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dfwtp 07-11-2011 01:39 PM

Body Transformation log
1 Attachment(s)
New log
body transformation contest
Continuation of old log with new parameters
Starting point 204 lbs
bf% ?? Currently a little smooth, but holding onto a few lines
building clean quality muscle is the goal.
Trying to stay relatively lean as the process unfolds, but I am playing with the calorie intake, so may be times of fatness along with other tighter moments
will post some pics and videos: YouTube - ‫????? MPFllc‬‎
as the contest goes on

dfwtp 07-11-2011 01:52 PM

Food intake:

6 meals Sun -Fri

meal 1: 50 gr protein
20 grams fat
20-50 grams carbs (optional) more often then not I do not have, and
if I do it is the lower # of carbs @ 20

meal 2: 50 grams protein
50 grams carbs
incidental fat

meal 3: 50 grams protein
50 grams carbs
25 grams fat

Meal 2 and 3 often switch depending on hunger and need for more fat (workout/work etc)

meal 4: post workout
50 grams simple sugar source
50 grams whey
0 fat

meal 5: 50 grams protein
25 grams fat
50 grams carbs (optional much like meal 1)

meal 6: 50 grams protein
25 fat
minimal carbs

Saturday: as many carbs as I can fit in my stomach all day. usually around 1500 for the day but I do not count. I just keep eating from the moment I get up until right b4 sleep.
No discretion as to what type (simple/complex/starchy/sugary etc). any and all will do except lactose. have a hard time with that
minimal fat and protein as i feel it gets in the way and I cannot eat as many carbs
If PED's were legal in my country I would like to use @ 375 test /week (balkan) from GBN, but I am an ethical law abiding citizen and refuse to break the law

dfwtp 07-11-2011 08:29 PM

YouTube - ‪rack deadlift‬‏

training 7/11
-rack deads -- video of last set ^^
-pullups (assisted) 35# x 41 (3 sets) need to get to 50 soon
-modified rows 40 reps (rest pause as needed to complete all 40)
these absolutely are the most exhausting. kind of feel like doing a set of walking lunges. need to sit and breathe for 5 minutes after.

-low back ext w/ band resistance
-Weighted abs

dfwtp 07-13-2011 01:37 PM

Tuesdays always off
Find I am hungrier on off days sometimes. Sometimes give it more fat sometimes not. Yesterday @25 grams + from powerbutter

dfwtp 07-14-2011 01:35 AM

db press flat 150 # x 8 reps. ( big moment for me)
hammer decline 5 # side x 10
modified dips with 3 chains 1 set
machine press with assisted negs. stack /50# drop/50# drop/ 50# drop x f 1 set
trying to get the video off my phone. hopefully a little later

dfwtp 07-14-2011 02:33 AM

‪db press150#‬‏ - YouTube
here we go

dfwtp 07-14-2011 09:30 PM

AM weight 206.2 (hey if it is .2 of muscle i'll take it)
-pushdowns 6 45#'s x fatigue
-barbell bicep curls (I used rope and hang the weight from the bar as well as weight on the bar. I'll have to video it one day as it doesn't make a lot of sense until u see it) 1 set drop
-skulls w/weight & w/2 bands (awesome) 1 set
-cable curls 1 set
-dips 3 ways 1 set
-hammer curls 1 warmup, 1 working set(used the 75's for more then 2 for the first time)x 8

Robbie 07-14-2011 10:57 PM

Looking HUGE bro ! interested in watching this one !

dfwtp 07-15-2011 05:19 PM

fri no training
@ 30 min light cardio if you want to call it that
Always a tough day waiting to eat tomm. morning
got some new kids cereal that needs to disappear

dfwtp 07-16-2011 11:13 PM

box squat 4 # side + chains (65#) all off the floor at the top) 470# total x 8
bodyweight hamstring
lying ham curls (partials/ top/ bottom/ full rom)x2 1 set full negatives
hack squat 1 warm .1 working set
seated calf 2 warm. 1 working set 6 plates + wife and kid standing on the machine
standing calf some single leg x f

followed that up with 1/3 box of fruity pebbles and 1/2 can fat free redi whip:p

dfwtp 07-16-2011 11:15 PM

old video of body weight hams. i think i messed up the video b4 and it goes on with other crap, but the beginning is the right exercise.

admin 07-17-2011 02:09 PM

bro you need to post pics and some info to participate.

dfwtp 07-17-2011 11:32 PM

first post has the b4, and I have videos up of workouts those days, but i guess i will post some more pics. I figured i would wait longer then a week to post a follow up, but no worries

dfwtp 07-18-2011 09:24 PM

2 Attachment(s)
deadlift w orange mini bands
pullups 51 (3 sets 20 16 14)
modified row 45 + 35 side 50 2 rest pause
good mornings
abs with cable
2 photos upon completion

GeekPoop 07-20-2011 04:54 AM

holy christ man, all i gonna say is your pumped pic after workout. nj

dfwtp 07-20-2011 08:18 PM

100 degrees today
xtra water

-hammer decline 3 warm up sets -- 6 45's# side x 6
moving to 100 pound plates b4 someone gets killed when they fall off. most likely me. last time using 45's on this machine unless there is room on the end after they are on

-hammer flat w/ orange mini bands 5 sets x fatigue 60 seconds between ea. set

incline dumbell drop set 100 x f/ 70 x f/ 50 x f

dumbell fly 2 sets 60 # x 8 followed by deep stretch 15 # db hold for as long as possible

heavy abs (3 ex. 3 sets each)

100 grams carbs 50 waxi mai/ 2 bananas post workout.(+50 more then usual) feeling drained. prob dehydrated b/c heat

dfwtp 07-20-2011 08:19 PM


Originally Posted by GeekPoop (Post 14258)
holy christ man, all i gonna say is your pumped pic after workout. nj

maybe a little smooth:p, but thanks

SkinnyGuy 07-21-2011 05:50 PM

yeah ive seen your youtube lifts i think its funny when doing rack deads and you set down the weight and the camera shakes from what has to be 10 feet away.

dfwtp 07-22-2011 08:55 PM

skull crusher straight bar + bands orange minis
barbell curl bar w/chains
dips 1 blue band @ neck
individual chain curls 24's (don't like 21's) + 1 set crazy 8's (only made it to 5)
supported tri pushdown
cable curl

I hate arm day
feels like a waste of a workout

No tests... last two weeks. exams start next week again. Studying for @ 300 minutes per week

dfwtp 07-22-2011 08:58 PM

much needed off day. guess it was the heat that got me dehydrated yesterday.
heard it was 104 F.
chiro visit even though everything is in order

dfwtp 07-25-2011 08:33 PM


box squat safety squat bar 3 # side + 2 chains (65# ea) x 6
efts bodyweight hams 3 sets
seated leg curl full rom and partials x f
walking lunge 100# pre load
calf raise (hack squat)
calf raise (leg press)

weight were (felt) very heavy today

dfwtp 07-25-2011 08:34 PM

7 / 24

dfwtp 07-25-2011 08:40 PM

-rack deads (1 pin lower) dead stop 4# side x 5
much heavier and taxing w/out momentum and the notch lower
-pullups (assisted 35#) 25/20/14 (59) 9 rep increase--moving down in weight next week
-modified row (10 second rest pause) 90# side 25/10/8/7 (50) 10 pound increase 1 more rest pause
-standing good morning 135# x 3 sets
-heavy stretching (lats)

exams started yesterday, so test the first day back at it. took me 2:50 to complete it. debating on the next exam this week or if I will wait and study this same amount each week :confused:

dfwtp 07-26-2011 04:57 PM

scale not moving, strength creeping up, size not really increasing.
adding @100 carbs more per day, see how fat i get, or if I process them well.

today, off day

dfwtp 07-28-2011 01:40 AM

db flat 150 # x 8 (almost 9)
hammer decline 6# side x 8
20 degree incline dead stop bench press (on pins) 2 45's side =25 =2 chains(65) x5 -forced reps last 2
machine press negatives drop set stackxf up 50 x up 50 x f up 50 x f
cable crossover stretch and squeeze
hanging stretch
spotter did nothing after i completed 8th rep, could have prob done 1 or 2 more forced reps. next time

took in 1 more serving of (50)carbs later in the day, started w/ 50 first meal as well. @ 250-275 total

dfwtp 07-28-2011 04:39 PM

woke up lighter today . muther fucker.:mad::mad::mad::mad:
faith in the process

dfwtp 07-29-2011 12:38 AM

cambered bar curl60# side x 4 (felt really heavy)
barbell curl (standing/ supported)
hammer curl 75 # db x 7
tri cep pushdown
bench dips (w/band @ neck)
close grip pushups (band @ upper back)

admin 07-29-2011 08:37 AM

Keep us updated bro! Good luck! Some new pics?

dfwtp 08-01-2011 08:17 PM


leg press 14 45's /side x 8 Super set
hack squat 4 45's /side x 8
2 sets

glute ham raise 3 sets x 5
standing single leg curl stack x 8
leg ext warm ups -- stack x 8
standing calf raise (smith) 5 # side + 2 1/2 x f
seated calf raise 4 45's x f rest pause x f x f x f

dfwtp 08-01-2011 08:18 PM

7/ 31

dfwtp 08-01-2011 08:23 PM

barbell row warm ups 3 45's x 6 super set after final set w/dead stops
dead stop rows 225 x f (wow do these suck)
pullups (assisted) 25 # 15/15/12/10-----static holds -10 lbs (52)
reeves deadlift (cambered bar) 50# side 8 sets x 8
hyper ext 45 /90/ 135 # x 8

not a very high energy day, but weights and attitude was good. b4 and after is what is the problem
used and extra 80 mg caffeine preworkout. don't know if I even felt it or if it was worth it

admin 08-03-2011 04:53 PM

Looking good bro.


Originally Posted by c.m. (Post 14196)
deadlift w orange mini bands
pullups 51 (3 sets 20 16 14)
modified row 45 + 35 side 50 2 rest pause
good mornings
abs with cable
2 photos upon completion

admin 08-03-2011 04:53 PM

Bro please post more pictures here instead of links, people want to see pictures and progress.
Please try to make pics in the same place each week.

WE wanna see how body changes! :)

dfwtp 08-04-2011 05:40 PM

slight incline db bench warm up sets working set 120# x 15 + 2 partials:):):)
rest pause 10 more reps

incline machine press (orange minis) dead stop press 135#/ side x 7

db fly/press hybrid motion slow speed
hammer military press (with bands) 1st time doing this movement w/ bands (awesome) :):):)

dips w 75# db
hammer military press (bands)

side plate raise
front plate raise (back supported)

had video and pics from todays session. bluetooth messed up, called for help, master phone reset, lost all info on the phone. wonderful advice from a great company :mad::mad::mad:

great night


dfwtp 08-05-2011 03:02 PM

1 Attachment(s)
seated db curls 6 sets x 8
tri pushdown 6 sets x 8

barbell curl superset
seated db tri ext 3 sets

cable preacher curl -- high reps 3 sets
standing dips (kind of like the seated Hammer strength machine, but standing on the seat and using the pulldown handles for dips



dfwtp 08-08-2011 02:03 PM

box squat 455 x 4
‫????? MPFllc‬‎ - YouTube

glute ham superset
lying leg curl

leg ext superset
hack squat

calf raise standing
seated calf raise


dfwtp 08-08-2011 04:57 PM

210 this AM :D:D:D:D:D:D-c

dfwtp 08-09-2011 02:49 PM

rack deadlift (last pin) 2 x 5
pullups (assisted) 20# 15 13 10 8 7 (51)
barbell rows
pulldown partials/cable pullover partials

contracted an infection, swollen glands, pain etc

don't know where this will lead as far as training

off today
we'll see how it is 2 morow

dfwtp 08-11-2011 01:53 AM

tough day. still battling infection
felt ok to go train, for only one set
db press slight elevated 125# x 15

hammer decline 5 plates side x 5 "(this is where I started to crash)
smith incline 2 plates x 8 3 sets supersetted
db fly/ press hybrid 60 x f

battling sweats/chills fatigue aches. really not fun
but will get through it

new antibio today.
ibuprophen seems to do a lot

dfwtp 08-15-2011 08:30 PM

ok: I am back at it, as if anyone really cared:D:D:D

deadlifts (from bottom) up 45 pounds from last week:)
pullups ("ass) 20# 20,15,10,8 (53) down 5 next time:)
reeves deadlift db 60 # 30 sec rest btwn (holy shit)
6 sets 8 reps

cable partials (stretch and squeeze) heavy

feeling good today. 2 more days of antobiotics, hopefully do not need more. nastiest shit I ever had. no lie
still have some redness and swelling but very minor. could wear the belt today without discomfort

luckily maintained weight during this trash, but can't really tell if I am smoother or not b/c of the swelling, but the training was good, so grain of salt
gotta study for some more tests this week as the workload is going up so must my study time

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