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dfwtp 09-20-2011 05:28 PM

neck is still jacked up, but sinuses drained.'thank god

off day today, need some whirlpool time

3 weeks left

dfwtp 09-22-2011 02:33 AM

incline drop set 315 / 225 /135:)
powertec incline 3 # per side plus orange minis stop pause reps x 10

incline db fly/press hybrid 100 x 5 x5 x 5 10 seconds between
hammer military 3 # per side x 8 x 3 x2 10 seconds between
seated db side raise
rear delt pull downs to the chin

had not done incline press since 4/9/11. pleased to come back at a weightthat was not that far off from when I last did it, usually after 6 months the total pounds goes down by 25 % or more.


dfwtp 09-22-2011 02:14 PM

this neck thing is getting a little stupid here. Been a week now. livable but very draining

dfwtp 09-22-2011 02:43 PM

1 Attachment(s)
One of my favorites

dfwtp 09-22-2011 02:44 PM

There are two kinds of people in this world. The ninety-nines and the ones.
The Ninety-Nines...thats what I call 'em. Ninety-nine out of a hundred people can't fathom what I do. They scratch their heads, can't believe my dedication to this great sport. Many don't even think this a sport or that I have a life. Never let others define your 'life' for you. This is what I have chosen. This is the road I've taken, with all the potholes, bumps, and turns. The Ninety-nines, they can't commit 100% to being their best, to step up one day and stand tall among the giants.

There are those who rely on luck, and those who don't know the meaning of the word.
I don't play the lottery. I don't have the winning ticket. Everything I have, I busted my ass for. The only thing I ever got handed to me are the genetics my old man passed down. From him, I learned the value of a work ethic and getting your hands dirty. To those who've always wanted more, stand with me. We are few and we must stand on the mountaintops to be heard. When the day is done, our voices will carry. It shall be a call to all those who have always dreamed of something greater.

There are those who tear down others to build themselves up and those who just build.
To the naysayers, I say your words will fall on deaf ears. To the doubters, take your misgivings elsewhere. To the envious, do not desire what we will achieve. I will beat back mediocrity with a fierce hand, will demolish conformity, so that when it's time to cash in my chips, I won't leave a legacy of regret, that I didn't go for mine. In each of us lies the power to start something... So to those of you out there who can hear, let me say again, who are you and will you stand with me?

Love to revisit this from time to time as a reminder

dfwtp 09-23-2011 01:16 AM

1 Attachment(s)
barbell curl weight hanging w/ bands

Chaotic barbell curl - YouTube

db curl 40 # and 75 #
low cable rope curl
low cable straight bar curl
db concentration curl 40#

rope pushdown
barbell hanging weight skull crusher
weighted dips 90 # 180#

dfwtp 09-23-2011 11:35 PM

off day
been keeping the carbs a little lower on non training days, but keeping the protein higher

traveling tomorrow for a show, not mine, clients, so I got a visitoers pass from the promoter for a gym down the street.
We will see if it is a cool place, although I usually don't need too many fancy pieces to do legs

dfwtp 09-26-2011 08:31 PM

2 Attachment(s)
9/24 (Out of town at another facility to train. Free pass from the promoter , very nice)
Squat 465x8
leg press 9 side
The machine was a nice machine but the plates were so cumbersome, and they took up so much space it was terrible.
Whoever designed them is foolish and must have never loaded up a machine b4
glute ham raise 3 sets
seated leg curl w/partials
leg ext w/partials and drops
calf raise
Again the machine was fine, but the plates. I added a bar to the machine and then put plates on it.

ogy 09-26-2011 09:03 PM

I see what you mean lol, the second pic looks like you have twice as many plates on because they are so widely spaced!!

To be fair, the 99 wont use that many plates pmsl :D:D:D:D

SkinnyGuy 09-26-2011 09:29 PM

HAHA those plates look like a pain in the ass... and just plain silly!!! but that gym looks brand spankin new

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