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osfitness 06-26-2012 05:40 PM

today was back.,..

in the grove.. up to 217.0....

cardio 40 mins...


wide low rows- 195 for 4 sets of 10
superset with rev pulldowns 150

seated hammer rows.. 275 / 4 sets 10

pulldowns hammer- 185 for 4 sets of 10

hypers with 45 plate..

osfitness 06-29-2012 03:06 PM

i did delts yesterday:

4 sets 5 exercises....

side cable raise 40 x 10rps
side seated db raise 20 x 20rps
front delt raises 20 x10
rear delt machine 90x 10, 110, 110, 110 x 10
frt db press.. 50 x 12, 60, 60, x 10 70 x 5

best workout in a long time.. 70's used to be hard for me at the beginning of the sets.. 70 at the end.... feel like a new man

calves: leg press machine 3 plates for 15
5 plates for 10 3 sets.... (most ever)
seated calves- 3 sets of 100

diet going well... still keeping the BF down.. 9.4% throughout the contest....

CARDIO: 45 mins stairs interval training.. 20 ins stairs, tread for 30

diet is still the same.. rotating carbs... more low days than high... doing this wil keep me leaner which is my goal..

i see no sense in doing 25 lbs gain with a bunch of fat then net 5-6 lbs of real muscle...

osfitness 06-29-2012 03:39 PM

progress-- stats
Chems: 50mg tren A EOD
Test prop 200 EOD
Proviron 25-50 daily
Arimidex EOD 1 mg
GH 2 iu M-F
nolvalog 2 iu 4 x's W/meals

using dave palumbo's crealyze on WO days
Vit 3 800 daily
1000mg vit C daily
hot stuff multi glandular
started need 2 slin 2 days ago (off slin added to reduce fat)
BCAA chained _PRE WO- 1 scoop with labrada glutimine
BCAA 1 sp after WO with 50g protein
2 scp fiber (2x's daily) 10g fiber 2 x;s

kelp tabs 2 x;s daily


wt 217
BF= 9.4%
LBM= 193.56
FM= 20.53


totao up LBM- 184-9 --- 193.56 = 8.66lbm gain

body fat the same.....

goal attained....

admin 06-29-2012 07:42 PM

240 views, keep posting :)

osfitness 06-30-2012 04:55 PM

OFf Day
only cardio today...

low carb day as well...

40 mins stairs 10 HIIT then 30 on the bike. hr 115-125

osfitness 07-02-2012 03:01 PM

Its July!
Chest day:

I also had been using nolva 2iu pre food with carbs.. last 2 days and lost 4 lbs.. kinda weird since I carbed up yesterday..

old speg factory, bread, and more bread, W/ butter..

i'd say 600 g carbs..... feel great!

ALL clean carbs, pasta, bread, oats, raisins, raspberries, met rx colossal bar,
high fiber bread

Ironically down 4 lbs in the last few days..

not sure why, but it is fine with me. the goal is to get lean muscle bulk, not fat bulk... bulking with more fat is easy, i can just eat more food and gain an easy 2lbs a week..... been there done that.. only leaves you feeling fat, bloated, big belly and too fat to diet for a show...

my goal was to get as much muscle on this year before Jan1st... want to stay a light heavyweight... so no need to get fat...

no cardio today.. being down 4, i slept a Little longer...

current stack:

prop 200 eod or 100 (depends on bloating)
gh 2 iu 5d/wk
tren, 50 mg D
arimadex 1 eod

osfitness 07-03-2012 03:39 PM

Weight back up
back up to 216.... must have ate some bad chicken or something....

feel great!

CArdio today:

stairs HIIT 10 mins...
tread 30 mins 125hr....

eating 3 meals of carbs, 3 meals no carbs.. adding in lots of veggies, and fats.


Protein- 350
Carbs - 150
Fats - 150

back day... looking to do mostly deadlifts.. been slacking on them lately

osfitness 07-03-2012 11:27 PM

Got back done today:

Front pulldowns- 80-90-110-110-110 drop to 90, 80
Let wide pulldowns- 120 , 150, 150, 150 all for 12 reps

deadlifts, 135 for 12
225 for 10
275 for 4 (slight pull in hamstring.)
might be a little dehydrated... stopped, just in case..

no need to push and get hurt.. going to good at this point

I am finally almost pain free.. knees are feeling great, shoulder is 99.9% better...

time to crank it up..

Happy fourth dudes.......

I'll be off tomorrow.. rest and eat...

osfitness 07-04-2012 02:46 PM

OFF Day with cardio
today is 40 min stairs WO...

weight up to 217 today.,...

love it

Happy 4th to all , keep training hard..... or eat a bag of chips....

and for god's sake, keep your cell phone in your gym bag.. gheesss

osfitness 07-05-2012 02:30 PM

down a few lbs from cardio yesterday.. carb up tomorrow or friday..

delts have been great WO lately... looking for a great one today..

may back off of the cardio for a few weeks...

only 175 g carbs yesterday, 150 today and tomorrow then 500 for sat...


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