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osfitness 06-02-2012 03:42 PM

Sat 6/2 progress

today stats:

wt= 209
BG 9.4%
LBM 189

tri- 4.5
chest- 6
mid- 5
sub- 15
sup- 7
quad- 7

wt= 205.2
BG 9.9%
LBM 184.9

tri- 4.5
chest- 6
mid- 5
sub- 18
sup- 7
quad- 7

up 5lbs and down .5% BF....

osfitness 06-02-2012 03:42 PM

stats today

today stats:

wt= 209
BG 9.4%
LBM 189

tri- 4.5
chest- 6
mid- 5
sub- 15
sup- 7
quad- 7

wt= 205.2
BG 9.9%
LBM 184.9

tri- 4.5
chest- 6
mid- 5
sub- 18
sup- 7
quad- 7

up 5lbs and down .5% BF....

osfitness 06-03-2012 03:45 AM

leg day
leg ext- 10rps- 90,135,135,90
leg press- 600- 15, 18, 15
squats- 185 for 8 2 sets 9 back tight)
leg press machine, close feet- 320-20, 20, 20
leg ext- 5 sets of 130, 130, 115, 90, 90

leg curls- seatted- 135 for 4 sets of 12

spent at that point.

ate like a pig today in Napa.. wine, burger, fries, mac and cheese..

bread, yada, yada....

cardio tomorrow

osfitness 06-08-2012 03:06 PM

off but not out...
So i was not on here for a few days, I am opening up my own gym, so very buzy.. I still do not miss meals, training at all...

up to 214 from 204 from my start date.... 5/27/12

got my tren this week, doing 3rd shot today...

last few workouts:

Sun: legs
MOn: chest/ bic
Tues: delts/.tri
Wed: off
Thurs: off out of town
today: back /hams

changed workouts this next few weeks to drop sets, slow negatives...

changing intensity every few weeks always works best for me...

Today: deads; 5 sets..wt ? 275/315/315 ? ?

rows: 150 4 sets drop 2 sets
under hand rows with rope, 4 sets; 120 4 sets with 2 drops
pulldowns- 190 4 sets 2 drops

hams, stiff legs 145 for 4 sets 15
seated curls- 135 for 4 sets drop sets 2
lying curls- 100/90/90-80-60 for 15 20

cardio 30 mins...

osfitness 06-10-2012 03:54 PM

Leg day agin
So i did legs again, tried 8 plates on the leg press for drop sets.. pulled a muscle in my right abductor, so i stopped asap.... only a slight pull ... might be a llittle brave.. managed to get:

leg press: 2 plates-20
4 plates- 15
6 plates- 10 (all warm ups)
7plates 2sets for 15 and 12...
8 plates for 4 then pull

leg press machine feet in close:
210 for 30 rps Sup set with leg ext 135 for 15
290 for 20 --sup set 135 for 12
320 for 25-- sup set 100 for 12
350 for 15- sup set for 10

lunges 15 4 times no weight.. (abdct pulling)

cardio for 20 mins.. 120 HR\

had a nice cheat meal.. mexican ... ribeye 14 0z steak... beans, no rice.. chips and caso...

weight today down from yesterday! 215-- 214..

Stats for last 2 weeks in links

up from 209-214
BF down from 9.4-9.1%
LBM- up from 189- 194

June 2 stats

June 9th stats

cycle going very well.... up from 204 to 214 in 2 weeks.... how is everyone else doing?

good luck to all....

osfitness 06-16-2012 09:27 PM

up to 216.6 yesterday...


leg ext 4 warm ups- 50-70-90-110

135 for 12

150 for 8
170 2 sets for 8 then drop

front squats-- 100 for 3 sets of 12 (been 10 years or more since i did them)
lunges with 50 20 each leg 4 times

leg presses 290-25
320 3 sets of 20 reps

diet the same,,

rotating days on the carbs..

2 low around 200
1 high 4-500

2-3 low 200-300

1 up to 400-500

seems to be keeping me lean and growing


took a few days off.. did 15 miins yesterday adn 30 mins today.. nice and easy

3.3 on tread at 3 % incline

osfitness 06-19-2012 04:46 PM

215 and climbing
still growing 3 weeks in.. feel great, and strength is going up big time...

still rotating carbs between 150-500... only 1-2 days at top 400-500 c daily... the rest is 250 ish and a day or 2 down to 150..

osfitness 06-19-2012 04:52 PM

cardio and back day
did back today, drop sets.. and did 40 mins cardio on stairs. 40 mins level 7 HR 130-140....
felt great..

PUREPOWER 06-19-2012 10:51 PM

Hittin it hard!

osfitness 06-25-2012 05:55 PM

Hey Prpower, good for you dude... keep hitting it...

up to 216.2 today from 204... going right along with the plan...

chest day today: was able to get 90's for incline dumbell press.. that has been a while.. 8 reps... felt really good... i could barely reach over to my right arm to turn don my ipod my chest was so pumped.... lol

nothing has changed in my diet or training, drop sets, high rep sets, straight sets...

diet is very strict and consistent.. rotating days from 150 carbs to 500...

3 days at 250, 1 at 150 and 2-3 at 250-500 ....

cardio is still EOD stairs.. HIIT for 10 mins then slow for 30 mins or HIIT for full 30....

maybe 70% of max....

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