I tell people my diet is "your lieing no way you eat all that".
http://img.tapatalk.com/a6cd8a60-1f09-b3e7.jpg |
1-12 food
Shake 10-12 oz Steak and brown rice Pb&j three table spoons pb 6 fried eggs Chicken breast and asparagus Weight gainer Another light day =-/ Went grocery shopping last night picked up 20lbs of chicken breast, 10 dozen eggs, 10 lb sack of potatoes, 3 lbs of asparagus and a the big thing of whey protien that Cyto sells I don't remember how many lbs. still got a bunch of brown rice left from my last sack. |
Awww my favoright day back day
Wide grip pull ups 3 sets of 12 Bent over rows 135*15 185*10 195*10 205*10 Bent over rows reverse grip 185*10 205*10 225*8 only six were good though. I got a wild hair on my ass decided to try to move up worked well I think Mercury starters(dumb bell rows) 100*10 110*10 three sets High row machine 180*10 250*10 270*10 270- did some more halfersjust to squeeze the back some more Wide grip lat pull downs 120*10 three sets I was pretty beat by time I got here Straight arm push down squeezing the lats 75*10 three sets I love back day I always leave the gym feeling so pumped all over! |
Made a post twice sorry
Chest and tris
Incline chest machine plate weighted 90*20 180*10 230*10 250*9 270*8 Over head tris dumbbell 60*20 100*10 110*10 125*8 had a spotter that helped me get the last two Bench press machine( wide grip) 70*10 80*10 90*10 110*10 120*8 these freakin hurt Tricep push down bar 100*10 110*10 120*10 130*10 Those are on a machine with two pulleys an physics tells me that compared to a single pulley they are half the weight. Decline bench machine plate weighted 70*10 90*10 100*10 110*10 Rope tricep push down 40*10 four sets Standing cable flys 30*10 three sets All the exercises except for the first two were slow 2-4 second counts with a paused squeeze. And I feel pretty dang good about them. Still got a long way to go to reach my goals. |
1-13 food
Shake after workout Chicken breast asparagus and brown rice English muffin with two table spoons peanut butter and some jelly Chicken breast asparagus and brown rice Six eggs over medium 10 oz steak, prawns, four cheese pasta and broccoli |
1-14 food
Weight gainer 6 eggs 1 and half chicken breast asparagus potatoes Home made beef chili 1and half chicken breast asparagus potatoes Weight gainer Had four beer and chips today also watching the game I don't think I'm eating enough food because I'm just not gaining. It's really hard for me to eat more than this especially at work I just don't have time. |
Shoulders and bi's
Seated military press 95*10 115*10 135*8 155*6 I should have done more but with out a spotter it's a little scary Preacher curls 65*8 four sets my biceps were still sore from back day Seated shoulder press db 50*10 60*10 65*8 I wanted to go to 70 but I just did not have it in me. Concentration curls 25*8 four sets Lateral raises 25*10 one set Every thing is still slow (2-4 sec counts) and on biceps with a squeeze at the top. I left early very rarely do I not have to motivation to work out but Sunday I just felt beat down. |
1-15 food
Weight gainer 6 eggs Popcorn and candy at the movies Whole wheat Spaghetti and beef Whole wheat spaghetti and beef two hours later Protien shake Missed a meal today. |
Squats 135*10 225*10 275*8 315*8 335*8 the first two were crap cause it was my first time with this weight. Horizontal squat machine(basically working from below chair position to just above) 180*10 three sets Superset Laying leg curl 90*10 three sets Did both with a four second count and they hurt Leg extensions 80*8 four sets with a 2 second count both ways and a 2 sec squeeze at top. The slower movements are really helping me out. I need to get an up dated pic of my legs up the are looking good! Maybe I should tan first hahah they are powder white. |
1-16 food
6 eggs English muffin 2 table spoons peanut butter and a little jelly Whole wheat spaghetti and meat sauce separated ou into 2 and a half meals 1.2 lbs ground beef and four cups pasta Chicken breast potatoes and asparagus Whey protien shake before bed |
Just got my new AI in formeron. Its a suicide inhibitor that coverts to a form testosterone that can't turn to estrogen. Its kinda cool and should help with the acne I'm getting.
pre work out drink+creatine and 20 mgs dbol
work out 4:30 am post work out shake-6:30 8:30 english muffin tb spoons peanut butter and some jelly 10-11 one 10-012 chicken breast, one whole small potato worth of potatoes and asparagus 10 skinny stalks(took and hour to eat cause i was working also) 2-3 20 mgs dbol+same as above 5:00 6 whole eggs(im sure thats where your worried about my cholesteral I just cant bring my self to dump out those delicious yolks, guess i have to start. 7:00 two beef and cheese burritos. 8-10 ounce of lean ground beef drainded and 5 oz cheddar cheese 8:30 shake and sleepy time. |
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