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SkinnyGuy 01-27-2012 02:29 PM

delts and bis
seated db press

lateral raises
30*8 two sets

bent over lateral raises
25*10two sets

Preacher curl ezbar(5x5s)

preacher curl
55*20 four sets

incline bench hammer curls
25*10 four sets

Im pretty beat after that but not tired like I am on the other days probably cause the muscle groups are a lot smaller. and i forgot to do shrugs!dam.

SkinnyGuy 01-27-2012 08:57 PM

1-26 food
Shake, English muffin peanut butter
Whole wheat spagettis 8-10 ounce turkey beef mix
Chicken breast cheese rice
Inn and out double double plain(soo god dam good)
Bagel 8 egg whites
Cinimon toast crunch

SkinnyGuy 02-01-2012 11:03 PM

Had to take a break I was a little worn down from dieting and getting up at the butt crack of dawn. But I'm back tomorrow morn in the gym.

sniper300c 02-05-2012 06:45 PM


Originally Posted by SkinnyGuy (Post 19626)
Had to take a break I was a little worn down from dieting and getting up at the butt crack of dawn. But I'm back tomorrow morn in the gym.

you feeling any better skinny??

you managed to pile on anymore lbs

SkinnyGuy 02-07-2012 02:08 AM

Yeah I got up to 191 now I'm feelin good again I was going hard for about 2 and a half months but I'm doing much better I want to put on about another five and the start cutting up.

admin 02-07-2012 05:37 PM

one of those awesome recipes ;)


Originally Posted by SkinnyGuy (Post 18989)

My recipe!!!
1ml primo 1.5 ml test E .5ml TNE

SkinnyGuy 05-30-2012 03:04 AM

Alright I guess I'm in for the bulker. Kinda self conscious about my acne but guess I need to not be a pussy and just get over it.

Right now I'm running a trt dose of prop and sust.

I'm thinking of adding either eq or winny depot and then also upping the dose of prop and sust.

Supps-not taking any right now except protein

Trying to eat cleaner and eat good food and get away from supps for energy pre work out I drink coffee.... To be continued

SkinnyGuy 05-30-2012 03:25 AM

Also going to run Aromasin for and AI.

SkinnyGuy 05-30-2012 08:02 PM

quick stats-If you look above i got to 191. and held on to it for a while but los motivation in life due to low testosterone apparently having to use various steroids for asthma as a child afected my testoterone and then cycling fo 8 months did not help either. but i have no regrets cause i got my legs back and can hike and hunt and everything else except the running sports i used to do.... enough babbleing

weighed in this morn at 175 no biggie once my diet kick in and I start taking higher doses I should get back up there in no time.

body fat is cruising on the high side probably 15-18% i think im guessing high

age is 28

been lifting for many yers but have a lot to learn...

diet well youll see. I'll posst my daily intake.

pics still to come.....dont make fun of my acne or I'll find you.......and ask you to appologize nicely.

SkinnyGuy 05-30-2012 08:15 PM

chest and tri's

laying down bench machine-Plate weight and the arms they attach to weigh more than a bar but i dont have to use balance muscles or fear of killing my self.


db chest press- holding both arms at the bottom and doing them one at a time...this hurts!
55*5- I can do better

fly machine
110*10 four sets

easy bar tri push down(double pulley)
130*6 four sets

super set

rope tri push down(single pulley)

good work out. still trying to get my weights up.

gave my rat 200mgs Prop this morn

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