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sniper300c 05-30-2012 11:46 PM

good to see you back in again Skinny, im sitting this one out, im 3 moths into running hgh and test e. and loving it so far.
i wish you well my friend

SkinnyGuy 05-31-2012 04:50 AM


Originally Posted by sniper300c (Post 22030)
good to see you back in again Skinny, im sitting this one out, im 3 moths into running hgh and test e. and loving it so far.
i wish you well my friend

Thanx sniper good to see you man. I had an order ready to go for hgh and my woman said nooo. I was about send out a but load of money for an 8 month run:D

SkinnyGuy 05-31-2012 04:54 AM

Bagel, whey protein in 500lmls milk, two tablespoons
Three chicken and rice bowls
8 egg whites 1 cup brown rice

eazy 05-31-2012 11:14 AM


Originally Posted by SkinnyGuy (Post 19210)


Great log fella,keep the pictures coming!

SkinnyGuy 05-31-2012 08:23 PM

^^^^food porn

SkinnyGuy 05-31-2012 08:27 PM

shoulders and bis

seated db military press

lateral raises
35*8 two sets

upright row
95*8 two sets

close grip curls(slow reps)
65*8 four sets

man i love being back at it!!! I recently was offered a lot of help with a new diet that should help me gain and lean out a little at the same time.

SkinnyGuy 06-01-2012 03:36 PM

5 egg whites bagel banana
scoops whey brn rice macadamian nut oil
8 oz steak brn rice mac oil
8 oz steak brn rice mac oil
pre-work out- shake + waxymaize
post work out-shake +waxymaize
8 egg whites brown rice

I need to pick up some sweet potatoes and broccoli that is suposed to be in there in place of two of the brown ricesbut i did not have it or time to pick it up so today again ill have to do with out.

SkinnyGuy 06-01-2012 03:38 PM

this mornin I gave my rat 1 ml sust 250 and 1ml prop 100

SkinnyGuy 06-01-2012 08:48 PM

back day
wide grip pullups
3 sets of 10

bent over rows

db mercury starters
100*8 three sets

striaght arm push downs

close grip pull downs
130*8 two sets

back was toast

SkinnyGuy 06-06-2012 05:44 PM

alright i am not able to diet correctly right now with my GF bein 7+ months pregnant. we are gon e mosst of the time doing stuff and setting up nurseries yada yada yada. so my diet is basically eat every thing you can when you can. not only that but my job got a whole lot more demanding. so eating a good diet at work is really hard!! im still lifting 5 days a week and now trying to get in golf 2 tims a week some times at 5am just caus that is the only time i have time now. I havent weighed my self since the begining but feel i look better.

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